Wikimedia Quality and Test Engineering Team/Meetings/2022


  • Attendance: Elena, George, Zeljko, JR, Peter, Anthony, Dom, Vaughn, Stef, Derrick- Topics -  
  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Pretty normal, but getting ready for talk page updates on iOS
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Mostly the talk page updates
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Pretty good
    • Other interesting things
      • Lula won in Brasil and that's a good thing
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
      • GlobalBlocking
      • IPA Renderer (Phonos)
      • Ramping up improved diffs
      • Thumbor migration
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Lots of multitasking
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Growth tean: scaling - deploying GrowthExperiments to all wikis; ending variant experiments on (some) wikis
      • Structured Data team - continue with Special:Search improvements, i.e. adding QuickView
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Blocked mentors- mentees re-assignment and structured mentorship API for communities to use
      • Many UI issues with QuickView on Special:Search page
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • The QA load is quite big for both teams
    • Other interesting things
      • Working on Special:Search improvements is kind of fun!
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • George
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Check User
      • Global Blocking
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Monte
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Peter
    • Project updates
      • - Codehealth pipeline Documentation focused on production only extensions & services
    • Other interesting things
      • - Experimenting on SonarLint plugin in various IDEs
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Stef
    • Project updates
      • First cohort of Google Fellows has departed
        • Team felt fatigued and stretched thing by so many Fellows coming in, onboarding, and contributing without an interview processes/team member's concent
        • Having a "quiet week" to decompress and refocus
      • Working on end-to-end testing environment on k8s (on maybe GitLab runners)
        • volunteer offered to help write e2e tests, which is exciting
    • Other interesting things
      • standing up a private k8s cluster with private registery to iterate locally on e2e environment
      • deployed a backport to production Wikipedia
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Created a selenium script that can create lots of users and register for them for an event.  This saves a LOT of time!
      • Covering for ezekiel this week in Inuka and Design Systems
      • Cleaning up some code review for event registration tests
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • We are dark shipping tomorrow!! :party-emoji:  
      • API testing for private registration for an Event
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Things are not too bad right now
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T311842 Testing Computer Software - we have finished reading the book (it took us three months)
      • T316875 [qte] EnableEventRegistration UI automation - pairing with Vaughn
      • T296187 Selenium Tests for VisualEditor - pairing with Esther
      • T247665 QTE book club - looking for the next book
      • T300290 QTE pairing - pairing for weeks 43-44 in progress
      • T321395 Clone developers-maintainers from gitlab - I had some trouble cloning from gitlab, fixed
      • T317879 ffmpeg stderr Capture area 1920x1080 at position 0.0 outside the screen size 1280x1024 - I had to revert a recent change to our selenium framework because it broke video recording
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Stef, Monte, Zeljko, Elena, Dom, Vaughn, Peter, JR, Derrick, Ezekiel, Edward, Esther, Emeka, Jackeline- Topics -
  • T311842 Testing Computer Software - book club on Halloween (Monday 2022-10-31) (Ž)
  • T318599 Developers/Maintainers graph automation - pretty much done, waiting for feedback (Ž)
  • Testing in Production
    • Update on work with T&S and community
      • Shared user accounts (build transperency into testing activites)
      • Production testing conditions (still WIP)
        • This is where we will need to better enumerate the situations in which we feel like testing in production is the only option.  
    • Production-like test environment
      • Isn't this what we should have?  Why would we not strive for that.  
        • Yes, but...  
          • We need to do unpack what "Production-like" means.  We have real constraints that keep us from having a test environment that is identical to production.
          • We may create several environments that are production-like in different ways (i.e, what extensions are installed and their configurations
          • In the end, our testing activities should define our environmental and tooling needs.  
    • Next QTE sync meeting we will dig deeper into this topic.  


- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • T320495: Undeploy GDI Safety Survey Wave 3 from EN, ES, FR, and PT wikis
    • T318156: Deploy GDI Safety Survey Wave 3 on EN, ES, FR, PT wikis - week of Sept. 26, 2022
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Spinning lots of plates
      • I am at a CommTech Offsite in Denmark next week
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Desktop Improvements impacting contributions
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Currently manageable
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Growth: scaleing "add image"
      • SD: thumbnails on Special:Search
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • I'll be out for two weeks  - Nov 14-23, Growth/SD teams will need some QA support
    • Other interesting things
      • Czech Republic is unbelievably beaitiful! (spent a week traveling there after Growth team offsite).  
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Refactoring TAhS to include infinite scroll.
      • New codex components - buttongroup
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Border thickness being uneven around the component. Very exciting!
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • None at the moment. Looking good.
    • Other interesting things
  • George
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
      • Had first skip-level with Tahj.  We had very fruitful conversation and plan to followup with an offcycle meeting in the next couple of weeks.  
  • Monte
  • Peter
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Stef
    • Project updates
      • connected Abstract Wikipedia engineers interested in cataluging test cases with Elena
      • exploring setting up sterile test environments for end-to-end tests using kubernetes (with an eye on GitLab CI runners)
        • chatting with Jenna, Brennen, Tyler
        • using k3s for local Linux k8s environment
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
      • selenium testing for errors, trying to figure out how to navigate it without IDs or unique identifiers
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • lots of timezone things, whew!  I keep finding bugs in it.  Complex stuff to sort through.
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T311842 Testing Computer Software - almost done with the book, book club on Halloween (Monday 2022-10-31)
      • T296187 Selenium Tests for VisualEditor - pairing with Esther
      • T316875 First selenium test for Campaigns (EnableEventRegistration) - pairing with Vaughn
      • T318599 Developers/Maintainers graph automation - pretty much done, waiting for feedback
      • T300290 QTE pairing - pairs for weeks 41-42 announced
      • T309600 Selenium Tests for Wikistories - pairing with Ezekiel
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Stef, Anthony, Derrick, Edward, Emeka, Ezekiel, Jackeline, George, Rummana, Peter, Vaughn, Mat, JR, Zeljko, Monte - Topics -  
  • Stef and team introductions
    • What Stef is focusing on
      • Abstract Wikipedia
      • Path to Production
  • T263660 Organize a blog post writing club - The second anniversary. The club is accepting two more members.
  • T318599 Developers/Maintainers graph automation (Optional, if we need a demo session.)
  • Team OKRs -JR
    • We are starting to work on defining a few OKRs that we can collectively work towards.  

