Wikimedia Technology/Annual Plans/FY2019/TEC3: Deployment Pipeline/Goals

Program Goals and Status for FY18/19

  • Goal Owner: Greg Grossmeier
  • Program Goals for FY18/19: We will streamline and integrate the delivery of services, by building a new production platform for integrated development, testing, deployment and hosting of applications. Wikimedia developers experience a tooling parity between our Continuous Integration (CI) and production environments which enables them to release code more frequently by continuously reducing risk.
  • Annual Plan: TEC3 Deployment Pipeline

Outcome 1 / Output 1.1


Continuous Integration is unified with production tooling and developer feedback is faster

Convert current CI builds to use the new tooling (Blubber).

Dependencies on: SRE team


  • Move verify stage from Minikube to CI k8s namespace in production context



  Note: July 2018

  In progress

  Note: August 10, 2018

  In progress Discussed that work on a patch is still ongoing, need to refactor the pipeline job to the new namespace. This will be a change to the existing service but will need to be refactored when we get to the shared library.

  Note: September 14, 2018

This is now   Done!

Outcome 1 / Output 1.2


Continuous Integration is unified with production tooling and developer feedback is faster

Setup test execution time profiling with a report, make a prioritized list of improvements to how tests are run.


  • Formalize the collection of CI infrastructure and tooling metrics - task T205923



  Note: October 2, 2018

This is now   In progress

  Note: November 7, 2018

  In progress
  • dduvall gave a presentation Monday looking at CI performance percentiles
  • Work continues on automating the collection of these metrics.

  Note: December 6, 2018

This goal is   Partially done but we need to expose the interface of the metrics that we're collecting.

Outcome 2 / Output 2.3


Deployers have a better assessment of risk with each deploy

Improve our incident response, post-mortem, and follow-up management tooling.


  • Develop set of metrics to assess incident reports/post mortems.



  Note: October 2, 2018

This work has not yet been started at this time   To do

  Note: November 7, 2018

This is now   In progress with Zeljko's analysis of the past year's worth of incident reports.

  Note: December 6, 2018

We can now determine how associated commits, repos, etc are connected to the incident reports and consider this goal   Done. There is more work that we can do to further refine the metrics.

Outcome 3 / Output 3.1


Deployments happen through percentage based stages (eg: canaries, 10%, 100%)

Migration of services currently on our "shared service cluster" into Kubernetes (k8s) deployments with staged rollout

Primary teams: Service Operations, Release Engineering


  • Adopt more services into Deployment pipeline
    • Migrate graphoid to the Deployment pipeline  N Postponed
    • Deploy zotero v2 to the Deployment pipeline   Done
  • Deploy blubberoid   Done
  • Reprise the work on the logging infrastructure task T207200



  Note: October 2, 2018

This is now   Done

  Note: November 7, 2018

  • Deploy zotero v2 to the Deployment pipeline   Done
    • Currently living in k8s staging
    • Plan to go live next week
  • Deploy blubberoid   Done
    • liw working on changes to internal data structuring as a prerequisite to creating OpenAPI spec required for pipeline — on track.

  Note: December 6, 2018

Zotero is   Done, Graphoid will be recommended for stewardship review  N Postponed, Blubber will be   Done in the next week. Reprise the work on the logging infrastructure is still   Done.

Outcome 1 / Output 1.2 (RelEng)


Continuous Integration is unified with production tooling and developer feedback is faster

Setup test execution time profiling with a report, make a prioritized list of improvements to how tests are run.


  • Instrument Quibble for data collection
  • Create a graph where time is spent and make a prioritized list for improvements.



  Note: January 10, 2019

  • Discussed that as we've just gotten back from our vacations, this work is ramping up and is   In progress

  Note: February 5,2019

  • These task has been documented in Phab during last week's all hands meetings.

  Note: March 12, 2019

This goal is currently in danger of finishing up this quarter and will be part of Q4 goals  N Stalled

Outcome 2 / Output 2.1 (RelEng)


Deployers have a better assessment of risk with each deploy

Create a deployments report with metrics from the Code Health Group.


  • Select and integrate a code health metric solution into our tooling.



  Note: January 10, 2019

  • Discussed that as we've just gotten back from our vacations, this work is ramping up and is   In progress

  Note: February 2019

  • Discussed that this is contingent on some other program work in TEC13, but we should be able to get fully started on it soon.

  Note: March 12, 2019

  • We've selected sonarcube to be our metric solution, but we need to create and finalize the integration for it (with sonarcloud) for self hosting and get it integrated into CI (still   In progress and moved into Q4 work.

