Wikimedia Quality and Test Engineering Team/Projects

Quality and Test Engineering Projects


Project Pipeline


Below are the projects that QTE is engaged with and are considered plan of record (PoR)

Project Description Team Primary Contact QAP Lead TE Lead TQEN Lead Status Timeframe Resources
Moderator Tools Mobile Web Wikipedia Library Team Asthuthi Onit Rummana TBD TBD Planning May 2022 - Dec 2022
Wikifunctions Abstract Wikipedia Cai Blanton (Adam Baso) TBD Elena Stef In-Progress Slack: qte-wiki-functions-project
Thumbor Migration Platform Engineering Mat Nadrofsky - Dom N/A Completed
RESTBase Deprecation API Value Stream + Contributors Atieno Njira - Emeka N/A In-Progress Slack: qte-restbase-deprecation-project
K8s Migration Release Engineering Tyler Cipriani - Dom TBD In-Progress
Code Stewardship Graph Automation Internal project to automate the Code Stewardship graph on the developers/maintainers page. QTE Željko n/a n/a n/a In-Progress Developers/MaintainersSlack: qte-code-stewardship-graph-automation

task T318599

QAP = Quality Assurance, TE = Test Engineering, TQEN = Test and Quality Enablement



Below are projects/activities that QTE are tracking and are on our radar but have not yet become part of PoR.

Project/Activity Team Primary Contact Timeframe Notes/Links
API Gateway API Value Stream QTE-JR, APIVST- Atieno, Virginia TBD Further investigation underway.

task T306043

