Core Platform Team/Initiative/Hash Checking/Epics, User Stories, and Requirements

< Hash Checking

Epic 1: Minimum Viable Product

Personas in this epic
  • Reader: a reader of Wikimedia content
  • T&S team member: a member of the Trust & Safety Team responsible for assessment of child protection and terrorism concerns
  • Developer: a MediaWiki core or extension developer
User Stories
ID User Story Priority Notes
1 As a Reader of Wikimedia content, I want to limit my exposure to child protection or terrorism content Must Have
2 As a T&S team member, I want to be notified by email when multimedia files containing child protection or terrorism content are uploaded to Wikimedia wikis Must Have
3 As a T&S team member, I want to be notified by email when periodic scans of previously uploaded multimedia content detect files containing child protection or terrorism content Optional
4 As a T&S team member, I want child protection multimedia content to be removed automatically before I am forced to view it Must Have Terrorism content will not trigger an automatic takedown. There should be a flag that can be set to determine if the tool is automatically taking down content or flagging so testing can be done of both methods.
5 As a developer, I want to be able to request asynchronous analysis of multimedia files to determine if it contains child protection or terrorism content Must Have An extension would be created to process analysis requests using the job queue. The extension would use PhotoDNA to compare the files with hashes in the industry-wide data bases for child protection and terrorism content. The extension would pull directly from the hash corpus using the API, if feasible.