
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:Chart/Project and the translation is 76% complete.


ウィキメディア財団は利用者の皆さんとグラフの今後について協議し、その成果として今回のプロジェクトが始動しました。新たにセキュリティを確保したツールを制作中で、これをグラフ拡張機能の後継としてチャート( Chart)と呼んでいます。ウィキペメディアの記事のデータを複雑でないグラフにする場面のほとんどに対応すると見込んでいます。新規のツールは、将来的に将来が拡張してもサポートをつけやすくなる方向で開発を進めようとしていて、実際に対応するかどうかは財団もしくはコミュニティの開発者にお任せします。今後、編集者の皆さんが旧来のグラフを新ツールで書き換えるようなら、このプロジェクトは成功したと言えるかもしれません。

2024–2025年次計画では、作図プロジェクトを Wiki 体験 3.3 の重要な成果と記載しています。


  • 観衆。ウィキペディアの読者のニーズを追従する形になります(Audience)。ここで焦点を当てるのは百科事典のコンテンツ強化に役立つデータ視覚化の最も一般的な用途です。つまり記事以外での使用は、例えばページ閲覧数 PageViews への対応は、現段階では優先事項ではありません。しかしながら主な焦点はウィキペディアの記事としても、作図の採用はメインの名前空間内のページに限定されず、ウィキペディア以外のウィキでも利用できるようになります。
  • Ease of use. We want to make it easy for any editor to be able to create a chart intuitively. Previously, it was fairly difficult to add and edit graphs. Editors needed to be comfortable interacting with Vega, the underlying software powering graphs. This is why editors created most graphs using templates that contained pre-defined Vega code. Templates are more user-friendly, but cannot be easily reused across wikis. This time, different types of charts will be defined by the tool and will be available across all wikis. Editors will be able to add charts using a familiar wikitext format and will not need technical knowledge about the software underneath. These changes will reduce the need to rely on templates. They will also make it possible to upgrade the underlying library without disrupting existing charts.
  • Architecture. Charts will be rendered (turned from code into visual content) on the Wikimedia Foundation servers using an open-source data visualization library, generated from data pulled from defined sources. More specifically:
    • Rendering charts on our servers will allow for pages to be loaded quickly. It also avoids the security issues that we faced with the graph extension. It will also enable charts to appear on the mobile apps, in exports, and in other reuse/offline scenarios.
    • For data visualization, charts will be generated using an open-source library. This library must meet our requirements like support for different languages, some level of interactivity, color customization, and more.
    • まず最初に、作図用のデータソースは単一とします。ウィキメディア・コモンズにあるデータ名前空間に存在するページ群です。これにより図同士でデータの再利用が容易になり、データをいちいちウィキ文でインラインに埋め込む煩雑さを回避します。またシステム設計により、将来的にデータソースを増やすことにも対応できるようにします。

Editor support. This project will only succeed if editors convert existing graph code to charts and start creating new charts. We will find ways to support editors with converting existing graphs through automated and manual processes. We will also look for ways to preserve existing graphs that are unlikely to be converted to charts. This may mean replacing them with static images or transitioning their use case to other tools.


メインのページ: Extension:Chart/Project/Updates

2024年8月: Wikimania recap and beta cluster deployment

Recording of our Wikimania session
  • Wikimania recap. Thank you to everyone who joined the Wikimania session, or stopped by to discuss the project at the Product & Tech table. We learned a lot by talking to many of you and seeing the types of graphs you created before and the types of charts you hope to create in the future. Some of the major themes we picked up from our conversations at Wikimania are summarized on Phabricator. The key takeaways are to continue working on the core chart types previously enabled by the most popular graph templates and to look into support for alternative data sources like Wikidata. We're also going to investigate some of the challenges highlighted with using Commons as the centralized storage solution for charts.
  • Beta cluster deployment.
    • You can now create charts in beta Commons (example) and embed them into pages on other beta wikis (examples: beta English Wikipedia, beta German Wikipedia)! This gets us closer to deployment on regular wikis later this fall. We will also develop more features, like support for additional chart types and visual customization. Test the charts yourself and let us know of any issues you encounter!
    • Some important functionality is still missing. For example, when you edit a chart definition or data page on beta Commons, and it's used on a page on another beta wiki as a chart, its looks doesn't change. To update the chart rendering, you have to purge the page or make a null edit. We will make it update automatically: T370378.



What is the timeline of the project?

We want to have charts ready to use by editors by the end of September 2024. The project will run until the end of calendar year 2024 (half of the fiscal year 2024–2025).

Which library will be used to render charts?

We have decided to use Apache eCharts. However, if we experience issues with eCharts and think Vega (the library previously used for Graphs) might be better, we might switch to it later. We might also build most charts in eCharts but use a different library for certain specific chart types if it turns out to be much better than eCharts.

For details on why we chose these two libraries and prioritized eCharts, go to T368336#9971574.

What types of charts will be supported?

There will initially be a limited set of supported chart types. We will start with line charts. Their parameters should be reusable for other related chart types too, like area, bar, and pie charts. After line charts, we will move on to map-based visualizations.

For the exact list of line chart parameters, see T368478#9978405.

Where will we store chart definitions? Where do I go if I want to edit a particular chart?

Chart definitions will live on their own .chart pages on Commons, under the Data: namespace. We want to treat charts as a standalone content type, rather than just a part of an article. It will be easy to reuse the same chart across wikis, and beyond Wikimedia platforms by making them available as links. Editors who want to embed charts in an article will be able to do so with a short piece of wikitext, similar to including an image from Commons, all without needing to interact with complex templates.

We have heard comments that requiring the data come from Commons tabular data may not address some common data sourcing flows, like from MediaWiki APIs or Wikidata Query Service. While those sources are not the focus for this project, we want to ensure the extension is designed in a way that they can be supported in the future.

Example chart definition (from Commons) 
// Data:1993 Canadian federal elections.chart

   "version": 1,
   "type": "line",
   "width": 350,
   "height": 200,
   "xAxis": {
       "title": "",
       "type": "date"
   "yAxis": {
       "title": {
           "en": "%support",
           "fr": "%soutien"
   "legend": {
       "en": "Party",
       "fr": "Parti"
   "interpolate": "basis",
   "showSymbols": true,
   "source": "1993 Canadian federal election.tab"

Example invocation (in an article page):

{{#chart:format=1993 Canadian federal election.chart}}

How can volunteers add more chart types?

Once we set up the initial infrastructure to create charts, we will welcome technical volunteers to contribute more chart types. In the meantime, we encourage you to tell us what you think – which types of charts are most important to start with.

What will happen with the existing graphs?

For now, the existing graphs will remain in their current state. Some wikis have chosen to hide graphs entirely while others render a message explaining that graphs are disabled. Once it's possible to create charts that can replace graph uses, we will work with volunteers to start converting them so that readers can start to see them again.

It is unlikely that all graphs will be able to be converted to charts. For graphs that cannot be converted, it may be more beneficial to either: find an alternative tool to recreate the graph, convert the graph to a static image, or remove the graph altogether.
