Wikimedia Quality and Test Engineering Team/Meetings/2020


  • Attendance: Monte, Anthony, Dom, Rummana, Željko, Harriet

- Topics -

  • Onboarding/offboarding QTE
  • Beta Cluster

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on

Looking at some accessibility issues with voice over on iOS (combo of VO and bluetooth keyboard)

    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks

Same as above, the issues were reported by users

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed

Pretty normal to low, no help needed

    • Other interesting things

I want to go to New Orleans after watching the haunted tour during the tech dept fun day

  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
      • SecurePoll
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Low
      • I have next two weeks off (21st-new year)
    • Other interesting things

  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things

  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things

  • Greg
    • EngProd updates
    • Other interesting things

  • JR
    • Project updates
    • Other interesting things

  • John
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things

  • Monte
    • Project updates

Threw together phab-based dashboard:

Working on quick triage script

    • Other interesting things
  • Pita
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features/tasks being worked on

Visual Enhancements

    • Other interesting things

Will share more with everyone about defining testing criterias next time.

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed



  • Attendance: Anthony, Rummana, Edward, Pita, Dom, Željko, JR

- Topics -

  • Onboarding/offboarding QTE
  • Beta Cluster

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on

Not much this week, wrapping up AALD and fundraising annoucement

    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks

Nothing new

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed

Workload is light

    • Other interesting things

Apps QA Retro today in about an hour

  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
      • IPInfo
      • SecurePoll (soon)
      • Wikisource
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
      • Light - AHT low on engineers, CommTech busy with Wishlist
  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on

Some bug fixes that will be on the 12/3 train. Reimaging mac for docker and mediawiki

    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks

Minerva automation is failing, need to get environment working to address it

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed

No help needed

    • Other interesting things

Turns out moving home folder to an external SSD works for everyone on the planet but me.

  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on

Structured Data Media Search - added "Categories and pages", concept chips and some improvements are done for search functionality ( fulltext matches & statement matches).

    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks

Growth team: Two bugs that showed that I never typed Russian in ruwiki :)[regression] Aliases for Growth features aren't working on Russian Wikipedia and user's gender is not taken into account when creating a tab to the user's page Structured Data team:

Filed two bugs on MediaSearch: and

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed

All is under control

    • Other interesting things

Interesting that both teams now are in planning/researching mode (mostly) for new projects - Add link (Growth) and Image recommendation (inter-teams big project).

  • Greg
    • EngProd updates

      • Happenings in sister teams
      • Tech updates
    • Other interesting things

  • JR
    • Project updates
      • Code Health

      • Code Stewardship
        • Spoke with Timo on this topic, specifically as it impacts maintenance work.
          • Maintenance backlog is taking progressively longer to address as a result the backlog is growing - what are the reasons?
    • Other interesting things

  • John
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things

  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • Bird's-eye workboard
      • ELK Stack
    • Other interesting things
  • Pita
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed

  • Zeljko
    • Selenium updates
      • Consulting work
      • Infrastructure/Tooling
  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on

Test Results:

    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting thing



  • Attendance: Rummana, Pita, JR, Dom, Greg, Elena, Anthony, Ed (late)

- Topics -

  • Offsite
    • General feedback
    • Pairing sessions
  • Post Mortems
    • Should we have post mortems on production bugs?
      • from discussion about Dom's bug
      • [Most seem to think so] Yes
    • Should QTE be responsible for facilitating them?
      • [JR] Yes

- Round Robin -

  • Anthony
    • Notable features being worked on

Article as a living document, fundraising banners

    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks

Candidate builds for both Android and iOS

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed

Looking good so far

    • Other interesting things

People say weird things when bugs/features get closed as declined

  • Dom
    • Notable features being worked on
      • Release of Watchlist Expiry to wikidata and commons

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things

  • Edward
    • Notable features being worked on

Set up ELK in docker on my linux box because my macmini kept running out of space Documenting Desktop Improvement feature tests for regression and future automation

    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks

Rummana found a bug in iOS14, it keeps showing up in my queue. Huge KUDOS to Rummana

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed

I'm good, I have coffee.

