Wikimedia Release Engineering Team/Checkin archive/20131008



Improve our deployment process

  • git-deploy
Antoine : can we get someone to write high level documentation / tutorial to add more projects to it ? I find it a mess.
  • Will get Ryan on this during Joey Hess' work
  • automation

Still need +2 for please to finish i18n messages for Flow. This is taking a long time

Sam / Antoine getting it for tomorrow.
  • monitoring
Antoine: Ori Livneh got statsd installed on an EQIAD box tungsten.eqiad.wmnet. Antoine has setup Jenkins/Zuul to report metrics (which includes some Gerrit metrics as well). More nice graphs need to be done.
Let us creates graphs like in production: . Need the same for beta cluster.
deploy notifications
look at the wmf branches in Gerrit,n,z

Take the Beta Cluster to the next level

  • monitoring of fatals, errors, performance
Antoine: reach out with Ori the main author. He might want to get it configured on beta cluster first.
send all fatals/exceptions via EventLogging?
Greg to check in with Ori about this
Being done on a best effort basis. Idea is to write exception/fatals as json and send them over EventLogging. According to Antoine most of the code is ready, got to feature enable it on beta to play with the feature.

Requested ops support from Ken for . We've been discussing the SSL fix since May, but I think only ops has the access and knowledge to do the work.

Rob: if the SSL cert issues is blocking us, we should just turn off the secure login issues and reenable it later on whenever SSL is sorted out.
  • add more automated tests for eg the API
  • feed experiences/gained knowledge of Beta Cluster automation up to production automation

Better align QA effort with high profile features

  • Apply model of Language/Mobile embedded QA to a new feature team (specifically VisualEditor)
    • hiring interviews in process
  • Include more user contributed code testing (eg: Gadgets)
  • Increase capacity through community training for browser tests
    • The QA mail list becoming a great source of general information about quality at WMF.
    • Got a #wikimedia-qa IRC channel as well
    • Training pipeline right now is more internal, Language team in particular (ex: ULS).