Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/2023-09-27



TODO: postmortem for scap patches, loop in security

πŸ† Wins

Sep '23 edition
  • Image published for Blubber that is native LLB, no dockerfile anymore
    • implications
      • dockerfile is unnecessary since no one sees the dockerfileβ€”we can customize each llb instruction and what it displays to the users: a name that corresponds to the blubber.yaml config
      • now we have the ability to create our own instructions
      • dockerfile2llb gone! No more external helper images that haven't been maintained just to copy files aroundβ€”no more cross-platform compatibility/emulation issues
      • llb gets new stuff firstβ€”ex: diffop/mergeop
  • Phorge working on the scap3∞ deployment environment
  • Landed 3 upstream phorge patches, 1 is one we've had for years the blocks some tasks rendering (T284397)
  • Patch for T&S could outputs the MediaWiki SUL account along with the phab username (T344303)
  • Wrote a plugin for tox to keep supporting [tox:jenkins] CI config with tox v4 unblocking part of the migration from tox v3.
  • Moved Civi CRM CI from Stretch to Bullseye and to php 7.4 (aligning with prod). Paired with Ejegg from FR-tech.
  • Ahmon refactoring GitLab nodepools, buildkitd persistent volume, and containerd debugging
  • Dan deep debugging of source code for containerd
  • GerritLab uses the git credential helper
  • Trusted runners now not running untrusted jobs
  • Authentication working in phorge dev environment
  • Phabricator housekeeping for open tickets assigned for more than two years
  • Phabricator logstash dashboard with filters
  • We've got a weekly Phorge deploy window, of sorts (and can ask for other things)
  • Workaround for security patches touching l10nβ€”fixes bug!
  • Tox v4 migration in progress
  • Added phorge to the scap3 development environment!
  • Fixed a logspam-watch bug (SIGPIPE)

OKR update


Last week


The six questions I answer week-by-week about our work. This is pretty much all CTPO/VP/Director-types see for what we're doing. If there are specific things to call out here, let's do.

On track

Progress update on the hypothesis for the week T344733 – Migrate metrics-platform repo to GitLab, Repo exists on GitLab, still figuring out some composer issues T347132 – Fix LDAP syncing for GitLab T346924 and T346937 – Migrating Wikimedia Stewards group/scripts from Phabricator to GitLab Any new metrics related to the hypothesis Repositories on Gerrit decreased (2012 last week β†’ 2008 this week) Projects on GitLab increased (1364 Sept 1 β†’ 1375 this week (+0.5 repos/day)) Any emerging blockers or risks Finding a path forward with MediaWiki testing while balancing migration fatigue. Any unresolved dependencies - do you depend on another team that hasn’t already given you what you need? Are you on the hook to give another team something you aren’t able to give right now? No Have there been any new learnings from the hypothesis? No Are you working on anything else outside of this hypothesis? If so, what? Now tracked as essential work: What was accomplished in this essential workstream this week? If nothing, why? Security/hardware/maintenance updates for Jenkins/Phab/Gerrit/GitLab Updated Releases and CI Jenkins to new LTS 2.414.2 security updates on Wednesday Train/Backport deployments 1.41.0-wmf.27 299 Patches β–ˆβ–‚β–β–‚β–‚ in 68 repos by 70 authors 0 Rollbacks β–β–β–ˆβ–β– 0 Days of delay β–„β–„β–„β–„β–„ 7 Blockers β–β–β–‚β–ƒβ–ˆ Deployment training for Adam Basso! Does this essential workstream have any unresolved blockers or dependencies? If so, what? No

This week


Progress update on the hypothesis for the week

Any new metrics related to the hypothesis

Any emerging blockers or risks

Any unresolved dependencies - do you depend on another team that hasn’t already given you what you need?

Are you on the hook to give another team something you aren’t able to give right now?

Have there been any new learnings from the hypothesis?

Are you working on anything else outside of this hypothesis? If so, what?

