DynamicPageList3 发行状态: 稳定版 |
实现 | 标签 , 解析器函数 |
描述 | 创建其他條目的列表,根据其「类别、命名空间、标题、引用」、或「模板使用」和包含内容或这些文章的模板调用的参数。 |
作者 | Universal Omega, Alexia E. Smith, Algorithmix, Dangerville, IlyaHaykinson, Theaitetos, Unendlich~dewiki |
最新版本 | 3.5.2 (2023-01-14) |
MediaWiki | 1.39.0+ |
数据库更改 | 是 |
Composer | universal-omega/dynamic-page-list3 |
许可协议 | GNU通用公眾授權條款3.0或更新版本 |
下載 | |
示例 | DPL:Manual - Gamepedia Help Wiki |
翻译DynamicPageList3扩展 | |
DynamicPageList3 扩展是一個MediaWiki的回报工具,以各种格式和细节列出类别成员和intersections。 有关完整文档,请参阅手册。
當DPL被一组基本选择参数调用时,会以一个或多个类别显示页面列表。 也可根据作者、命名空间、日期、名称模式、模板使用、或其他文章的引用等因素进行选择。 产出的形式多种多样,其中一些包含了所选文章的内容。
该扩展被解析器函数{{#dpl: .... }}
复杂的查询会可能会导致计算密集型的数据库查询。 不过,默认情况下,所有输出都会缓存一小时,以减少每次页面加载时重新运行查询的需要。 DPL:参数:其他参数手册页面包含可用于禁用缓存并允许即时更新的参数信息。
- Manual and Complete Documentation
- Documentation at Gamepedia Help Wiki
- Source Code
- Source code at GitHub
- Bugs and Feature Requests at GitHub
- [1]
- Licensing
- DynamicPageList3 is released under GNU General Public License, version 3.
- Download文件,并将其放置在您
目录内。 - 将下列代码放置在您的LocalSettings.php 的底部:
wfLoadExtension( 'DynamicPageList3' );
- If necessary configure as required.
- 完成 – 在您的wiki上导航至Special:Version,以验证已成功安装扩展。
These are DPL3's configuration settings along with their default values.
To change them make sure they are defined before including the extension on the wiki.
to $wgDplSettings
. This was to facilitate compatibility with MediaWiki 1.25's extension registration change.Setting | Default | Description |
By default all existing namespaces are used when DPL3 initializes. Customize this setting with an array of namespace constants to restrict DPL3 to work only in those namespaces. |
Set this to true to ignore 'maxCategoryCount' and allow unlimited categories. Please note that large amounts of categories in a query can slow down or crash servers.
Set this to true to ignore 'maxResultCount' and allow unlimited results. Please note that large result sets may result in slow or failed page loads.
Set this to true to ignore 'allowcachedresults' and always enable the parser cache.
6 | Maximum number of items in a category list before being cut off. |
3 | Set the level of parameters available to end users. |
4 | Maximum number of categories to allow in queries. |
0 | Minimum number of categories to allow in queries. |
500 | Maximum number of results to return from a query. |
Do recursive tag parsing on <dpl> parser tags converting tags and functions such as magic words like {{PAGENAME}} . This is similar to the {{#dpl}} parser function call, but may not work exactly the same in all cases.
Set this to true to allow DPL3 to run from protected pages only. This is recommend if wiki administrators are having issues with malicious users creating computationally intensive queries.
Set this to true to have DPL3 handle <section> tags outside of DPL parser tags.
10000 | Maximum allowed time for database queries in milliseconds. |
0 | Configure query cache time. The query cache cannot be purged. Suggested value between 30 to 600. |
The global variable $wgNonincludableNamespaces is automatically respected by DPL3.
It will prevent the contents of the listed namespaces from appearing in DPL3's output.
is a LIMIT on the SQL query itself. Some DPL query parameters like includematch
are applied after the SQL query, however, so results here may easily be misleading.Functional Richness
DynamicPageList3 has many features which are unlocked based on the maximum functional richness level.
There are some that can cause high CPU or database load and should be used sparingly.