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Normal stuff mostly. The next big new feature is shareable reading lists
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Nothing too notable
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Looking good
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • T318156: Deploy GDI Safety Survey Wave 3 on EN, ES, FR, PT wikis - week of Sept. 26, 2022
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Desktop Improvements
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Mostly minor visual regressions
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • very manageable
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • George
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
      • Investigating Cypress as location for offsite in Q3- No visa requirements.  
      • 1-1 with Selena last week.  She's very interested in what we do.  Discussed the future organization a bit and some of the persistent challenges the organization faces.  
  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • More work with Tyler on dashboard bits
    • Other interesting things
  • Peter
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Stef
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T318599 Developers/Maintainers graph automation - Pretty much done. Some minor things to fix.
      • T311842 Testing Computer Software - Reading for the book club.
      • T316875 First selenium test for Campaigns (EnableEventRegistration) - Paring with Vaught.
      • T313775 MinervaNeue "Wikitext Editor.Closing editor (overlay button)" test is flaky - Paired with Esther.
      • T309600 Selenium Tests for Wikistories - Pairing with Ezekiel.
      • T311634 QTE watercooler - I've finally set it up.
      • T300290 QTE pairing - Pairs for weeks 39-40 created.
      • T263660 Organize a blog post writing club - The second anniversary. The club is accepting two more members.
      • T314080 Set up selenium / for regression test automation - Paired with Vaughn.
      • T296187 Selenium Tests for VisualEditor - Pairing with Esther.
      • T318332 Selenium tests for IPInfo - Pairing with Dom.
      • T316366 Wikimania 2022 - Watched several recorded sessions.
      • T319004 Wikimedia Connect - Attended a few sessions, watched a few recorded sessions.
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Derrick, JR, Monte, George, Anthony, Dom, Ezekiel, Zeljko, Vaughn, Peter, Rummana, Esther- Topics -  
  • T311842 Testing Computer Software: Next book club meeting on 2022-09-26 (Monday) at 15:00 UTC
  • T300290 QTE pairing: Week 37-38 pairs created.
  • T311634 QTE watercooler: September-December 2022 meetings are at Thursdays at 14:00 and 17:15 UTC
  • Update on discussion with community admins regarding testing in production- Round Robin -
  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Regular testing stuff. Next feature is shareable reading lists
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Nothing major
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Looking good
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • T318156: Deploy GDI Safety Survey Wave 3 on EN, ES, FA, FR, PT wikis - week of Sept. 26, 2022
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
      • CheckUser and IPInfo maintenance work
      • Phonos (IPA renderer) almost at end of development work
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Bit of a backlog after holiday
    • Other interesting things
      • Lovely holiday in Portugal
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Growth team: continued QA for MentorDashboard vue migration
      • SD team: Special:Search refinments
      • Abstract Wikipedia: QA for user workflows on  Special:CreateZObject (different funcitons types)
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • I'll be at the Growth team offsite+vacation Oct 01-Oct 14. There are some time-sensitive QA work for SD team - any help would be appreciated.
    • Other interesting things
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Team work analysis for Inuka Team - how long tasks take in each column
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Design anomalies for some codex components
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • No help needed. Things are pretty light
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
  • George
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
      • Moderator Tools engagement - will be kicking off engagment with them using non-dedicated model.
    • Other interesting things
      • Jackeline and I started working on OKR planning in preparation for future discussion with Selena.  Will talk more about that in a forthcoming sync meeting.  
  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • Looking at defect escape rate
    • Other interesting things
      • More VIM! getting a little faster but keeping the cheat sheet handy for now
  • Peter
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Wrapping up Discussion Tools work in preparation to start our work on "Edit Check", yay!
      • Finished reading all the documents and research papers relevant to the Moderator Tools project.
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Nope!
    • Other interesting things
      • Just got back from Berlin, was fun to catch up with people face to face. Waiting for my lost baggage though :D
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
      • working on first selenium tests,  currently trying to get correct return values from async / await (which is required), like i would get from a promise return.  Once I get this functioning it will inform the rest of my tests.  
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • figuring out how to hide globally suppressed user who organized an event, but still show that there is an organizer
      • and once that was fixed, figuring out the same thing for a globally deleted user who organized an event
      • hopefully we will get a date set for or darkship or v1 deployment in the next couple of weeks!
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • no help needed
    • Other interesting things
      • I have mentioned something along these lines before when I was trying to figure it out,  but it is strange that Special:Block can not be used to actually globally block a user.  A steward using Special:CentralAuth is the way to actually globablly suppress or delete a user.  Unintuitive UX.  
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T311842 Testing Computer Software
        • Next book club meeting on 2022-09-26
      • T316875 First selenium test for Campaigns (EnableEventRegistration)
        • Pairing with Vaughn
      • T309600 Selenium Tests for Wikistories
        • Pairing with Ezekiel
      • T313775 MinervaNeue "Wikitext Editor.Closing editor (overlay button)" test is flaky
        • Paired with Esther
      • T316364 Testival Conference 2022
        • A great local testing conference. Blog post coming soon.
      • T316366 Wikimania 2022
        • I've watched a few recorded talks.
      • T300290 QTE pairing
        • Week 37-38 pairs created.
      • T318083 Saving edits with VE throws an error on Beta Cluster
        • Paired with Esther. She caught a serious bug.
      • T311634 QTE watercooler
        • September-December 2022 meetings are at Thursdays at 14:00 and 17:15 UTC
      • T317878 selenium-daily Jenkins jobs fail sometimes with: "Failed to read test report file"
        • Reported a bug that looks like it's a duplicate of: T307914 Potential time based race condition with xunit filenames
      • T317879 ffmpeg stderr Capture area 1920x1080 at position 0.0 outside the screen size 1280x1024
        • Reported a bug in our Selenium testing framework. Not yet fixed.
    • Other interesting things


