Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/SpiderPig/Progress reports/2024-08-30

Report on activities in the SpiderPig project for the week ending 2024-08-30.

[WE6.2.3] Create a new deployment UI

  • Status: on track
  • Progress update on the hypothesis for the week
    • Lifecycle stage: Development
    • This week, we learned that the design systems used by Toolhub was Vuetifyjs. This is aimed at single page applications. Probably not what we'll use for the new deploy UI.
    • Began work on better storage of deployment history, moving the history of deploys from a flat file to a sqlite database
    • In review: adding a mediawiki-status command to display the kubernetes deployment status of MediaWiki (scap!385)
    • Learned the timeline for adding multi-factor auth for the idp single-sign on system is undetermined, but work not likely to start before October.
    • Very important: we added a picture of a flying pig to use it the deployment ui.
  • Any new metrics related to the hypothesis
    • No
  • Any emerging blockers or risks
    • No
  • Any unresolved dependencies - do you depend on another team that hasn’t already given you what you need? Are you on the hook to give another team something you aren’t able to give right now?
    • No
  • Have there been any new lessons from the hypothesis?
    • No
  • Have there been any changes to the hypothesis scope or timeline?
    • No