Content translation/Community Consultation June 2016

Content Translation is an article creation tool that has been in use since January 2015. Content translation helps users translate existing articles from one Wikipedia into languages on other Wikipedias where the article does not exist. It is used by editors to write many new articles, increasing participation by new users and also renewing active editing in many Wikipedias. Translated from existing articles, 88000 new articles with considerably rich content have been written using this tool. Content Translation is an opt-in beta feature. We are now preparing to take Content Translation to a bigger group of users by taking the tool out of beta feature on a few Wikipedias. We prepared a preliminary list with the following wikis: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Hebrew, Indonesian, Japanese, Norwegian (Bokmal), Persian, Portuguese, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukrainian. This set of wikis were selected to create variations in size, language groups, and usage patterns of Content Translation. The community consultation is being conducted on the 14 languages listed.

Based on an earlier consultation with the editors of the Catalan Wikipedia, the earliest adopter of this tool, the Content Translation team have prepared a preliminary set of requirements that we consider should be fulfilled before the tool is ready for use outside of beta. To focus on the features and concerns that are most important for users of Content Translation, we would like to get more feedback. We are hosting a consultation from June 8, 2016 to June 22, 2016 on this village pump.

As we work on the tool it is being improved every day, but we are particularly looking to better understand the issues in Content Translation that make the tool unusable or add extra workload for our editors. Please let us know on this topic thread. During the conversations, we may point you to Phabricator tickets for ongoing work, so that you can track the status of work. For new issues we will create new Phabricator tickets to help the development team keep the details documented. After June 22, 2016 we will go through all the feedback and follow up with a summary, and an updated plan for Content Translation’s move out of beta.

Consultation Period


Discussion threads



Date Activity Status
June 8, 2016 Announcements posted to village pumps   Done
June 8, 2016 - June 22, 2016 Consultation period   Done
June 23, 2016 Thank you notes posted to village pumps   Done
June 23-30, 2016 Feedback is reviewed by Language team   Done
July 4, 2016 Summary posted by the Language team (twitter link)   Done



General comments

  • Of the 14 wikis where the consultation was initiated, we received feedback from 5 wikis. In spite of the consultation announcement requesting for comments on the thread itself, several users asked where they could provide feedback. This may have been due to unclear messaging on our part or due to a deviation from the way earlier consultations were run. The team will review this shortcoming to avoid repeating this scenario in future.
  • The Norwegian Bokmal discussion used 3 categories for the comments and this structure can be used for similar consultations in future. The categories were:
    • Functional deficiencies (defect) - i.e. the tool is not working as per expectations due to a bug
    • Future wishes (feature requests) - i.e. new features to be added to the system
    • Non-functional requests (general comments) - i.e. subjective requirements. Eg. ‘a translation should be good is a non-functional requirement.


Please note: The above comments have been summarized from the discussions threads. The feedback received will be further evaluated and aligned with the development goals to improve and prepare Content Translation for wider use. More details on this page.