API:İstemci kodu

This page is a translated version of the page API:Client code and the translation is 51% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

İstemci kitaplıkları, geliştiricilerin ortak ve temel görevlere yardımcı olmak için kullanabilecekleri kod içerir, böylece projeleri bir API ile etkileşime girdiğinde kodu sıfırdan yazmak zorunda kalmazlar.

Bu sayfa, MediaWiki Eylem API ile kullanılabilecek en fazla üç önerilen istemci kitaplığının diline göre bir listesini içerir. Öneriler, API:Client_code/Gold_standard kullanan değerlendirmelere dayanmaktadır.

Yeni ve / veya değerlendirilmemiş kütüphaneler API:Client_code/All eklenmelidir.

API istemci kitaplıkları

Last activity refers to the last commit in the repository.
Dates and version numbers were updated on 2019-06-19.


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
BotWikiAwk Framework and libraries for creating bots. Includes example bots.
Wikiget Awk CLI program to interface with MediaWiki API for read/write including OAuth.


Name Description Last release Release date Last activity
bash-mediawiki An example with Curl that allows easy editing/uploading of a wiki through the MediaWiki API.


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
libmediawiki A library that allows easy editing of a wiki through the MediaWiki API.

Common Lisp

Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
cl-mediawiki A Common Lisp wrapper for the MediaWiki API.


Name Description Last release Release Date Last activity
mediawiki_client_ex Adapter for the Action API, EventStreams, and ORES. (Documentation) 0.4.1


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
go-mediawiki Go wrapper for the MediaWiki API. v0.1
go-mwclient Wrapper for the MediaWiki API (supports maxlag, query continuations, OAuth). v1.2.0


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
haskell mediawiki A complete Haskell binding to the MediaWiki API letting you programmatically access (read and write) MediaWiki content. 0.2.6


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
JavaWikiBotFramework A library to retrieve data from and maintain MediaWiki-based wikis such as Wikipedia. 4.0.0
jwiki A library for effortlessly interacting with Wikipedia/MediaWiki. 1.8.0
Bliki Engine Can convert wikicode to HTML, DocBook or PDF. Has a helper library for API calls.

More Java libraries available at API:Client_code/All#Java.


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
mwn (Node.js) Mwn is a modern and feature-rich API client with support for both JavaScript and TypeScript. Has classes for conveniently working with page titles and parsing wikitext. Supports both OAuth and BotPasswords. v2.0.2
mwbot (Node.js) MWBot uses the Promise pattern and other ES6 methodologies, optimised for creating bots that make edits. Works with any MediaWiki site. v2.0.0
nodemw (Node.js) A generic MediaWiki API client for Node.js. v0.16.0
wikiapi (Node.js) A simple way to access MediaWiki API via JavaScript with simple wikitext parser. v1.16.0
mediawiki.api (browser) Generic MediaWiki API client for client-side JavaScript. It ships with MediaWiki core as a ResourceLoader module bundle. It abstracts some high-level concepts and provides a generic client for other queries. Maintained as part of MediaWiki.

In-wiki JavaScript clients:

Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
mwapilib2 A layer overtop of the requests. Make JS gadgets easier.
JsMwApi A convenience wrapper around raw requests, with some helpers for editing and parsing.

More JavaScript libraries available at API:Client_code/All#JavaScript.


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
dtMediaWiki Makes query (tokens, userinfo), clientlogin, upload, and logout calls. It handles HTTPS requests and cookies and can be used to upload files to Wikimedia Commons.


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
MatWiki A preliminary (as of Feb 2019) MATLAB R2016b(9.1.x) client supporting just bot-logins & semantic #ask queries. v1.0.0


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
WikiFunctions Library with classes for editing and getting lists of pages via the API, used by AutoWikiBrowser.
LinqToWiki Strongly typed library for accessing most of MediaWiki API, with support for autocompletion. 1.5.0
WikiClientLibrary A .NET Standard & asynchronous MediaWiki API client library for wiki sites. The library also supports Flow/Wikibase/Wikia-specific API. v0.7.5

More .NET libraries available at API:Client code/All#.NET.


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
ocaml-mediawiki A high-level binding for the MediaWiki API written in OCaml.


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
MediaWiki::Bot A higher-level Perl module with read and write functions. Easily extensible with plugins, for example to provide administrator functions (Evaluation).

source code on GitHub.

MediaWiki::API A Perl module for interfacing with the MediaWiki API with file upload/download and editing support. (Debian package). (Evaluation). 0.41


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
mediawiki-api-base Library for basic MediaWiki api use. 2.4.0
mediawiki-api A simple library for interacting with the MediaWiki API. 0.7.2
wikibase-api Library for querying Wikidata. 0.7

More PHP libraries available at API:Client code/All#PHP.


Ad Type hints Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
Pywikibot (docs) Evet A collection of Python scripts and a powerful library for bot writing. (PyPI) (Git repository) (#pywikibot bağlan) (Evaluation). 9.3.1
pwiki (docs) Evet A Python library for developing bots/tools, focused on ease of use and simplicity. 1.1.1
mwclient (docs) Hayır Python library that makes most of the API functions accessible. (PyPI) (Evaluation). 0.10.1
wiki-scripts (docs) Hayır Framework for writing bots, maintenance scripts or performing data analysis. 1.2

Simple Python wrappers for no-abstraction interfaces to the MediaWiki API and basic session handling:

Ad Type hints Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
pywikiapi Hayır A minimalistic library that handles some of the core MediaWiki API complexities like handling continuations, login, errors, and warnings, but does not impose any additional abstraction layers. 1.3.2
Wikipedia (docs) Hayır A Python library that makes it easy to access and parse data from Wikipedia. v1.1
wikitools Hayır Provides several layers of abstraction around the API. Doesn't support Python 3. 0.41

More Python libraries available at API:Client code/All#Python.


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
WikipediR A wrapper for the MediaWiki API, aimed particularly at the Wikimedia 'production' wikis, such as Wikipedia. Can be used to retrieve page text, information about users or the history of pages, and elements of the category tree. 1.5.0


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
MediaWiki::Butt Stable and powerful Ruby framework for the API. (Evaluation) 3.0.0
wikipedia-client Ruby framework using the API. v1.10.0
MediaWiki Ruby API Ruby API client library in active development by Wikimedia Foundation Release Engineering. 0.71

More Ruby libraries available at API:Client code/All#Ruby.


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
Wikibase RS Rust library to talk to the Wikibase API and serialize data into Rust data structures. 0.37
mediawiki_rust A MediaWiki client library in Rust.
mwbot-rs A framework for writing bots on MediaWiki 0.4.3
wiki Library for interacting with MediaWiki APIs 0.0.3

More Rust libraries available at API:Client code/All#Rust.


Ad Açıklama Son sürüm Sürüm tarihi Son görülme
scalawiki MediaWiki client in Scala. 0.6.3
dbpedia extraction framework Data extraction framework for DBpedia with support Wiki source retrieved via MediaWiki API. DBpedia_2015-10
scmw Simple MediaWiki API wrapper for needs of Commonist image upload tool. v-0.140.0

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