Wikimedia Security Team/AppSec Clinic Minutes/2023-11-27

Date: 2023-11-27


Attending: SBassett_(WMF), CLemoisson-WMF, MStyles_(WMF), MMartorana_(WMF),

  1. MMartorana_(WMF)
    1. Untagged
  2. MStyles_(WMF)
    1. T338238 - Set up AppSec CI includes for iPoid.
    2. T338611 - Waiting Releng to deploy.
    3. T344130 - Waiting for CR on patch.
    4. T348481 - Waiting for follow-up
  3. SBassett_(WMF)
    1. T326871 - Waiting on AHT/Thalia response.

Sent to Privacy Engineering

  1. None.

No new tasks from the appsec clinic this week.

New Phabricator Tasks Reviewed edit

  1. T351263(assigned to SBassett_(WMF)
  2. T351987 (assigned to MMartorana_(WMF)