Wikimedia Security Team/AppSec Clinic Minutes/2024-09-04

Date: 2024-09-04


Attending: MMartorana_(WMF), MStyles_(WMF), SBassett_(WMF), CLemoisson-WMF

Previous Tasks

  1. MMartorana_(WMF)
    1. T370841 - MMartorana_(WMF) - Closed. To include in the supplemental release?
    2. T373270 - triaged, low, watching
  2. MStyles_(WMF)
    1. T367677 - will wait until September
  3. SBassett_(WMF)
    1. T364776 - patch waiting for review
    2. T366005 - tagged #IF (SRE) for opinion on matrix/server issue (stalled but low priority)

New Phabricator Tasks Reviewed

  1. T373713- assigned to MMartorana_(WMF)
  2. T373433- might be invalid, assigned to SBassett_(WMF) for follow-up
  3. T373889- to be made public
  4. T373910 - assigned to MStyles_(WMF), to be scheduled sometimes in 2025
  5. T373930- assigned to MMartorana_(WMF)
  6. T373933 - Cléo to talk to Reedy about it
  7. T374011- triaged, untagged
  8. T374030 - untagged
  9. T374031 - untagged