🌻 Open source/Upstream contributions


😢 Let's keep these empty


Code review


Gerrit Access requests


Private repo requests


Gerrit repo requests


GitLab Access requests


High priority tasks


πŸ“… Vacations/Important dates


September 2023

  • 04 Sep: Labor day (US Staff with reqs)
  • 08 Sep: Tyler
  • 15, 18 Sep: Tyler
  • 26 Aug–05 Sep: Brennen (πŸ”₯)
  • 13 Weds–17 Sun: Brennen β†’ KS (approximate)
  • 29 Fri Sep (moving state holiday from Thu28): Andre
  • 02-03 Mon-Tue Oct: Dan

October 2023

  • 2-16 Oct: Jaime
  • 9 Oct: Indiginous people's day

Nov 2023


Dec 2023

  • a few days after December offsite: Andre


  • 15Jan - 15Mar: Andre

πŸ”₯πŸš‚ Train


  • 2 Jan - wmf.17 - Dan + Antoine (Jaime out)
  • 9 Jan - wmf.18 - Jeena + Dan (Jaime out)
  • 16 Jan - wmf.19 - Jaime + Jeena
  • 23 Jan - wmf.20 - Brennen + Jaime
  • 30 Jan - wmf.21 - Ahmon + Brennen
  • 6 Feb - wmf.22 - Chad + Ahmon
  • 13 Feb - wmf.23 – Dan + Chad
  • 20 Feb - wmf.24 – Antoine + Dan
  • 27 Feb - wmf.25 – Jaime + Antoine
  • 6 Mar – wmf.26 – Jeena + Jaime
  • 13 Mar – wmf.27 – Brennen + Jeena
  • 20 Mar – wmf.1 – Ahmon + Brennen
  • 27 Mar – wmf.2 – Chad Dan + Ahmon
  • 3 Apr – wmf.3 – Antoine + Dan
  • 10 Apr – wmf.4 – Chad + Antoine
  • 17 Apr – wmf.5 – Jaime + Chad
  • 24 Apr – wmf.6 – Jeena + Jaime
  • 1 May – wmf.7 – Brennen + Jeena
  • 8 May – wmf.8 – Antoine + Brennen (Ahmon out + Antoine Out 8th)
  • 15 May – wmf.9 – Ahmon + Antoine (Dan out + Chad out)
  • 22 May – wmf.10 – Chad + Ahmon (Dan out + Jeena out 26th)
  • 29 May – wmf.11 – Dan + Chad (Memorial Day 29th)
  • 5 Jun – wmf.12 – Jeena + Dan (Brennen out, Jaime out)
  • 12 Jun – wmf.13 – Jaime + Jeena
  • 19 Jun – wmf.15 – Cancelled for offsite
  • 26 Jun – wmf.16 – Brennen + Jaime (Jeena out)
  • 3 Jul – wmf.17 – Antoine + Brennen (3rd + 4th holidays)
  • 10 Jul – wmf.18 – Dan + Antoine (Ahmon out)
  • 17 Jul – wmf.19 – Ahmon+Dan (Brennen out Friday)
  • 24 Jul – wmf.20 – Jaime+Ahmon
  • 31 Jul – wmf.21 – Ahmon+Jaime (Jeena out, Antoine out) (Ahmon volunteered)
  • 7 Aug – wmf. 22 – No train
  • 14 Aug - wmf.23 – Ahmon+Jaime (Jeena out, Antoine out)
  • 21 Aug - wmf.24 – Dan(brennen out, Jeena out, Antoine out)
  • 28 Aug – wmf.25 – Jeena+Dan
  • 04 Sep – wmf.26 – Antoine+Jeena
  • 11 Sep – wmf.27 – Jaime+Antoine+Andre as lurker!
  • 18 Sep – wmf.28 – Brennen+Jaime
    • Logspam-watch needs some attention
    • Every deploy is rebuilding l10n
  • 25 Sep – 1.42.0-wmf.1 – Dan + Brennen
  • 2 Oct – 1.42.0-wmf.2 – Jeena + Dan (Jaime Out)
  • 9 Oct – 1.42.0-wmf.3 – Antoine + Jeena (Jaime Out)
  • 16 Oct – 1.42.0-wmf.4 – Brennen + Antoine
  • 23 Oct – 1.42.0-wmf.5 – Ahmon + Brennen
  • 30 Oct – 1.42.0-wmf.6 – Dan + Ahmon

Team discussions

  • Cancelling next week for WM connect
  • Note there's a GitLab datacenter / host switch coming on Thursday: - downtime is expected
    • Let's confirm that people know this ;D


  • Brainstorming doc coming soon
    • Think about: Work activities, Discussion topics (information sharing/collective decision making), Fun activities