  • 2022-09-07
  • Attendance: George, Elena, Jackeline, Vaughn, Monte, Ezekiel, Zeljko, Anthony, Derrick, Esther, Rummana- Topics -
  • MediaSearch (mini presentation - Elena)
  • Accessibility Testing Playbook
  • Jan from Trust and Safety to discuss community policies on EnWiki and testing.
    • TO DO - Compile test account names and links send to Jan and T&S
  • Abuse Filter, Edits, Blocking and more!
  • ----- Round Robin -
  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Finished testing a Android beta candidate build. Should be publishing soon. Normal work stuff on iOS.
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Nothing too notable other than the Abuse Filter testing. There are two new features coming Android around the onboarding process and shareable reading lists
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Looking good
    • Other interesting things
      • I am organizing a talk for Wiki Connect (formerly all hands) and I hope you all can join me. The discussion is around the new labor movement and Latinos in the movement (as part of Latino Heritage Month)
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Growth: mostly MentorDashboard features; also testing instrumentation schemas
      • SD: UI improvements for Special:Search (cont.)
      • AW: testing of UI forms for Special:ListZObjectsByType/Z8
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • kind of balanced at the moment - but it'd be high during September since SD team is planning to add a bulk of changes to Special:Search page
    • Other interesting things
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • George
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
      • Hiring update Staff SET - We've hired Stef.  Yay!  She starts on Sept 26th.  
  • Monte
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
      • VIM - tons of VIM
  • Peter
    • Project updates
      • (T318085) Documenting repos integrated into the Codehealth pipeline
    • Other interesting things
      • Investigate Code Coverage improvements in operations/software/thumbor-plugins
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance:- Topics -

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Assist Dom with testing Realtime Preview in Production for Group 0 and Group 1
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • T310852 Add Event Logging to capture users switching from mobile to desktop
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Realtime Preview released to group1 (thanks to Derrick for help testing it on production)
      • Thumbor Migration project - currently reviewing code coverage (with help from Peter)
      • Phonos (IPA audio rendering) in full swing
      • Various maintenance tasks
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Currently spinning lots of plates
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Desktop Improvements TOC
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Was on vacation so nothing to add here
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Currently a high workload
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Growth team: MentorDash board vue migration (the issues were found/fixed/verified); also Structured Mentorship project
      • Structured data team: Special:Search UI improvements (deployed)
      • Abstract Wikipedia team: interview for SET
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • seems to be reasonable
    • Other interesting things
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • George
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Monte
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Peter
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
      • installing selenium into extension and trying to figure out gerrit
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • filled in for edward on web readers
      • learning differences between blocking and suppressing a user through central auth (global) and blocking and suppression mode through Special:Block (local).  Still confusing though, but different results to the user who is blocked or suppressed.  
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • lots going on right now, but no help needed currently.  Want to make sure I can get selenium rolling and have time for that.  
    • Other interesting things
      • we have been changing up our QA process and trying to figure out the best flow on campaigns, now that we are on betacluster.  For the past few weeks, I was giving an approval on gerrit for each patch after testing locally, but we are reverting so just devs giving a +1 and then flagging me if something is high risk and needs testted locally before pushing to master branch.  I think this is a better flow.  
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Monte, Elena, Jackeline, Dom, Vaughn, Derrick, Ezekiel, JR, Emeka, Peter- Topics -

GrowthExperiemnts Demo - Elena

Browserstack have offered to have a session

Accessiblity Testing playbook

Documenting QTE practices

Team conventions to document team's work, Mediawiki, Meta wiki, Wikitech, etc.


- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Medium
      • Derrick volunteered to help me test Realtime Preview release
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Growth: Mentorship (Structured pages, migration to Vue)
      • SD: worked with devs on Image suggestions (notifications) phab tasks - if any need some follow ups
      • Abstract wikipedia: QA playbook
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • lots of reading/onboarding for Abstract Wikipedia; SD team finilazes Search Improvements - will be lots of QA work next couple of weeks
    • Other interesting things
      • some ideas on creating wikimedia QA framework when I was working on QA Abstract Wikipedia playbook
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
      • Project Pipeline for QTE - mechanism to help bring visibility to the projects we are working on.  
        • Jackeline and I are working with Elena and Dom to test some approaches out.  
      • SET interviews are going pretty well.  Have a number of good candiates.  Have a few more in the queue and hope to have a final decision by the end of the month.  
      • Ima's backfill - George Mikesell will be starting on August 22nd.
  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • Took a little break from docker/selenium bits after running into yet another blocker, doubled back to cover some puppeteer knowledge gaps - created docker bits using only puppetter to drive chrome to make sure I understood how it worked w/o mediawiki related things. Based on success with that I think the remaining issue I'm seeing is wdio related, not devtools or puppeteer related
      • Updated documentation on my Git scripts. They make it super easy to see commonly used git info for a given directory under git source control as you work on it:
      • Also added a new script ( `ccc` ) to the repo above for easily browsing back/forward through all diffs in historical commits. Fixed a bunch of bugs too, various refactors and improved the layout/colors/contrast a bit
    • Other interesting things
  • Peter
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Monte, JR, Dom, Daisy, Jackeline, Volker, Peter, Ezekiel, Vaughn, Elena, Edward, Derrick, Zeljko, Emeka- Topics -