    • Other interesting things

I built my linux box to do some Machine Learning. I didn't get far with the ML, but the thing is liquid cooled and glows green.

  • Elena
    • Notable features being worked on

SDaW - concept chips - test cases (shared with JR- let me know if anyone else is interested):

    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks

As an example of "mismatch" between normal search result quality and the concept chips (there were more) Concept chips - punctuation marks affect result set

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed

Looks ok for now

    • Other interesting things

Growth team has made a great progress on the first structured/guided task for newcomers - it'd be in the testable condition very soon.

  • Greg
    • EngProd updates

      • Happenings in sister teams
        • Vue.js
    • Other interesting things

  • JR
    • Project updates
      • Data^3
        • Monte's work
        • PET's interest
      • Code Health
        • Code Health Objectives
          • 17% of 20% target met
      • Code Stewardship
        • Code Stewardship update meeting on Monday
    • Other interesting things
      • Discussions w/ Tyler re Betacluster and Product Ownership
      • TE Contractor

  • John
    • Notable features being worked on
    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks
    • Current and projected workload - any help needed
    • Other interesting things

  • Monte
    • Project updates
      • Bird's-eye workboard
      • ELK Stack
    • Other interesting things
  • Pita
    • Notable features being worked on

-section translation is going to be user tested in our staging server with some volunteers -new kaios build submitted to Jio

    • Notable bugs/tasks over the last couple of weeks

-no bugs in my apps, ever !

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed

-once section translation gets finished I might need a hand, not now though and don't know when it will be

    • Other interesting things

-I'm alive? -question: whats our CTO idea for the all hands? I was asked my address but I don't know where I'll be in January

  • Rummana
    • Notable features being worked on

- Selser issues on talk pages:

    • Current and projected workload - any help needed

- Beta cluster seems to be extremely slow for logged in user during page navigation:

  • Zeljko
    • Selenium updates
      • Consulting work
      • Infrastructure/Tooling
    • Other interesting things
      • T263240 Mentor Outreachy Round 21 intern - intern approved: Harriet!
        • T262682 Evaluate Microsoft Playwright as replacement for our browser automation
    • T210412 Learn Docker basics
    • T264762 Write recommendation letter for GSoC students


=2020-10-26= EngProd Virtual Offsite



Round 1

  • Summary
  • Anthony-Ed Session
    • Various tools used by Edward to capture gifs
    • Anthony and Edward covered some of their past tasks (as they are currently in a lull).
    • Anthony has smoke test suite defined in Google Sheet.
      • Mosly executed by TSG
  • Monte-Zeljko Session
    • Discussed the "Birds-eye view" Phabricator Workboard work that Monte's been working on
    • Worked on getting a Phabricator docker container spun up for Zeljko
    • TODO: write blog post about Phabricator in local Docker container

Round 2



  • Proposals:
    • Željko: Docker - from zero to hero. (Learn as much Docker as possible in 3 hours.)
      • ŽF, Edward, Monte
    • Željko: Writing a blog post together
      • ET, AB
    • Pita: Native mobile app testing automation
      • eg: install Wikipedia app and see what we can do, what's the tooling, who can share their experience
      • Pita: for the appium, I already have content for a workshop I've already done
      • AB, pita, RY
    • Pita: Switch between teams (eg: "Elena test something from Dom's team", etc) - #SpeedDating
    • Goal: de-siloification of expertise
      • See what reference documents there are for testing for the teams
      • anyone using
      • Elena, Dom, RY, Monte, Edward, AB, pita
      • outline:
        • 2 hours
        • 5 minute lightning talk on their typical day/project
        • then pair up for 20? minutes
        • come back, report back on learnings/what you can apply in your day to day
        • switch up the pairs
        • 5-10 minutes break every hour
      • Decision: Dominick will be the Dictator of how this is done on Monday.


