Wikimedia Performance Team/Backend performance/zh
edit- 准备好对你的代码的性能感到惊讶;预测往往是坏的。
- 严格测量性能(在你的开发环境和生产环境中),并知道时间花在哪里。
- 当发现延迟时,要负责任并将其作为优先事项;你对使用模式和测试内容有最好的想法。
- 性能往往与不良工程的其他症状有关;想想根本原因。
- MediaWiki很复杂,可以以意想不到的方式互动。你的代码可能会在其他地方暴露出性能问题,你需要识别。
- 没被缓存的昂贵但有价值的操作应该最多需要5秒,2秒更好。
- 如果这还不够,可以考虑使用作业队列在后台服务器上执行任务。
- 延迟加载那些不会影响页面初始渲染的模块,特别是“折叠内容之上”(用户屏幕上最初可见的页面顶部部分)。因此,尽可能少地加载JavaScript,而是按需加载更多的组件。有关更多信息,请参见加载模块。
- 用户应该有一个流畅的体验;不同的组件应该逐步呈现。保留元素的定位(例如,避免在页面重排时把内容挤到后面)。
- 你的代码是在一个共享环境中运行的。因此,长期运行的SQL查询不能作为网络请求的一部分运行。相反,应该让它们在专门的服务器上运行(使用JobQueue),并注意死锁和锁定等待超时的问题。
- 你创建的表将被其他代码所共享。每个数据库查询必须能够使用其中一个索引(包括写查询!)。EXPLAIN,并在需要时创建新的索引。
- 为你的需求选择合适的持久层。Redis作业队列,MariaDB数据库,或Swift文件存储。只有在你的代码能够始终有效地处理缓存数据消失的情况下,才进行缓存;否则,就持久化数据。
- 维基媒体使用并严重依赖许多不同的缓存层,所以你的代码需要在这种环境下工作!(但如果所有东西都没被缓存命中,也必须正常运行。)
- 缓存命中率应尽可能高;注意你是否引入了新的cookies、共享资源、捆绑请求或调用,或其他会改变请求并降低缓存命中率的改变。
网络中的性能数据有两个不同的“信号”是很常见的:一个是用户通过热缓存访问应用程序,另一个是用户通过冷缓存访问应用程序。在有这两个信号的数据集上计算平均数是毫无意义的。为了对数据进行快速检查,请确保你至少有10,000个数据点,并计算出50%和90%的统计量。这两个数字可能相差很大,这可能表明您可以修复性能问题。例如,如果网络往返速度相当慢,而且你有很多资源被获取,你会看到用户来到你的网站时,有缓存资源(从而避免了所有那些缓慢的往返)和没有缓存资源的巨大差异。 如果你有足够的数据那就更好了,你可以计算出1、50、90和99的百分位数。一个好的经验法则是,要有统计学意义,你需要10,000个数据点来计算第90个百分点,100,000个数据点来计算第99个百分点,100万个数据点来计算第99.9个百分点。
edit无论网络延迟如何,软件都应以可接受的速度运行,但有些操作可能会有令人惊讶的网络延迟变化,如启用Instant Commons时查找图像文件。记住,延迟也取决于用户的连接。维基媒体网站为许多使用移动或拨号连接的人提供服务,这些连接既慢又有很高的往返时间。也有一些快速的连接具有较长的RTT,例如卫星调制解调器,2秒的RTT并不罕见。
- 首先,要意识到哪些代码路径是要永远快速的(数据库,memcache),哪些可能是缓慢的(获取文件信息或垃圾邮件黑名单,可能是跨维基的,在互联网上)。
- 在创建可能间歇性变慢的代码路径时,记录这个事实。
- 小心不要堆积请求——例如,外部搜索引擎可能在恶劣条件下返回较慢,而它通常很快。瓶颈可能会导致所有的网络服务器陷入困境。
- 考虑将操作分解成可以分离的小块
- 或者,可以考虑并行运行操作——这可能有点棘手,因为MediaWiki目前还没有一次执行多个HTTP读取的好的原语
(当然,延迟在一定程度上取决于用户的连接。维基媒体网站为许多使用移动或拨号连接的人服务。这个目标在300毫秒左右的往返时间内是合理的。如果有人用的是2000ms RTT的卫星,那么他们可以预期所有的东西都很慢,但那只是一小部分用户。)
- 例如:保存对页面的新编辑
- 例如:显示视频缩略图
- 频繁。这显然是最关键的。
- 浏览页面时(实际发送HTML时)——就是说,也很频繁了,除非用户收到
304 Not Modified
返回码或者类似这个。几乎每次匿名(未登录)读者阅读维基百科页面时,他们都会收到预先渲染好的HTML。如果你添加了新的代码,每次有人浏览页面时都会运行,那就要注意了。 - 渲染页面内容时。MediaWiki(如在维基媒体网站上的配置)通常只在编辑后或缓存缺失后才需要渲染页面内容(在服务器端),所以渲染的频率远远低于页面浏览。出于这个原因,性能开销更大的操作是可以接受的。渲染通常不会在用户等待的时候进行——除非用户刚刚编辑了页面,这就导致...