* Volker Accessibility presentation

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • T312866: Undeploy GDI Safety Survey Wave 2 from EN, ES, FA, FR, and PT wikis
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Release of Realtime Preview to group0
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Table of Contents
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Testing new search with Ezekiel
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Very manageable
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
  • Emeka
    • T290436 Add support for empty states to the current language selector
    • T304293 Communicate the different levels of template availability
    • T295756 Verify mobile language selector entry point instrumentation (QA) - Instrumentation
    • T301222 Instrumentation of new SX entrypoints - Instrumentation
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • T311586 Erroneous message showing in template section during translation
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
    • T312543 Set up Cypress framework for Automation
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Codex testing and improvements to Wikistories
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Visual bugs on Codex components. Issues with component alignment (in pixels)
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • The work is manageable at the moment. Not yet a cry for help.
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
      • Data^3 has largely stalled as we work towards backfilling Mukunda's role.  We are talking with Bitergia however to see if we can use some of their work as a means to report on and analyze engineering data.
      • Working on a project about Projects. Jackeline and I are working towards shifting how we approach work within QTE as well as how we work with other teams.  I've also started having discussions with various teams about this shift in approach.  
      • We've started actively engaging with the Abstract Wikipedia team on their Wikifunctions project.  Elena is leading up the initial assessment.
      • We are in talks with the Moderator Tools team to better understand their coming projects and how QTE might be able to engage.  Rummana will be engaging with them to help assess their QA processes and identify opportunities for improvement.  
      • Emeka will be leading up our API efforts and will be engaging with the API Value Stream team in the near future.  They are working on the RESTBase deprecation project which will likely impact several services - more to come on that project.  
    • Other interesting things
      • Our offiste has been postponed until Q3 (early next calendar year).
  • Monte
  • Peter
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
      • finishing up final v0 tasks and interwiki and cross wiki testing for Events on betacluster
      • starting to set up selenium in the extension since we have something stable-ish out to betacluster now
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • got the extension out to betacluster!  Special:EnableEventRegistration if anyone wants to try it out
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • workload is fine now, nice that it is mellow-ish to get to finish up a few things between the launch to betacluster and the offsite
    • Other interesting things
      • offsite for the campaigns team next week whassuuuppppp
      • i have been trying to learn on duolingo to prepare for the lisbon but really eu não falo portugues
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T291254 Find flaky Selenium tests - I've spent the vast majority of the time in the last few weeks on this task. It's not finished yet (at about 80%) but I already have a lot of very useful data.
      • T296187 Selenium Tests for VisualEditor - Pairing with Esther. Nice progress.
      • T310772 Selenium test error: Content Editable.should load when an url is opened @daily ("Execution context was destroyed") - Paired with Esther. Resolved.
      • T313791 WikibaseLexeme NewLexemeAlpha:Page Selenium tests fail when targeting MediaWiki-Docker - Reported a bug.
      • T243397 Learn SikuliX basics - Spent some time during inspiration week on learning more about a tool I've used many years ago.
      • T313775 MinervaNeue "Wikitext Editor.Closing editor (overlay button)" test is flaky - Paired with Esther. MinervaNeue test breaks in CI when VisualEditor is installed.
      • T314024 Staff Software Engineer Interview(s) - Participated in an interview.
      • T313899 Fresh problem when running Selenium tests - Reported a bug.
      • T313794 +2 for pwangai - Paired with Peter.
      • T300290 QTE pairing - Ongoin project.
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Monte, Peter, Jackeline, Ezekiel, Zeljko, Esther, Elena, Derrick, Dom, Vaughn, Edward- Topics -