  • Attendance: Dom, Pita, JR, Elena, Edward, Monte, Željko, John, Anthony
  • John:
    • Fundraising QA tasks are piling up, busy time of year!
    • Finishing up blog post for QTE blog this week (inspired by talk with JR last week)


  • Attendance: JR, Dom, Ed, Greg, Anthony, Elena, Pita, Željko
  • Data3 work
    • An effort to pull together engineering data for easier analysis
    • Monte and Edward have been working together to get a sandbox ELK stack setup for us to explore the possibilities more.
      • Monte's been working on an Elk stack + phab docker image.
    • Folks from across the organization are interested in this, actively being supported by RelEng (Tyler and Mukunda) and CPT (Will and Naïké)
    • Metrics dictionary was created a little over a year ago to help establish some potential use cases
      • Elena has many thoughts/questions on this, to start was curious about "Bug Triage Responsiveness" - not all teams have a "triage" process. Also has questions about "Bugs per train", specifically the product errors issue we are seeing rise.
        • Greg mentioned that this is something that we are trying to address more directly. Tyler's been leading a discussion around this across Tech and Product. We need to move away from expecting a handful of folks like Timo and James from doing all the work around production errors.
  • Side discussion about the urban legends surrounding Ostriches. Need I say more?!
  • Shout out regarding bug/defect reporting templates.
    • Rummana is in the process of collecting information about the various bug reporting templates that are used accross the Foundation. If you've not done so already, please update the spreadsheet with information from the teams you work with.
    • The objective of this work is to work towards aligning on a more common set of expectations for all bug reports. This will aid in future reporting and analysis.
  • Q1 ITC starting up
  • Q2 Planning/OKRs are coming up.
    • Start thinking about the Q2 activities coming up for the teams your working with and if there are any new O/KRs.


  • Attendance: Dom, Pita, Elena, Željko, Anthony, John
  • Dom
    • Does anyone have tips for Mobile testing on Browserstack/Saucelabs (e.g. how to simulate gestures?); or, is it better to have access to a physical device? What differences between emulated and physical should we be aware of?
      • Anthony: emulators did not have the same bugs as real devices, e.g. couldn't simulate getting a phone call or other interrupt with emulator
      • John: certain bugs ONLY appear in emulators
  • Anthony
    • Quick heads up on the App teams interest in doing some automated testing on Native apps. We are still in the preliminary stages and exploring some options on what and where to automate.
  • John


  • Attendance: Dom, Greg, Željko, Vidhi, Monte, Soham, JR, John

Vacations/Important dates

  • Pita is on holiday for one week (in two weeks time???)
  • Edward is on holiday Aug 26th - Sept 11 - Monte covering Readers Web
  • Željko on vacation (again?!😬) September 1-3 (Tuesday-Thursday)


* Code Health Objectives overview
* EngProd Virtual Offsite
** What other VOs do people have coming?
  • Update on Vidhi and Soham interships
    • 80% of repos are on the latest version of Webdriver IO
    • The reliability perception regarding Selenium and Cypress was not substantiated
* Dom
** I (Dom) saw this SonarCloud failure as part of my team's work, and wasn't sure exactly why it had failed:
*** Need to look at what is under "FAILED CONDITIONS", which was "0.00% Coverage on New Code is less than 80.0%"

Chat Transcript:

Monte Hurd 9:03 AM gonna restart - getting some weird audio Željko Filipin 9:03 AM I get weird audio every time kids listen to music /me is too old for new music Greg Grossmeier 9:05 AM Meh Soham Parekh 9:05 AM I was just typing that lol You 9:05 AM Greg Grossmeier 9:07 AM if you click on that, you see what/where ^ John Bolorinos 9:09 AM oh very cool, I'd never seen the sonar dashboard! Dominic Walden 9:20 AM brb Dominic Walden 9:23 AM sorry, very important wine delivery Dominic Walden 9:27 AM