- 保存编辑时。这是最罕见的代码路径,也是可以接受最大延迟的路径。用户倾向于接受在执行一个“感觉很重”的动作后的较长时间等待,比如编辑一个页面。(但维基媒体希望鼓励更多的人编辑和上传,所以这个标准可能会改变)。)
edit在开始设计系统体系结构之前,与Performance Team一起了解一般性能目标。例如,面向用户的应用程序的延迟时间可能为200毫秒,而数据库的延迟时间可能为20毫秒或更短,特别是在根据以前查询的结果决定进一步访问时。你不想过早地优化,但是你需要了解你的目标是否物理上可行。
您可能不需要设计自己的后端; 可以考虑使用现有的服务,或者请人为您设计一个接口。考虑模块化。性能是很难的,不要试图重新造轮子。
edit如果你的产品暴露了新的用户操作,使数据库的修改超出了标准的页面创建/页面编辑机制,那么首先要考虑这是否合适和可扩展。如果你采用“一切都是维基页面”,你的维护开销和操作风险将大大降低。参见Dan McKinley写的《拥抱“无趣”技术》。
- UrlShortener暴露了用于创建新的短网址的API,它需要一个速率限制。通常由
edit维基媒体的MySQL/MariaDB服务器使用InnoDB,它支持可重复读取事务。间隙锁是“下一键锁”的一部分,这就是InnoDB实现可重复读取事务隔离级别的方式。在维基媒体,可重复读取事务隔离是默认开启的(除非代码在命令行交互(CLI)模式下运行,如维护脚本),所以你在一个请求中做的所有SQL SELECT
- 任何时候你在做写/删除/更新查询的时候,只要更新了什么东西,就会有间隙锁在上面,除非是通过唯一索引。即使你不是在重复读取,即使你在做一个
因为它有同样的锁问题。这意味着你可能要处理竞赛条件问题,所以你可能想用INSERT IGNORE
- 第1列:对象/实体(这里是UserID)。
- 第2列:该对象的一个属性的名称
- 第3列:与该对象的该属性相关的值
它,然后,当你插入新值时,你可以使用INSERT IGNORE
(如果该行已经存在,则忽略插入)。这是更有效的方法。另外,你可以使用JSON blob,但这很难在单项的JOIN或WHERE子句中使用。参见《关于MySQL锁》,对间隙锁进行一些解释。
- 你会锁住什么表?
- 是否有其他调用者?
- 在进行查询后,提交之前,你在做什么?
(每次你做SELECT,就像你做SELECT FOR UPDATE一样,也就是所谓的锁共享模式——锁定您选择的每一行,直到您提交事务——导致锁等待超时和死锁)。
editGood example: includes/MessageBlobStore.php
. When message blobs (JSON collections of several translations of specific messages) change, it can lead to updates of database rows, and the update attempts can happen concurrently. In a previous version of the code, the code locked a row in order to write to it and avoid overwrites, but this could lead to contention. In contrast, in the current codebase, the updateMessage()
method performs a repeated attempt at update until it determines (by checking timestamps) that there will be no conflict. See lines 212-214 for an explanation and see line 208-234 for the outer do-while loop that processes $updates
until it is empty.
Bad example: The former structure of the ArticleFeedbackv5 extension. Code included:
INSERT /* DatabaseBase::insert Asher Feldman */ INTO `aft_article_feedback`
er_id,af_user_ip,af_user_anon_token,af_form_id,af_experiment,af_link_id,af_has_comment) VALUES
INSERT /* ApiArticleFeedbackv5::saveUserRatings Asher Feldman */ INTO `aft_article_answer`
ack_id,aat_id) VALUES ('16',NULL,NULL,'1',NULL,'253294',NULL),('17',NULL,'Well sourced article!
