CirrusSearch Utgivningsstatus: stabil |
Genomförande | Sök, API , Hake |
Beskrivning | Tillämpar sökning i MediaWiki med hjälp av Elasticsearch |
Författare | Nik Everett, Chad Horohoe, Erik Bernhardson |
Senaste versionen | fortsatta uppdateringar |
Kompatibilitetsregler | Snapshots releases along with MediaWiki. Master is not backward compatible. |
MediaWiki | >= 1.43 |
Composer | mediawiki/cirrussearch |
Licenser | GNU General Public License 2.0 eller senare |
Ladda ner | README |
Kvartalsnedladdningar | 290 (Ranked 16th) |
Offentliga wikier som använder | 1,226 (Ranked 212nd) |
Översätt tillägget CirrusSearch om det finns tillgängligt på translatewiki.net | |
Vagrant-roll | cirrussearch |
Ärenden | Öppna ärenden · Rapportera en bugg |
Tillägget CirrusSearch tillämpar sökning i MediaWiki med hjälp av Elasticsearch.
CirrusSearch has been slated for migration to use OpenSearch as its backend, but this decision is being reviewed based on a late August 2024 blog post from the upstream provider of the current search backend concerning its licensing. Please see Wikimedia Search Platform/Decision Records/Search backend replacement technology for more information. |
Elasticsearch is a standalone third-party software you must install as a requirement for this extension. It is a database system that provides search and indexing functionality, where the current text of your wiki pages gets indexed for faster and improved search results. The communication between MediaWiki and ElasticSearch is done through web services.
See also the help page on using this extension.
- No native dependencies that would make this difficult to install.
The only dependencies are pure-PHP, MediaWiki extensions, and Elasticsearch itself.
- Provide a near-real-time search index for wiki pages that's extendable by other MediaWiki extensions.
- Provide all of the query options MWSearch has given users, and more.
- PHP and cURL
In addition to the standard MediaWiki requirements for PHP, CirrusSearch requires PHP to be compiled with cURL support.
- Elasticsearch
You must install Elasticsearch.
Every version of ElasticSearch changes how web services work and causes compatibility problems. You must install the version of Elastic Search compatible with the version of MediaWiki you are currently using:
Elasticsearch versions before 6.8 are incompatible with PHP 8+.
Take note that a Java installation like OpenJDK is needed in addition. It's best to use the official Elasticsearch Docker image or a self-hosted version. A managed product like Amazon OpenSearch (formerly Amazon Elasticsearch) can work but may require additional configuration depending on its specifics. For example, Amazon OpenSearch only listens for Elasticsearch API requests over HTTPS on port 443 (i.e., it does not expose the default Elasticsearch port 9200), so a TLS-enabled proxy (e.g., Nginx) can enable CirrusSearch to communicate with an Amazon OpenSearch cluster.
- Elastica is a PHP library that makes CirrusSearch talk to Elasticsearch. Install Elastica per the instructions below.
- Other
- Due to the actual handling of jobs by the CirrusSearch extension, it is advisable to set up jobs in Redis to prevent messages like Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 64870 of 65535 bytes in JobQueueDB.php and subsequent errors like Unsupported operand types.
See ärende T157759.
Even though the instructions below tell you only to run Composer when installing from git, it may be necessary to issue it anyway to install all PHP dependencies.
- Ladda ner och placera filen/filerna i en katalog som heter
i dinextensions/
Utvecklare och personer som bidrar med kod borde istället installera tillägget från Git, med:cd extensions/
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/Elastica - Kör bara Composer när du installerar från Git för att installera PHP-beroenden, genom att använda
composer install --no-dev
i tilläggets katalog. (Se ärende T173141 för tänkbara besvär.) - Lägg till följande kod längst ner i din LocalSettings.php -fil:
wfLoadExtension( 'Elastica' );
- Klart – Ta dig till Special:Version på din wiki för att bekräfta att tillägget har installerats ordentligt.
- Ladda ner och placera filen/filerna i en katalog som heter
i dinextensions/
Utvecklare och personer som bidrar med kod borde istället installera tillägget från Git, med:cd extensions/
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/CirrusSearch - Kör bara Composer när du installerar från Git för att installera PHP-beroenden, genom att använda
composer install --no-dev
i tilläggets katalog. (Se ärende T173141 för tänkbara besvär.) - Lägg till följande kod längst ner i din LocalSettings.php -fil:
wfLoadExtension( 'CirrusSearch' );
- Now follow the setup instructions in the CirrusSearch README delivered with your extension i.e.
. Note that all info in it might not apply to your version of the extension, especially the version of Elasticsearch supported. - Configure as required.