$wgDplSettings['functionalRichness'] = 0
- equivalent to Wikimedia's DynamicPageList (Intersection)$wgDplSettings['functionalRichness'] = 1
- adds additional formatting parameters$wgDplSettings['functionalRichness'] = 2
- adds performance equivalent features for templates and pagelinks$wgDplSettings['functionalRichness'] = 3
- allows more-expensive page inclusion features and regular expression queries$wgDplSettings['functionalRichness'] = 4
- permits exotic and potentially dangerous batch update and delete operations; not recommended for public websites. Includes debugging parameters for testing and development.
Extended DPL Functionality
DPL扩展被解析器函数{{#dpl: .... }}
Backwards Compatibility
Functionality compatible with Wikimedia's DPL extension can be invoked with <DynamicPageList>...</DynamicPageList>
Further information can be found on the Compatibility manual page.
Usage Philosophy and Overview
With the assumption there are some articles written about countries those articles will typically have three things in common:
- They will belong to a common category
- They will have a similar chapter structure, i.e. they will contain paragraphs named 'Religion' or 'History'
- They will use a template which is used to present highly structured short data items ('Capital', 'Inhabitants', ..) in a nice way (e.g. as a wikitable)
Generate a report based on countries
If there was a need to assemble a report of what countries practice a certain religion this could be easily done with the category
and linksto
{{#dpl: category=countries |linksto=Pastafarianism }}
With DPL one could:
- Generate a list of all those articles (or a random sample)
- Show metadata of the articles (popularity, date of last update, ..)
- Show one or more chapters of the articles ('transclude' content)
- Show parameter values which are passed to the common template
- Order articles appropriately
- Present the result in a sortable table (e.g.)
- Generate multiple column output
Which steps are necessary?
Find the articles you want to list:
- Select by a logical combination (AND,OR,NOT) of categories
- Specify a range for the number of categories the article must be assigned to
- Select by a logical combination (AND,OR,NOT) of namespaces
- Define a pattern which must match the article's name
- Name a page to which the article must or must not link
- Name a template which the article must or must not use
- Name a text pattern which must occur within external links from a page
- Exclude or include redirections
- Restrict your search to stable pages or quality pages ("flagged revisions")
- Use other criteria for selection like author, date of last change etc.
- Define regular expressions to match the contents of pages you want to include
Order the result list of articles according to
- Article name
- Article size
- Date of last change
- Last user to make an edit
Define attributes you want to see
- Article name
- Article namespace
- Article size
- Date of last change
- Date of last access
- Last user to make an edit
Define contents you want to show
- Whole article
- Contents of certain sections (identified by headings)
- Text portions (defined by special marker tags in the article)
- Values of template calls
- Use a custom template to show output
Define the output format
- Specify header and footer for the default output
- Use ordered list, unordered list
- Use tables
- Format table fields individually by applying templates to their content
- Use category style listing
Truncate title or contents to a certain maximum length
- Add a link to the article or to one or more of its sections
DPL3's code execution and database access is typically fast for typical category and article look ups.
However, using loose LIKE and REGEXP match parameters and/or requesting large data sets can result in long database access times.
Parser time should also be kept in consideration.
For example, having the query of image results go into a template that displays them will result in a parser media transform for each one.
This can quickly eat up 2MBs of RAM per media transform.
Version 3.4.0 introduces two new configuration options, $wgDplSettings['maxQueryTime']
, which allows configuration the max execution length for queries, in milliseconds, and $wgDplSettings['queryCacheTime']
, which allows configuration of query cache. It also adds support for PoolCounter to limit query concurrency.
Further reading
DPL3 can do much more than we can explain here.
A complete manual is available with full parameter documentation.
- Manual:在MediaWiki管理数据 – An overview and comparison.
此扩展在以下wiki农场/托管网站和/或软件包中提供: 這不是一份權威名單。 即使某些wiki农场/托管网站和/或软件包未在这里列出,它们也可能提供此扩展。 请检查你的wiki农场/托管网站或软件包以确认提供情况。 |