Zürich Hackathon 2014/Budget

This page contains the budget of the Zürich Hackathon 2014.

Complete overview

Costs Hackathon 2014 CHF USD
Accommodation (Youth Hostel) CHF 21.441,00 $23.799,51
Rent Meeting Rooms (Youth Hostel) CHF 5.481,00 $6.083,91
A/V / Internet Upgrade (Youth Hostel) CHF 1.410,00 $1.565,10
Catering (Youth Hostel)
(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, BBQ, Coffee Break, Drinks, Club Mate)
CHF 29.906,00 $33.195,66
Public Transport Tickets (ZVV) CHF 4.293,00 $4.765,23
Wifi (Manuel) €620,00 $830,80
Badges, Lanyards, Print CHF 2.551,39 $2.832,04
Scholarships WMF (Travel Costs) 8.106,18 $8.997,86
Total Costs CHF 71.387,38 $79.239,99
Income CHF USD
Sponsorship Zürich Tourist Office CHF 2.000,00 $2.220,00
Scholarships Travel Costs (WMF) 8.106,18 $8.997,86
Accommodation Scholarships WMAT CHF 217,80 $199,80
Accommodation Scholarships WMDE CHF 774,40 $710,40
Accommodation Scholarships WMFR CHF 677,60 $621,60
Accommodation Scholarships WMNL CHF 338,80 $310,80
Accommodation Scholarships WMUK CHF 532,40 $488,40
Accommodation Staff WMF CHF 9.801,00 $10.890,00
Accommodation paid by participants CHF 5.449,50 $6.055,00
Income CHF 27.897,68 $30.493,86
WMCH CHF 43.489,70 $48.746,13
  • 208 in total
  • 33 scholarship denied
  • 16 no-show
  • 9 registrations on site
  • 159 actual attendees


  • 26 female
  • 146 male
  • 3 other / won't state

T-Shirt Size

  • 9 XS
  • 23 S
  • 57 M
  • 45 L
  • 20 XL
  • 12 XXL
  • 3 XXXL

Scholarship costs

Budget: $13.682,86
Scholarships: 30
Requested Average requested Real Average real
Travel costs $13.169,68 $438,99 $8.997,86 $692,14
Hostel nights costs $5.800,00 $193,33 $4.685,00 $156,17
Total (travel and hostel) $18.969,68 $632,32 $13.682,86 $848,31
  • only awarded scholarships are calculated
  • requested travel costs include all scholarships, regardles who covered them
  • real travel costs only include WMF scholarships, as others have been reimbursed directly by the entities covering them
  • hostel costs are complete either way
Additional info scholarship costs
Hostel price for 4 nights; fixed price, incl breakfast: $220,00
Highest amount requested for travel: $1.300
Highest amount allocated travel real costs: $1.473,82
Lowest amount requested for travel: $100,00
Lowest amount allocated travel real costs: $183,35