Wikimedia Security Team/AppSec Clinic Minutes/2024-05-06

Date: 2024-05-06


Attending: SBassett_(WMF), MMartorana_(WMF)

Previous Tasks

  1. MMartorana_(WMF)
    1. T337949 - Confirm with Reedy before merge.
    2. T362829 - Will create checkbox list for found repos, try to find owners.
  2. MStyles_(WMF)
    1. T363182 - In-progress secteam task.
  3. SBassett_(WMF)
    1. T363633 - Done, asking if we can make public. (We can't!)

New Phabricator Tasks Reviewed

  1. T363589 - Set to secteam watching, Reedy followed up.
  2. T337305 - SBassett_(WMF) reached out to Andre with some questions.
  3. T363773 - MMartorana_(WMF) to request someone write a patch that the secteam would be happy to deploy.