- Klart – Ta dig till Special:Version på din wiki för att bekräfta att tillägget har installerats ordentligt.
Enable regex queries
This is an optional step. You will need to install the search-extra plugin for this. Do so by following these steps:
- execute the following command:
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin/elasticsearch-plugin install org.wikimedia.search:extra:7.10.2-wmf12
- add the following line to your
file:$wgCirrusSearchWikimediaExtraPlugin[ 'regex' ] = [ 'build', 'use', 'max_inspect' => 10000 ];
- restart Elasticsearch with the following command:
systemctl restart elasticsearch
- recreate the search index by executing the following commands:
php path/to/extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance/UpdateSearchIndexConfig.php --startOver
php path/to/extensions/CirrusSearch/maintenance/ForceSearchIndex.php
Please follow the upgrade instructions in the CirrusSearch UPGRADE file.
The configuration parameters of CirrusSearch are documented at the "settings.txt" file. See also documentation on CirrusSearch configuration profiles.
configuration parameter, which one needs to set, e.g., $wgCirrusSearchIndexBaseName = 'mywikidatabasename';
CirrusSearch extension defines a number of hooks that other extensions can make use of to extend the core schema and modify documents. The following hooks are available:
- CirrusSearchAnalysisConfig - allows to hook into the configuration for analysis
- CirrusSearchMappingConfig - allows configuration of the mapping of fields
- CirrusSearchBuildDocumentParse - allows extensions to modify ElasticSearch document produced from a page
- CirrusSearchBuildDocumentLinks - allows extensions to process incoming and outgoing links for the document
- CirrusSearchBuildDocumentFinishBatch - called when a batch of pages has been indexed
- CirrusSearchAddQueryFeatures - allows extensions to add query parser features
- CirrusSearchScoreBuilder - allows extensions to define rescore builder functions
- CirrusSearchProfileService - allows extension to declare various search components and configuration
CirrusSearch features can be used in API queries.
Searching happens via the normal search API, action=query&list=search
; you can use CirrusSearch-specific features, such as the morelike:
special prefix to find pages related to Marie Curie and radium:
Custom APIs and parameters are provided for querying CirrusSearch configuration and debug information:
module: 2014?action=cirrusdumpcirrusDumpQuery
parameter to Special:Search or search API queries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search/cat%20dog%20chicken?cirrusDumpQuerycirrusDumpResult
parameter to Special:Search or search API queries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search/cat%20dog%20chicken?cirrusDumpResult- An additional parameter,
, can be passed withcirrusDumpResult
to have the Lucene explanation of the score included with the result dump: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search/cat%20dog%20chicken?cirrusDumpResult&cirrusExplain It can also be used to get the explanation in a human-readable format, by giving it one of the valuesverbose
, such as: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search/cat%20dog%20chicken?cirrusDumpResult&cirrusExplain=pretty cirrus-config-dump
modules to obtain dump from the CirrusSearch setup: api.php?action=cirrus-config-dump&formatversion=2
Se även
- Allmänna länkar
- Hjälpsida för användning - Användningsdokumentation för CirrusSearch (behövs efter installering)
- Projektsida
- Information om Wikimedia Cirrus/Elastic-uppsättning
- Konfigurationshjälp - sets of tunable parameters that influence various aspects of the indexing
- Extension:WikiSearch - provides faceted search API for Semantic MediaWiki using ElasticSearch.
- Extension:AdvancedSearch - Enhances Special:Search by providing advanced parameters
- Felsökning
Lokal utveckling
Elastic Search service can be run with the Vagrant role (cirrussearch
) and MediaWiki Vagrant.
For Docker, you can use a command like docker run -d --name elasticsearch -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node" elasticsearch:6.8.2
Then follow the installation and configuration directions.
If your web host is in a container, you'll want to make sure the above container is on the same network, and in the LocalSettings.php
file, you will want to reference the elasticsearch
as the hostname.
This will not have the WMF plugins but can be sufficient for basic testing.
Det här tillägget används på ett eller fler av Wikimedias projekt. Det betyder förmodligen att tillägget är stabilt och fungerar tillräckligt bra för att användas på högtrafikerade hemsidor. Leta efter tilläggets namn i Wikimedias CommonSettings.php och InitialiseSettings.php-konfigureringsfiler för att se var det har installerats. En fullständig lista över tillägg som installerats på en wiki finns på wikins Special:Version-sida. |
Tillägget ingår i följande wikihotell och/eller paket: Detta är inte en auktoritär lista. Vissa wikihotell och/eller paket kan innehålla detta tillägg även om de inte listas här. Kontrollera alltid med ditt wikihotell eller -bunt för bekräftelse. |