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • T311079: Deploy GDI Safety Survey Wave 2 on EN, ES, FA, FR, and PT wikis - BETA.
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • T311434 [Reverted][2nd Attempt] - Deploy GDI Safety Survey Wave 2 on EN, ES, FA, FR, and PT wikis - PROD
    • T311429 UNDEPLOY - GDI Safety Survey Wave 2 on EN, ES, FA, FR, and PT wikis - BETA
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
      • SimilarEditors
      • IPInfo
      • Phonos (was Generate Audio for IPA)
      • test2wiki k8s migration - trying to fill out features not covered by members of our team (I've reached out to a few other teams like Performance, Analytics)
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Still working on the TOC
      • Edit functionality for the Sticky Header
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Manageable
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Growth team:
        • "add link" and "add image" deployed to more wikis
        • cleaning production errors
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • the load is quite ok
    • Other interesting things
      • SD team offsite (with the Search team) was insightful
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • mediawiki makefile now works well as a git submodule
      • updated a few makefiles to include the base makefile bits as git submodule vs copying
      • ddd docker fixes - verified that the issue i'm seeing spinning this up on the server are not a result of "make" version differences on the server vs local
      • make port easily setting for ddd docker makefile
    • Other interesting things
  • Peter
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
      • gearing up for v0 release in two weeks!  
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Other interesting things
      • harvested so many cherry tomatoes!  probably 30 per day. and all of my garlic as well this weekend.
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T309600 Selenium Tests for Wikistories - pairing with Ezekiel
      • T299413 2021-2022 Q3 Individual Tuning Conversations - done
      • T296187 Selenium Tests for VisualEditor - pairing with Esther
        • T310772 Selenium test error: Content Editable.should load when an url is opened @daily ("Execution context was destroyed") - some progress, 2/3 tests fixed
      • T245252 Organize Engineering Productivity watercooler meetings - the last meeting is this week
      • T247665 QTE book club - picking the next book
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Zeljko^2, Esther, Dom, Monte, Jackeline, JR, Ezekiel, Peter, Vaughn, Derrick, Edward, Mat- Topics -
  • Semi-Annual planning (the new Annual Planning Process) and shared Tech/Product priorities
  • Security Testing Discussion- Round Robin -
  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • T308624: RecentChanges: Buttons associated with the showrollbackconfirmation overlap in the Mobile view
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Editing in Vector 2022 is now full-width
      • Realtime preview was released to viwiki and fawiki yesterday
      • SimilarEditors
      • Generate Audio for IPA still in research phase
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Medium
      • Does anyone have any experience testing CirrusSearch or EventBus?
      • Anyone know how to setup Logstash/ELK locally?
      • Can anyone teach me or knows any good resources for scenario testing?
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Table of contents
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Workload is light, will be filling up the time with automation
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Vue Codex
      • Wikistories
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Some of the components get distorted when handling text that is too long
      • Browser compatibility issues - mostly seeing non-comformances whil using Safari 15.1
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Not at the moment
    • Other interesting things
      • Working with the team to define a test strategy (manual to begin with, automated to come later)
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Monte
    • Project updates
    • Looking at setting up makefile for wiki farm
    • Hangout with EZ regarding Codex bits
    • Various mediawiki makefile fixes: looking at using git sub module for including core file in project-specific makefiles, moved various bash bits out of makefile into separate sh file
    • Other interesting things
  • Peter
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
      • API testing for Campaigns team, lots of things unblocked in the past week
      • going through regression tests for Growth and Structured Data teams while Elena is at offsite
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • wikifarm with central auth on local, trying to figure that out, talked with Monte about potentially having a makefile for this, and other QTE team members about it
    • Current and projected workload - any help neede
      • workload is heavy with all the things that are unblocked as of last week, but will lighten up in two weeks i would say
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T309600 Selenium Tests for Wikistories - pairing with Ezekiel
      • T296187 Selenium Tests for VisualEditor- pairing with Esther
        • T309712 Dismiss 'Try Content Translation' popup - dismissed 😅
      • T305941 Exploratory Software Testing - finished reading the book
      • T300290 QTE pairing - set up pairs for weeks 23-24
    • Other interesting things
      • I don't usually go to concerts, but when I do it's with 50 000 other people



  • Attendance: JR, Monte, Ezekiel, Anthony, Elena, Jackeline, Peter, Zeljko, Rummana, Peter, Larissa, Vaughn, Edward, Esther, Derrick, Emeka- Topics -

Discussion with Performance team

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Nothing too notable, tested an Android update that goes out today
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Lots of talk pages and notifications
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Looks good
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Wikistories and Design System Codex
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • User Experience: features are developed and often times, we miss adding instructions for the user on how to use these or what their limits are.
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • I am handling things pretty well. There is a backlog of things to test from DST's perspective but the team will rally around to work to close them
    • Other interesting things
      • Setting up Selenium Webdriver tests for Wikistories. Should be an interesting adventure!
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • Sync with Tyler on DDD bits. Pushed some changes to the docker makefile
      • Cleanup on some mediawiki docker makefile bits
    • Other interesting things
  • Peter
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T305941 Exploratory Software Testing - one book club meeting done, one upcoming
      • T296187 Selenium Tests for VisualEditor - pairing with Esther and Vaughn
      • T300290 QTE pairing - pairs for weeks 21-22 notified
      • T301184 Add automated accessibility tests in CI to generate accessibility benchmarks for Skins - helped with Jenkins job
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Elena, Esther, Dom, Jackeline, Ezekiel, JR, Peter, Anthony, Vaughn, Rummana, Zeljko, Monte, Derrick, Ima- Topics -

- Survey

- Intros for Peter

- Compatibility Testing

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Notifcations improvements on iOS App. Just completed a release on Android App.
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Nothing too notable
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Looking good
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • T305231: When content is set to an RTL language, QuickSurveys does not follow RTL direction
    • T305654: close button is not horizontally flipped for surveys displayed in RTL languages
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ima
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • Much progress on getting headless selenium tests running in a more automated fashion, from scratch. Paired with Zeljko a couple times
    • Other interesting things
  • Peter
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Registration for Campaign Events
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • testing API endpoints in postman, bug preventing oauth/postman integration so am currently only able to test GET requests
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T305941 Exploratory Software Testing - book we're reading for book club
      • T296187 Selenium Tests for VisualEditor - pairing with Esther every day, Ezekiel and Vaughn join us sometimes
      • T300290 QTE pairing - paired with Emeka
      • T301184 Add automated accessibility tests in CI to generate accessibility benchmarks for Skins - helped with the Jenkins job
      • T290180 Xvfb not working in Fresh - verified that the new version fixed the problem
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Ezekiel, Zeljko, Derrick, Edward, Jackeline, JR, Vaughn, Ima, Rummana, Dom, Monte, Emeka, Anthony- Topics -
  • Performance/Scalability Testing discussion
    • What is it that we do today?
    • What should we be doing?
    • How do we engage with the Performance team?
    • Other thoughts/questions?
  • Combined regression suite
    • What are the regression suites we have today?
    • How can we combine our existing regression test suites?

