Core Platform Team/Initiatives/API Platform/DACI

To define and clarify roles and responsibilities within the API Platform team, the following DACI chart[1] provides an ongoing list of decisions and those involved.

  • Driver = who will ensure that the decision is enacted (a single person)
  • Approver = who owns the decision (a single person)
  • Consulted = might have information that could help inform a decision but no veto power (could be a few people) Please note that Consulted comes from RACI and in the Wikipedia definition of DACI that the C= contributors, or the people who do the work.
  • Informed = anyone affected by the decision or has an interest in the decision (could be many people)
API Platform DACI
product manager scrum master technical lead technical writer engineering manager
Set product strategy A I C C C
Set roadmap & goals A C C C C
Prioritize feature development A/D C C C C
Prioritize bug fixes A C C I C
Define analysis needs & strategies A I C C C
Manage process improvements and team norms/artifacts A D C I C
Plan off-sites (attendees, budget, travel) C D C C A
Plan off-site content A D C C C
Engineering resource recruitment and allocation D C C C A
Coordinate team dependencies A D C I C
Professional development for engineers C I I I A
Onboard new team members C D C I A
Determine technical approach I I A I C
Maintain testing infrastructure I I A I C
Team tool creation and management C C A C C
Determine approach to informing community (on-wiki) A/D C C C C
Determine approach to maintaining public team and project page A/D C C C C
Set content strategy C I C A/D C