Outcome 3 / Output 3.1 (SRE / ServiceOps & RelEng)


Deployments happen through percentage based stages (eg: canaries, 10%, 100%)

Migration of services currently on our "shared service cluster" into Kubernetes (k8s) deployments with staged rollout

Primary teams: Service Operations, Release Engineering, Core Platform



Adopt more services in the pipeline

  • cxserver, ORES (partially), citoid, changeprop, cpjobqueue (stretch)
  • Deploy eventgate



  Note: January 10, 2019

  • Discussed that as we've just gotten back from our vacations, this work is ramping up and is   In progress

  Note: February 5, 2019

  • Discussed that there is one service that is currently (event gate) going through the pipeline...still   In progress

  Note: March 2019

  • cxserver: all prerequsites are ready, just need to be deployed; ores: still   In progress and blockers identified; citoid   Done; changeprop is still   In progress; cpjobqueue is  N Postponed to Q4 and eventgate has been deployed and is   Done

  Note: April 8, 2019

  • cxserver is now   Done

Outcome 4 / Output 4.1 (SRE / ServiceOps)


Developers are able to create services that achieve production level standards with minimal overhead

Developers get a service creating experience that is on par with production level standards with regard to logging, monitoring, security and configuration


  • Evaluate helm charts management solutions



  Note: January 10, 2019

  • Discussed that as we've just gotten back from our vacations, this work is ramping up and is   In progress

  Note: February 5, 2019

  • Discussed this at All Hands, but we're working with SRE on it, still   In progress

  To do March 2019


Outcome 5 / Output 5.1 (SRE / ServiceOps)


Services and the deployment pipeline are hosted on production-level infrastructure

Adequately maintain the service infrastructure according to production standards. Upgrade the platform to new upstream versions to benefit from bug fixes and new features.


  • Aim for a better resilient, scalable, easier to manage and upgrade Kubernetes cluster service
    • Upgrade cluster components to a newer version
    • Improve docker registry architecture



  Note: January 10, 2019

  • Discussed that as we've just gotten back from our vacations, this work is ramping up and is   In progress

  To do February 2019

  • Discussed...

  To do March 2019


Outcome 6 / Output 6.1 (SRE / ServiceOps)


Developers and deployers are aware of the platform, its benefits and how to make use of it

Create a developer portal for the Deployment Pipeline platform with documentation and instructions


  • Create a developer portal with Deployment Pipeline documentation



  Note: January 10, 2019

  • Discussed that as we've just gotten back from our vacations, this work is ramping up and is   In progress

  To do February 2019


  To do March 2019


Outcome 6 / Output 6.2 (SRE / ServiceOps)


Developers and deployers are aware of the platform, its benefits and how to make use of it

Promote the platform's adoption


  • Conduct Promotion and Training events for Wikimedia developers



  Note: January 10, 2019

  • Discussed that as we've just gotten back from our vacations, this work is ramping up and is   In progress

  To do February 2019


  To do March 2019


Outcome 1 / Output 1.2 (RelEng)


Continuous Integration is unified with production tooling and developer feedback is faster

Setup test execution time profiling with a report, make a prioritized list of improvements to how tests are run.


  • Instrument Quibble for data collection
  • Create a graph where time is spent and make a prioritized list for improvements.
  • Prepare the Deployment Pipeline for changes to our CI tooling.



  Note: April 8, 2019

  • This is now   In progress, but the instrumenting  N Blocked right now.

  Note: May 7, 2019

  • This is still  N Blocked, as we are waiting on other teams.

  Note: June 4, 2019

  • This is still  N Blocked, as we are waiting our team to get done with other more urgent work, will probably go into next FY.

Outcome 3 / Output 3.1 (RelEng + SRE)


Deployments happen through percentage based stages (eg: canaries, 10%, 100%)

Migration of services currently on our "shared service cluster" into Kubernetes deployments with staged rollout


  • Create a .pipeline/config.yaml standard to give users more control over how their tests are run in the pipeline and allow the easy saving of artifacts at pipeline completion. (RelEng)
  • Migration of more services to the pipeline (RelEng + SRE) - task T212801:
    • Wikidata Termbox SSR
    • Kask for Session Storage Service
    • cpjobqueue (stretch)
    • ORES (stretch)



  Note: April 8, 2019

  • All goals are   In progress

  Note: May 7, 2019

  • All goals are   In progress

  Note: June 4, 2019

  • All goals are   In progress, termbox is now producing images, but not yet in production; kask is also   Partially done. Stretch goals will probably move to next FY. Pipeline config work is   Done

  Note: June 13, 2019

  • Migration should be done this quarter, but the overall program will remain   In progress into next FY, stretch goals will be done next FY. (SRE update)

Outcome 5 / Output 5.1 (SRE)


Services and the deployment pipeline are hosted on production-level infrastructure

Adequately maintain the service infrastructure according to production standards. Upgrade the platform to new upstream versions to benefit from bug fixes and new features.


  • Upgrade the infrastructure to recent/current software versions
  • Add dedicated security sensitive nodes to the Kubernetes clusters
  • Stretch: Implementation of a Helm chart management solution



  Note: June 13, 2019

  • Upgrade is still   In progress and will be done by end of quarter. The addition of the dedicated nodes is   Done and the stretch goal was just recently started and will be done by the end of the quarter too.

Outcome 6 / Output 6.1 + 6.2 (SRE)


Developers and deployers are aware of the platform, its benefits and how to make use of it

Create a developer portal for the Deployment Pipeline platform with documentation and instructions
Promote the platform's adoption


  • Conduct at least N trainings for new pipeline users
  • Increase documentation quality



  Note: June 13, 2019

  • Trainings have been on-going and still   In progress
  • Documentation quality has been going slow, and will probably go into next quarter.