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
      • More notifications on iOS in preparation for an update
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Missed a bug in notifications on non-latin languages, but not because I didn't test it. I tested an existing message in a non-latin language and it turns out new messages were broken. Devs are fixing it now.
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Looking good
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Realtime preview
      • IPA Renderer
      • Similar Editors
      • IPInfo
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Medium - but lots of context switching due to concurrent projects
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Working on the section translation update from Vue2 to Vue3
    • Basic support template for Section translation entry points
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Section translation multiple references defect
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Efforts to ensure more stability for section translation
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Growth: Campaigns - Marketing landing page with video & WelcomeSurvey with opt-in email checkbox
      • SD: lots of prep for testing - feedback on mockups and Search functionality improvements
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • quite good
    • Other interesting things
      • Learned a lot about polar graphs for the class I'm teaching
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ima
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • paired with Vaughn and Zeljko a couple times on various container bits for Campaigns and Selenium
      • much progress made on ^
    • Other interesting things
  • Peter
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T294644 Fix MediaWiki-Docker/Extension/CirrusSearch - in progress - paired with Search team
      • T301184 Add automated accessibility tests in CI to generate accessibility benchmarks for Skins - in progress - helping with the Jenkins job
      • T296187 Selenium Tests for VisualEditor - in progress - paired with Esther
      • Book club
        • T305941 Exploratory Software Testing - in progress
        • T301379 Explore It! - finished
      • T300290 QTE pairing - in progress
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Monte, JR, Jackeline, Anthony, Dom, Derrick, Ima, Rummana, Elena, Mat, Esther, Ezekiel- Topics -

* Dom can give a presentation about test2wiki k8s migration which hopefully can kick off preparation for testing



* Discuss Coverage/Roles and Responsibility doc -

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Android Release, finished up testing this morning. Also met with Vaughn for a while yesterday to talk about work/life at the foundation.
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Nothing too notable aside from some toolbar customization that users can do for their article controls. They also added Article Categories to the Android app, which is pretty cool.
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Looking good
    • Other interesting things
      • All the gold and probably silver on earth came from outspace. Also roughly 4% of all the gold traces back to the Roman Empire and it's just been recycled over the centuries.
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • T294363: Link to additional information and resources in the thank you message
    • T303963: Undeploy Safety Survey for EN, ES, FR, & PT wikis from BETA
    • T305855: Undeploy safety survey from PT wiki - PRODUCTION
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • T305654: close button is not horizontally flipped for surveys displayed in RTL languages
    • T305231:  When content is set to an RTL language, QuickSurveys does not follow RTL direction
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Wikistories. Quite comfortable with the feature and started giving feedback and having disucssions with the Inuka team
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Work is manageable at the moment, no complaints.
    • Other interesting things
      • "Wikistories" meant a different thing for me. I initially thought it was a place to write stories, tales, interesting work of fiction... but it is not!
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ima
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • another crack at updating DDD database - may have messed it up
      • more work on getting selenium bits working with my docker makefile
    • Other interesting things
      • synced with vaughn - i owe him some links
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Vaughn, JR, Dom, Monte, Elena, Zeljko, Derrick, Anthony, Ima, Emeka, Ezekiel, Esther, Jackeline- Topics -
  • Round of introductions
  • QTE in APP
  • T300290 QTE pairing - set up pairs
  • T247665 QTE reading club
  • T245252 Organize Engineering Productivity watercooler meetings
  • Meetings- Round Robin -
  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Still working on notifcations and talk page stuff on both apps
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Nothing too notable
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Looks good
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • T303736: Deploy Safety Survey to EN, ES, FR, & PT wikis after March 21st - Production
    • T303962: Undeploy Safety Survey for EN, ES, FR wikis FROM PRODUCTION
    • T303956: Deploy Safety Survey to EN, ES, FR, & PT wikis after March 21st - Beta
    • T303980: [Bug] X button is displaying outside of the survey boundary/border for small mobile devices
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • T294363: Link to additional information and resources in the thank you message
    • T303963: Undeploy Safety Survey for EN, ES, FR, & PT wikis from BETA
    • T303740: Update QuickSurvey initiation to collect editCountBucket
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
      • (Un)delete associated talk pages: close to officially releasing this, with changes that will be visible in the UI.
      • Real-Time Preview project: deployed to beta and testwiki, soon being rolled out to pilot wikis.
      • IPInfo has been on testwiki for a few weeks.
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Medium
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Growth: (Campaigns features) Welcome email and AND filter for task topics
      • SD: (Grant based) Search improvements discussion; migration to V3
      • Language: User workflows improvements for Section translation (removing translation limits, additional warning, prompting review of recently translated articles)
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Growth:verifying quite few production logstash bugs (not user interfacing)
      • SD: (for Growth team too) there were four tasks addressing the recent refactoring effort, e.g.] Edit Task: Fix uses of (error|success|warning|message)box in MachineVision (other similar tasks: Upload Wizard and other two for Flow and Growth Experiments)
      • Language team: filed three bugs on Section Translation UX issues
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Seems to be normal at the moment - lots of APP discussion on the teams
    • Other interesting thing
  • Emeka
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Currently gathering API automation skills while using Postman tool and newman( To run in CI)
    • Other interesting things
  • Ezekiel
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Getting conversant with Wikistories. Setup the extension locally and reviewing the features.
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Nothing in particular. Bugs found had been fixed, I just had to pull the latest code.
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Not at the moment, just soaking up a lot of information.
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • All good
    • Other interesting things
      • Learning to write clean code in mediawiki/extensions/VisualEditor/tests/selenium
  • Ima
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
      • Browser Stack Licenses/Contract in place (finally) - we'll be the Product Owner for BrowserStack and thus will manage the licenses/usage.  
      • Design Systems Team is having an offsite next week, that I look to participate in.  
    • Other interesting things
      • Working with RelEng on a Technical Forum statement for Beta Cluster.  Debian Stretch is close to EOS (end of support), which means Beta's availability is at risk.  
  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • Paired with Edward a couple times on some Docker bits
      • Paired with Zeljko on more Docker bits
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T303737 Investigate why Selenium tests are being skipped and get delete page tests running on Beta - in progress
        • T280331 Switch to spec reporter - at least now we know which tests are running (at least for core)
      • T300290 QTE pairing - set up pairs
        • T296187 Selenium Tests for VisualEditor - pairing with Esther
      • T247665 QTE reading club
      • T301184 Add automated accessibility tests in CI to generate accessibility benchmarks for Skins
      • T302580 OpenJS Foundation CCLA
    • Other interesting things
      • T245252 Organize Engineering Productivity watercooler meetings