John Bolorinos 9:27 AM wow time flies! Dominic Walden 9:27 AM have we not offered them jobs yet? Greg Grossmeier 9:29 AM sarcasm John Bolorinos 9:32 AM y'all have done a really great job Soham and Vidhi! Soham Parekh 9:33 AM Hahaha thanks to all the good mentorship we had :P John Bolorinos 9:33 AM And it's great to see you starting communities to help others get started contributing to open source projects that's such a good way to help people learn! Dominic Walden 9:34 AM It's been great to get to know you two, good luck in the future! Soham Parekh 9:34 AM I did have a short discussion with Pita before he left for vacay You 9:35 AM ^ thanks Soham Parekh 9:36 AM We tried reaching out to folks at Cypress without any luck though... Soham Parekh 9:42 AM This is my final report if anyone's curious Željko Filipin 9:47 AM I have nothing in that time but a marathon 😬 virtual escape room! John Bolorinos 9:47 AM ok cool I'll send you the virtual escape room links Greg! Vidhi Mody 9:47 AM Try Spyfall Dominic Walden 9:47 AM +1 John Bolorinos 9:48 AM Hogwarts Virtual Escape room - Minecraft digital escape room - Vidhi Mody 9:48 AM I've played the Hogwarts one! It's awesome Soham Parekh 9:49 AM Isn't Spyfall a James Bond movie? John Bolorinos 9:49 AM skyfall Soham Parekh 9:49 AM Oops lol John Bolorinos 9:50 AM it's an understandable mistake...James Bond is a spy too after all australian wine is pretty good! Greg Grossmeier 9:51 AM dang, party at doms Željko Filipin 9:51 AM coronavirus lockdown preprations Soham Parekh 9:51 AM There were rumors that alcohol was good against Covid Dominic Walden 9:51 AM Yeah mean true facts, right? Vidhi Mody 9:52 AM Thank you! Soham Parekh 9:52 AM Thank youuuu



  • Attendance: Dom, Monte, Pita, Greg, JR, Elena, Anthony, John, Edward
  • JR
    • Has created team-level OKRs
      • Would like to translate these to KRs for the specific teams we are on
    • Discuss BrowserStack/Crossbrowser testing tools
      • Will create a shared doc for people to give feedback/use cases
    • Abstract Wikipedia have reached out to discuss QTE involvement
      • Dom: I am interested in being involved
    • QTE involvement with OKAPI

Vacations/Important dates

  • Pita is on holiday for one week (in two weeks time???)


  • Attendance: Monte, Greg, Elena, Dominic, Vidhi, Željko, Edward
  • Greg
    • Individual tuning conversations
  • Dom
    • OKRs?
      • product-team ones and individual/QTE team ones
    • I am on holiday next week (3rd-7th August)
  • Željko
    • BrowserStack - ignore
    • vacation 2020-08-03 - 2020-08-14 (or 2020-08-21)
      • GSoC interns will need help while I'm on vacation (next two weeks), please help them
        • Dom is willing to help (as far as his knowledge of Selenium goes...) 👍
        • Monte also said he's willing to help 👍
  • Elena
    • attended BrowserStack conference, will give a report on Test automation meeeting on Monday




  • JR, Soham, Edward, John, Dominic, Elena, Greg, Vidhi, Željko

Vacations/Important dates


Team Business

  • Q1 OKRs draft deadline pushed to July 7th
  • QTE Blog Posts
    • Vidhi and Soham could write an update about the last month/two of the internship
    • Accessibility best practices
    • Intro to hair cutting by JR +1
    • Software Testing Anti-Patterns
    • Testing Strategy
    • Test Environments - Getting to "Production Parity"
  • QTE organize the next EngProd Book Club?

Incoming/Needs attention


Scrum of Scrums


Internal team notes, not for pasting into the SoS notes


Incoming from last week


Outgoing this week

  • Blocked by:
  • Blocking:
  • Updates:
    • Test Engineering
    • Quality Engineering
    • Code Health


  • Quality and Test Engineering




  • What I've got going on
  • What I need help with
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?
  • What I've got going on
  • What I need help with
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I've got going on
    • Working with Zeljko on Selenium
    • Working on Data Testing with Hive
  • What I need help with
    • My semi-dialy meeting with Zeljko helps me with what I need help with
  • What I'm blocked on
    • Singapore Math for a Kindergartener.
  • Other?



