Wikimedia Technology/Annual Plans/FY2019/TEC12: Developer Productivity/Goals

Program Goals and Status for FY18/19

  • Goal Owner: Greg Grossmeier
  • Program Goals for FY18/19: We will streamline and integrate the delivery of services, by building a new production platform for integrated development, testing, deployment and hosting of applications. Wikimedia developers experience a tooling parity between our Continuous Integration (CI) and production environments which enables them to release code more frequently by continuously reducing risk.
  • Annual Plan: TEC12 Developer Productivity
    • Primary Goal is Knowledge as a Service: Evolve our systems and structures
    • Tech Goal: Support our Technical Community

Outcome 1 / Output 1.1


Local development is unified with testing and production

Create a production tooling compliant Dockerfile that sets up a basic LAMP stack, installs MediaWiki, and can run unit tests. (more)

Dependencies on: WMF Recruiting


  • Make a hire to create the capacity needed for this program.



  Note: July 2018

  To do

  Note: August 10, 2018

  To do - blocked on filling the senior hire (backfill)   Blocked

  Note: September 14, 2018

Interviewing is   In progress and might go into the month of October to find the best candidate.

  Note: December 6, 2018

A hire has been made in late November 2018 and this part of the goal is   Done

Outcome 2 / Output 2.1


Developer satisfaction improves year over year

A survey is created and shared with all Wikimedia developers to measure overall satisfaction and productivity as well as identifying the most sought after needs. The top needs are shared as key goals for the team.

Dependencies on: WMF Learning & Evaluation and WMF Legal teams


  • Write and share a survey to measure developer satisfaction and areas for investment. - task T197635



  Note: July 2018

  To do

  Note: August 10, 2018

  To do

  Note: September 14, 2018

This is now   In progress, but might go into the early part of October for privacy policy, etc.

Outcome 2 / Output 2.1


Developer satisfaction improves year over year.

A survey is created and shared with all Wikimedia developers to measure overall satisfaction and productivity as well as identifying the most sought after needs. The top needs are shared as key goals for the team.


  • The Annual Developer Productivity Survey results are synthesized and shared, creating a first year baseline.



  Note: October 2, 2018

This is not yet sent.   To do status for now.

  Note: November 7, 2018

Survey sent. -

  Note: December 6, 2018

Discussed our progress so far - the survey has been sent and needs to finish up reviewing and then publish the results, thus, it's   Partially done. However, we'd like to continue this goal in Q3 to get more feedback.

Outcome 1 / Output 1.1


Local development is unified with testing and production

  Note: The goal for 1.1 has changed and we need to do some background information gathering first to help inform on how we can create a tool that can be used by developers that has platform parity with continuous integration and deployment.


  • Conduct interviews with development stakeholders and compile a report that informs future work creation of a rubric.



  Note: January 10, 2019

  • Discussed that as we've just gotten back from our vacations, this work is ramping up and is   In progress

  Note: February 5, 2019

  • Interviews have happened and are on wiki and should be wrapping up soon

  Note: March 12, 2019

  • This is   Done! :) (read more here)

Outcome 1 / Output 1.1


Local development is unified with testing and production

Create a production tooling compliant Dockerfile that sets up a basic LAMP stack, installs MediaWiki, and can run unit tests.


  • Provide an "Official" Docker base image for local development of MediaWiki based on the production tooling.



  Note: April 8, 2019

  • This is   In progress

  Note: May 7, 2019

  • This is still   In progress and more info can be found here

  Note: June 4, 2019

  • This is now   Done, yay! It'll always be on-going, but the first release is out and available now.