  • Attendance: Monte, Zeljko, JR, Emeka, Dom, Anthony, Ezekiel, Ima, Jackeline, Edward, Mat, Rummana, Esther, Derrick- Topics -
  • Explore It book club on Monday 2022-03-28 at 16:00 UTC
  • QTE pairing - with so many new people, should we start over, should we stop?
  • Kubernetes testing update- Round Robin -
  • Anthony -
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick -
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • T303769: Return {{SERVERNAME}} to GDI Safety Survey question now that it is supported in mw.message
    • T296482: [Bug] Additional horizontal padding displayed in QuickSurvey on mobile devices
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • T303956: Deploy Safety Survey to EN, ES, FR, & PT wikis after March 21st - Beta
    • T294363: Link to additional information and resources in the thank you message
    • T303980: [Bug] X button is displaying outside of the survey boundary/border for small mobile devices
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom -
  • Edward -
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Table of Contents
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Daily selenium test was failing due to a preference for the selenium user
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Light manual testing, Will be bugging Zeljko about redoing the web team selenium tests.  
    • Other interesting things
      • I suggested using python to Zeljko and received this response: 😅 i think that was a no. (Ž: No Python for you. 😬 DW: bet you're regretting that now... 😅)
  • Elena
  • Emeka -
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Currently working on onboarding. familiarizing with uselinks and setting up accounts
      • Scheduling meetings with team members to get up to speed
  • Ezekiel -
    • Notable features being worked on - onboarding in progress and systems still being explored
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Esther -
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ima -
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Starting new sprint cycles
      • Testing IP info box.
      • Real time preview is now avalibe on Patch Demo
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Jackeline -
    • Project Updates
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
      • BrowserStack licensing going through approval process
    • Other interesting things
  • Monte -
  • Rummana -
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Vaughn
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T301379 Explore It! -- Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing
        • Book club on Monday 2022-03-28 at 16:00 UTC
      • T300290 QTE pairing
        • Did anybody pair? Should we stop? Should we continue?
      • T303737 Investigate why Selenium tests are being skipped and get delete page tests running on Beta
        • Paired with Dom.
        • Looks like some tests are skipped and nobody noticed.
      • T293880 Lessons Learned in Software Testing: A Context-Driven Approach
      • T256626 Refactor WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode
        • Internship finished.
      • T296187 Selenium Tests for VisualEditor
        • Paired with Esther.
        • Slow but nice progress.
      • T302489 Review Cypress tests
        • Found exising tests.
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Derrick, JR, Rummana, Kate, Monte, Edward, Ima, Zeljko, Ezekiel, Anthony, Jackeline, Elena, Emeka, Esther- Topics -

- Trainsperiment:

  • What does an increased train frequency look like and how does it impact our work?
    • ET: (1) The Product teams' reliance on betalabs as a test env varies (depending on a team/project features timeline and specifics of features). (2) Features/UX improvements sometime require lengthy testing which might not fit into more frequent deployment schedule. (3) The testing process often involves the whole team - to clarify, to adjust, and yes, to fix smth. Treating betalabs as a ready-to-go env would require big changes to the QA/dev process overall.  +1 (RY)
    • ET: doing testing for 3 different teams.
      • VE team(?) They do rely on the beta cluster for their testing.
      • GrowthTeam have a formalized sprint plan all devs are aware of when tests are being done
    • ET: some commits are merged that are not really prod ready cause they need further testing (aka on beta cluster). Shortening time would require much more feature flags and relying on local developmentcross environment. That would have a great impact on the devs plan and how testing is being conducted.
    • They ship the feature by iteratively sending code to the branch and use beta cluster for integration testing.
    • Beta is used by multiple teams, it is difficult to set up a local environment that has everything making it hard to verify cross projects interactions.
  • Q: TC anything you might be particulously nervous about next week?
    • ET: next week might be chaotic
    • AM: Extensions are tested on CI with Parsoid @master and that might end up breaking when running against a parsoid specific version shipped via mediawiki/vendor. There is work going on that front with #content-transformers team.
  • Q: AM should we consider shifting the trainxperiment by a week or two to give more time to developers to understand the impact of the trainsexperiment? Or we can just do it:
    • TC: we should probably just do it
    • KC: directors are well aware of the change and you have my blessing
    • BB: there is no good mental model of our deployment schedule, the trainsexperiment will surely force everyone to understand it.
    • DD: Monday will be typical train in number of patches. We will see how smooth it is. If it is not that smooth and spend lot of time filing tasks, after that spike of patches, the next train iterations would have less patches and hopefully be easier.
  • How do we collaborate with RelEng during the Trainsperiment?
    • We'll have (optional) Meet sessions, should be on Staff calendar as well



  • Attendance: Ezekiel, Monte, Rummana, Dom, Elena, JR, Derrick, Ima, Esther, Mat- Topics -

Creating/Use QTE Artifacts; can be used in paring QTE sessions, documentation, and knowleadge transfer.

