BounceHandler 发行状态: 稳定版 |
实现 | 函数钩 , 数据库 |
描述 | Allows users to handle email bounces |
作者 |
最新版本 | 1.0 (Continuous updates) |
兼容性政策 | 快照跟随MediaWiki发布。 master分支不向后兼容。 |
MediaWiki | 1.29+ |
PHP | 5.4+ |
数据库更改 | 是 |
表 | bounce_records |
许可协议 | GNU通用公眾授權條款2.0或更新版本 |
下載 | |
季度下載量 | 4 (Ranked 129th) |
正在使用的公开wiki数 | 847 (Ranked 296th) |
前往translatewiki.net翻譯BounceHandler扩展 | |
問題 | 开启的任务 · 报告错误 |
The BounceHandler extension allows wikis to handle bounce emails efficiently, by:
- Generate a VERP "Variable envelope Return-Path" on
email invocations.
- Bounces can be directly fed to the
API from the MTA using a curl POST request
As a result, users whose address is in error are un-subscribed and they are notified through Echo about this the next time they connect on the wiki. More exactly, their address is un-confirmed, and in case MediaWiki requires confirmed emails no emails will be further sent.
- 下载文件,并将解压后的
开发者和代码贡献人员应从Git安装扩展,输入:cd extensions/
git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/BounceHandler - 将下列代码放置在您的LocalSettings.php 的底部:
wfLoadExtension( 'BounceHandler' );
- 运行更新脚本,它将自动创建此扩展必须依赖的数据库表。
- 完成 – 在您的wiki上导航至Special:Version,以验证已成功安装扩展。
The extension requires the Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) installed in your mail server to HTTP POST the incoming bounce email to the extension API named as bouncehandler
. This can be done by adding the corresponding configurations to your MTA configuration.
Adding bouncehandler router and transport configuration to Exim
You can redirect all your bounce emails to the bouncehandler API directly to do the processing. You can edit your Exim configurations to route all bounce emails to a bounce-handler-router and do HTTP POST to the extension API, which is the recommended method.
Under the variable declaration section:
VERP_BOUNCE_LOCALPART_REGEXP = \N^wiki-[\w.]+-\w+-\w+-[+/\w]+$\N
under router configuration:
# Route bounce emails
driver = accept
domains = +verp_domains
condition = ${if match{$local_part}{VERP_BOUNCE_LOCALPART_REGEXP}{true}{false}}
transport = mwverpbounceprocessor
under transports, we need to write the configuration that would HTTP POST to our bouncehandler API
# POST VERP bounce emails to a MediaWiki 'bouncehandler' API 822
driver = pipe
command = /usr/bin/curl --interface -H 'Host: example.com' http://example.com/api.php -d "action=bouncehandler" -d "format=json" --data-urlencode "email@-" -o /dev/null
user = nobody
group = nogroup
You can find more details in this blog-post "POST-ing bounce email to a Mediawiki API directly from exim".
Adding bouncehandler configuration to Postfix
This section shows how the BounceHandler extension can be configured to handle bounced emails from Postfix, unlike the above section which shows how to do the same with Exim.
First of all, please make sure that Postfix & the package "postfix-pcre" are installed. Once these two installed, open up /etc/postfix/main.cf and add the following in the end of the file:
virtual_alias_maps = pcre:/etc/postfix/virtual
Also, make sure that alias_maps is set to the following:
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
Save & close that file, and then create a new file called etc/postfix/virtual, , and add the following ode
/wiki-[a-z0-9_.]+-[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9+\/=]+@example.com/ curl_email
This will tell Postfix that all the bounced emails (the ones which have return path matching with the above regex expression) should be passed on to the command specified in the alias 'curl_email'.
Now we need to define curl_email as our alias, so save & close this file, open up /etc/aliases and add the following:
curl_email: "|curl --interface -d action=bouncehandler -d format=json --data-urlencode email@- http://example.com/path-to-mediawiki-install/api.php"
Save & close that file, and now type the following commands, to map your /etc/postfix/ to postfix, and then restart postfix:
sudo postmap /etc/postfix/virtual
sudo postalias /etc/aliases
sudo /etc/init.d/postfix reload
sudo /etc/init.d/postfix restart
Save and close this file, and head over to your MediaWiki's LocalSettings.php and make sure add the following line:
$wgJobRunRate = 0;
Once that is done, save and close this file. To test if this works, send an email to an invalid email to your server and then run:
php maintenance/runJobs.php
To check if your email bounces were captured, check the bounce_records
table in your MediaWiki database, and /var/log/mail.log for further testing.
The BounceHandler extension installs an API bouncehandler
to receive the HTTP POST from the mail server.
The API has a parameter email
to which the entire bounce email is URL encoded to.
This helps in avoiding the use of a separate bounce collector inbox or other IMAP features for the extension to work.
This would send a bounce email with the body This is a test email
for processing.
The extension creates a unique w:VERP address as the Return Path header to every single email send from the wiki installation. The generated VERP address is of the form
The general template of the generated VERP address is:
$prefix-$wikiName-base36( $userID )-base36( $timestamp )-base64( hash( $algorithm, $key, $data ) )@$email_domain
变量 | 描述 |
$prefix | The prefix applied to every VERP email. Default to wiki |
$wikiName | The name of the Wiki on which the extension is running |
$userID | The user id (int) of the recipient from the MediaWiki user table
$timestamp | The unix time-stamp value at the time of the VERP address generation |
$data | The string resulting as the concatenation of $prefix,'-',$wikiId,'-',base_convert( $userID, 10, 36),'-' and base_convert( $timestamp, 10, 36) |
$algorithm | The hashing php-hmac algorithm used to prepare the hash of $prefix |
$key | The key used to prepare the hash using the hmac algorithm |
$email_domain | The domain part of the VERP email address |
配置 | 默认 | 描述 |
The PHP hashing algorithm you need to employ to generate the VERP return-path address. Can be md5, sha256 etc. More details at [1] |
The secret key you need to pass to the PHP HMAC function |
259200 (3天) |
The threshold time (in seconds) until we are expecting a bounce. Setting it < 3 days will make sure you respond only to the valid bounces. |
The prefix of the bounce addresses. |
The domain part of the bounce addresses. null is equivalent to $wgServerName
604800 (1周) |
The Bounce allowed period (in seconds). Setting it to a week makes sure that we consider a weeks bounce frequency before taking un-subscribe actions. |
Allowed bounces in the given time period. |
[ '', '::1' ]
The internal IPs that are allowed to use the API. Make sure this is configured correctly, so that no outside user can cause unwanted email un-subscriptions. |
Set to true to enable unsubcriptions when bounces are above the threshold.
5184000 (60天) |
The period (in seconds) where are kept the records of bounces. Older bounces records are deleted. false to deactivate deletion.
(to be documented) |
(to be documented) |
Array of email addresses where unrecognized bounces are sent. |
Activate VERP addresses. |
此扩展用于一个或多个维基媒体项目。 这可能意味着扩展足够稳定、运作足够良好,可以用在这样的高流量的网站上。 请在维基媒体的CommonSettings.php和InitialiseSettings.php配置文件中查找此扩展的名称以查看哪些网站安装了该扩展。 特定wiki上的已安装的扩展的完整列表位于Special:Version页面。 |