Stinkfly's talk page
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I'm trying to get your password protection extension to work, and I'm getting the following error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/.keewer/mohnkern/ on line 189

Password protection works pretty good, I only have a cookie error ('cookies are deactivated') on login on both firefox an ie when the extension is included. I'm logged in and able to edit, it's just the error at the beginning. Cookies are activated in the settings, and 3 cookies are set during login. Maybe reading cookies doesn't work? I'm using mediawiki 1.10. Can that be the problem? I hope you can help. With that error I won't use the extension.

hi how can i disable the password? Why can user can view page source?? thank you


your extension works pretty well, but ...

  • people can still see the sourcecode, which displays the password ... not good.
  • when you remove the password tag, the page is still protected ???

any thought ?

Hi, Reently implemented this, but now any password protected pages cannot be saved. I can edit but clicking save page does nothing. Any ideas?