
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:Emoticons and the translation is 0% complete.
MediaWiki extensions manual
Release status: stabil
Beskrivelse Enable forum-style emoticon (smiley) replacement within MediaWiki.
Forfatter(e) Markus Glaser, Alex Wollangk (alex@wollangk.com) and Techjar (tecknojar@gmail.com)
Maintainer(s) Hallo Welt! GmbH
Latest version 4.5
Compatibility policy For every MediaWiki release that is a Long Term Support release there is a corresponding branch in the extension.
MediaWiki 1.39 (LTS)
Licens GNU General Public License 3.0 only
Quarterly downloads 2 (Ranked 121st)
Translate the Emoticons extension if it is available at translatewiki.net
 Community Forum

This extension makes forum-style emoticon (smiley) replacements within MediaWiki. See the list of default emoticons below.

Emoticons requires BlueSpiceFoundation and ExtJSBase .


  • Download and move the extracted Emoticons folder to your extensions/ directory.
    Developers and code contributors should install the extension from Git instead, using:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/Emoticons
  • Add the following code at the bottom of your LocalSettings.php file:
    wfLoadExtension( 'Emoticons' );
  • Yes DoneNavigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.

Default emoticons

The following emoticons are defined by default:

 :-)    smile.png        smiling 
 :-(    sad.png          sad 
 :-|    neutral.png      neutral, sceptical 
 :-@    angry.png        angry, annoyed 
 ;-)    wink.png         winking, ironic 
 :-D    smile-big.png    laughing 
 :-/    thinking.png     thinking 
 :-X    shut-mouth.png   sealed lips 
 :'(    crying.png       crying 
 :-O    shock.png        shocked, surprised 
 :-S    confused.png     undecided, confused 
 8-)    laugh.png        laughing
 :lol:  glasses-cool.png cool, sunglasses 
 (:|    yawn.png         yawning 
 :good: good.png         good, thumbs up 
 :bad:  bad.png          bad, thumbs down 
 :-[    embarrassed.png  embarrassed, blushing 
 [-X    shame.png        ashamed 

Bluespice icon
This extension was originally made for BlueSpice. BlueSpice is a MediaWiki distribution for enterprises and organizations. It enhances MediaWiki, in particular in the areas of quality management, process support, administration, editing and security.

You can download this extension separately.