(make sure to add it to the "Test_Artifact" category

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Ongoing testing of Quick Survey and Deployment/Undeployment verification for Production
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ima
    • Notable features being worked on
      • IP info project and test wiki deployment
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • none
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
      • Monte and I Had followup meeting with campaign development team regarding test environment
    • Other interesting things
      • Working with Abstract WIkipedia team on getting additional resource on QTE
      • Train frequency discussion/trial with RelEng
  • Monte
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Config change: Deploy Reply Tool as opt-out preference at
      • Testing DiscussionTools' core functionality works on mobile as expected.
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance: Elena, Monte, Ima, JR, Dom, Zeljko, Derrick, Esther, Edward- Topics -
  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Ongoing testing of Quick Survey and Deployment/Undeployment verification for Production
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Not at this time



  • Attendance: Zeljko, Anthony, JR, Edward, Derrick, Elena, Monte, Esther, Ima, Dom- Topics -
  • Update on pairing sessions
  • Key take-aways from book club session
  • How's Greg doing?
  • Am I the only one who has my ITC session pending?
    • No - JR is behind on ITCs
  • (hopefully) Quick questions on browserstack- Round Robin -
  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
      • New release on iOS with some bug fixes and new functionality (mostly around notifications/talk pages). New release on Android in test now with new functionality on article controls and reading mode
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Nothing too notable
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Looking ok
    • Other interesting things
      • Volunteered to be one of the leads of the latinx ERG
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • T299913: Undeploy the cawiki test survey.
    • T300544: Undeploy the cawiki test survey from production.
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Desktop Improvements:  New Vector opt-in, table of contents, static top menu.
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • still catching up, but manageable
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Growth team: refinments for Newcomers workflows, i.e. Help panel and adding edited articles to Watchlist
      • Structured data team: browser support, i.e. Safari versions
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • seems to be fine
    • Other interesting things
      • I was very impressend with the Book club session ("Lessons learned in Software testing") with Bret Pettichord and with the questions Dom and Zeljko asked.
  • Esther
  • Ima
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
      • Inuka, Language, and Campaign development teams are kicking off new projects. We are trying a different engagement approach (Pita's departure is a bit of a forcing function).
    • Other interesting things
      • Met with Maryana last Thursday.  Had a good conversation with her, mostly focused on the future and our role in the Foundation.  She's very interested in our perspectives as we are one of the few teams that has insight into both Tech and Product.  
  • Monte
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T256626 Refactor WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode
        • 6/31 repositories (19%). Behind schedule. I'm good as estimating. 😎
      • T293880 Lessons Learned in Software Testing: A Context-Driven Approach
        • The best ever book club with one of the authors, but I'm subjective. 🤓
      • T300290 QTE pairing
        • Didn't start yet. 😅
    • Other interesting things



  • Attendance:- Topics -

* K8s migration of testwikis

  • * will this impact us?
    • * Elena uses testwiki a lot for pre-production testing
    • * Anthony uses it occassionaly
    • * Dom uses it rarely
  • * what is test2wiki used for?
    • * Used for some time as a target for automation, but not anymore
    • * was created as a backup for testwiki
  • * JR to let Tyler know that Dom will be QTE's point person.  * What do people think about regular pair testing sessions?

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Normal testing, Android release candidate is in test now
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
      • Not much of note
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Notable features being worked on QuickSurveys for different communities/wikis

    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Dom
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Growth team: Add image - Desktop prep for release
      • SD team: MediaSearch - UI usability improvements and extending browser support
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • seems to be ok
    • Other interesting things
      • inspired by "Lessons learned in Software testing" looked into different formats for Traceability Test Matrix layouts (not quite happy so far).
  • Esther
    • Editing Team: Working with the team to get on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • So far, so good.
    • ERG Leadership getting real. I need leadership training. I'm clueless.
  • Ima
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Community wishlist meetings
      • IPinfo tasks
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
      • BrowserStack
    • Other interesting things
      • Meeting with Maryana
      • Interview progress
  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • Working on converting triage script to "componentized" Vue single page application - currently Dockerizing my setup
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T293880 Lessons Learned in Software Testing - 9/11 chapters read, special guest at book club meeting in January
      • T256626 Refactor WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode - in progress - 2/31 (6%) repositories done
      • T292628 2021-2022 Q2 Individual Tuning Conversations - done
      • T297489 Osama Tahir's Outreachy blog posts - reviewing intern's blog posts
      • T299047 Delete Selenium tests in phabricator/deployment - done
    • Other interesting things
      • You can get covid two times in less than a year. 😷





- Topics -

  • ET: QA support for Inuka and Language teams?- Round Robin -
  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Derrick
    • Working with my team (Trust and Safety Tools) to deploy the Quick Survey to Catalan and Persian Wiki beta sites for initial testing before we push the survey to Production sites.
  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • The Community Wishlist Survey will take up some of my time. On the other hand, CommTech will likely be merging less code during the Survey.
    • Other interesting things
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Elena
  • Esther
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Ima
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
      • Interviewing candidates for the 3 TE and 1 SET positions.
      • Meeting with Maryanan to discuss the future of the "old" Engineering Productivity team
  • Monte
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Zeljko
    • Project updates
      • T293880 Lessons Learned in Software Testing: 5/11 chapters read, one book club meeting in December, one more in January
      • T293817 Perfect Software: read, book club meeting in November, blog post
      • T256239 Create MediaWiki-Docker documentation for all repositories with Selenium tests: at 78%
      • T256626 Refactor WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode: 1/31 repos done (3%)
        • T293071 Refactor MediaWiki Core WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode: code merged, wdio-mediawiki npm package published
    • Other interesting things