Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Group -1/Progress reports/2024-08-08

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Report on activities in the Group -1 project for the week ending 2024-08-08.

[WE6.2.1] Publish pre-train single version containers


If we publish a versioned build of MediaWiki, extensions, skins, and Wikimedia configuration at least once per day we will uncover new constraints and establish a baseline of wallclock time needed to perform a build.

Progress update
  • Stage: Design
  • Work on the design document progressed with Bryan and Tyler spending some quality time talking out a series of open questions which led to refinement of the goals and out of scope topics list.
  • Ahmon: rewrote remaining container image building code so it is all Python now (with a little Makefile wrapper).
  • Ahmon: has made some scap changes to move towards automation without interfering with manual deploys
Any new metrics related to the hypothesis
  • None
Any emerging blockers or risks
  • None
Any unresolved dependencies - do you depend on another team that hasn’t already given you what you need? Are you on the hook to give another team something you aren’t able to give right now?
  • Not yet
Have there been any new lessons from the hypothesis?
  • Not yet
Have there been any changes to the hypothesis scope or timeline?
  • Bryan and Tyler were able to agree that a number of ideas that had been proposed as closely related work are generally important to keep in mind, but are out of scope for the current hypothesis and the Group -1 goal itself. Some of these ideas may be used for future hypotheses if we find ourselves with time to pursue them.