-the User page? the QTE team (sub) pages? a specific Team drive?

  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I've got going on
  • What I need help with
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I've got going on
  • What I need help with
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I've got going on
  • What I need help with
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I've got going on
  • What I need help with
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I've got going on
  • What I need help with
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?


  • What I've got going on
    • the first month of gsoc intership has ended, two more months
    • pairing with Edward
  • What I need help with
  • What I'm blocked on
  • Other?
    • I should have been on vacation this week, thanks covid 😷

Chat Transcript:

Soham Parekh 9:01 AM Hey everyone John Bolorinos 9:01 AM my hair doesnt grow back unfortunately Greg Grossmeier 9:01 AM sorry John :) Dominic Walden 9:02 AM Bowl is for the blood, right? Greg Grossmeier 9:03 AM ..... John Bolorinos 9:03 AM hey I'm not less thing to worry about I feel sorry for people who constantly have to cut their hair do you have pics of that JR? oldschoolcool John Bolorinos 9:04 AM I dont know how they even got my email Edward Tadros 9:04 AM i pushed them out for two weeks John Bolorinos 9:10 AM maybe accessibility best practices? you have a great blog Zeljko! Soham Parekh 9:13 AM its a great idea yes i have read timohs blog my microphone doesnt work as usual! Željko Filipin 9:15 AM Create QTE Phabricator blog Željko Filipin 9:16 AM as it should be! :) Soham Parekh 9:18 AM Maybe something on the lines of how testing impacts a community like Wikimedia..with all the extensions and the humungous codebase? John Bolorinos 9:19 AM how many languages would we want to post blog posts in? btw Zeljko, I found out they have an online version of the game! Željko Filipin 9:20 AM that's great! Greg Grossmeier 9:21 AM /me goes to another meeting, sorry ya'll! John Bolorinos 9:23 AM I can definitely help with that! I could also help translate them into spanish if need be Dominic Walden 9:23 AM I might have one or two blog posts I could write Elena Tonkovidova 9:23 AM I don't have time but I'm interested :) Edward Tadros 9:24 AM i get bored from my own writing Elena Tonkovidova 9:25 AM a lengthy blog about semi-dialy meetings with Zeljko could not be fun :)) Željko Filipin 9:25 AM John Bolorinos 9:26 AM nice! Željko Filipin 9:27 AM Elena Tonkovidova 9:29 AM I read this one before GTD - so the stuff in GTD was not totally new John Bolorinos 9:31 AM there's a #bookrecs slack channel John Bolorinos 9:34 AM wait is this the phabricator meeting? I'd be interested in joining John Bolorinos 9:35 AM I honestly dont think I've ever read that many testing books would definitely be interested in attending that, but probably not the best candidate to lead John Bolorinos 9:37 AM yeah west coast life is rough Dominic Walden 9:37 AM Come live in Europe! John Bolorinos 9:38 AM unfortunately we cant now cus they just banned americans John Bolorinos 9:39 AM it should just be a mandatory quarantine for everyone, 2 weeks, no exceptions not even boris johnson that also happened to me in Spain JR no one ever believed I was half spanish John Bolorinos 9:40 AM my spanish grandma thought I spoke french John Bolorinos 9:41 AM are there any vue.js testing books? Željko Filipin 9:41 AM Dom: is this what you had in mind for book club? Elena Tonkovidova 9:41 AM do we have a phab task for everything? John Bolorinos 9:41 AM +1, that's a great idea Željko Filipin 9:41 AM Elena Tonkovidova 9:43 AM I am looking into and Edward Tadros 9:49 AM i have a time machine and coffee Dominic Walden 9:49 AM firefighting? John Bolorinos 9:49 AM +1, I'm in the same boat Elena Tonkovidova 9:54 AM yes, John - when instantaneous feedback is expected Elena Tonkovidova 9:57 AM (it's first time I hear about browser stack :)) John Bolorinos 9:58 AM That's why I love restaurants that only serve one dish each day Elena Tonkovidova 9:58 AM are there such restaurants?! John Bolorinos 9:59 AM Yes of course! They're hard to find but they're out there