(this is a test comment) ',NULL,NULL,'253294',NULL)
UPDATE /* ApiArticleFeedbackv5::saveUserRatings Asher Feldman */ `aft_article_feedback` SET
af_cta_id = '2' WHERE af_id = '253294'
Bad practices here include the multiple counter rows with id = '0' updated every time feedback is given on any page, and the use of DELETE + INSERT IGNORE to update a single row. Both result in locks that prevent >1 feedback submission saving at a time (due to the use of transactions, these locks persist beyond than the time needed by the individual statements). See minutes 11-13 of Asher Feldman's performance talk & page 17 of his slides for more explanation.
查询,找出哪些索引受到特定查询的影响。如果它在EXTRA列中说“使用临时表”或“使用filesort”,这往往是坏事!如果“possible_keys”是NULL,那往往不妙(虽然小排序和临时表是可以容忍的)。一个“明显的”索引可能由于“选择性”差而实际上没有被使用。请看维基媒体代码的性能分析指南,更多细节请看Roan Kattouw 2010年关于扩展开发者的安全性、可扩展性和性能的演讲,Roan 2012年的MySQL优化教程(幻灯片),以及Tim Starling 2013年的性能演讲。
Good example: See the ipblock
and page_props
tables. One of them also offers a reverse index, which gives you a cheap alternative to SORT BY.
Bad example: See this changeset (a fix). As the note states, "needs to be id/type, not type/id, according to the definition of the relevant index in wikibase.sql
: wb_entity_per_page (epp_entity_id, epp_entity_type)
". Rather than using the index that was built on the id-and-type combination, the previous code (that this is fixing) attempted to specify an index that was "type-and-id", which did not exist. Thus, MariaDB did not use the index, and thus instead tried to order the table without using the index, which caused the database to try to sort 20 million rows with no index.
- MySQL/MariaDB数据库——结构化数据和blobs的长期存储。
- Swift文件存储——长期存储可能很大的二进制文件。详见wikitech:Media storage。
- Redis jobqueue——添加一个要执行的任务,任务完成后就会消失。你不希望在任务运行前就丢失。但你可以接受有一个延迟。
- (在未来,也许MediaWiki应该支持有一个高延迟和一个低延迟的队列)。
Permanent names: In general, store resources under names that won't change. In MediaWiki, files are stored under their "pretty names", which was probably a mistake - if you click Move, it ought to be fast (renaming title), but other versions of the file also have to be renamed. And Swift is distributed, so you can't just change the metadata on one volume of one system.
Object size: Memcached sometimes gets abused by putting big objects in there, or where it would be cheaper to recalculate than to retrieve. So don't put things in memcached that are TOO trivial - that causes an extra network fetch for very little gain. A very simple lookup, like "is a page watched by current user", does not go in the cache, because it's indexed well so it's a fast database lookup.
When to use the job queue: If the thing to be done is fast (~5 milliseconds) or needs to happen synchronously, then do it synchronously. Otherwise, put it in the job queue. You do not want an HTTP request that a user is waiting on to take more than a few seconds. Examples using the job queue:
- Updating link table on pages modified by a template change
- Transcoding a video that has been uploaded
HTMLCacheUpdate is synchronous if there are very few backlinks. Developers also moved large file uploads to an asynchronous workflow because users started experiencing timeouts.
In some cases it may be valuable to create separate classes of job queues -- for instance video transcoding done by Extension:TimedMediaHandler is stored in the job queue, but a dedicated runner is used to keep the very long jobs from flooding other servers. Currently this requires some manual intervention to accomplish (see TMH as an example).
Extensions that use the job queue include RenameUser, TranslationNotification, Translate, GWToolset, and MassMessage.
Additional examples:
- large uploads. UploadWizard has API core modules and core jobs take care of taking chunks of file, reassembling, turning into a file the user can view. The user starts defining the description, metadata, etc., and the data is sent 1 chunk at a time.
- purging all the pages that use a template from Varnish & bumping the
column in the database, which tells parser cache it's invalid and needs to be regenerated - refreshing links: when a page links to many pages, or it has categories, it's better to refresh links or update categories after saving, then propagate the change. (For instance, adding a category to a template or removing it, which means every page that uses that template needs to be linked to the category -- likewise with files, externals, etc.)
How slow or contentious is the thing you are causing? Maybe your code can't do it on the same web request the user initiated. You do not want an HTTP request that a user is waiting on to take more than a few seconds.
Example: You create a new kind of notification. Good idea: put the actual notification action (emailing people) or adding the flags (user id n now has a new notification!) into the jobqueue. Bad idea: putting it into a database transaction that has to commit and finish before the user gets a response.
Good example: The Beta features extension lets a user opt in for a "Beta feature" and displays, to the user, how many users have opted in to each of the currently available Beta features. The preferences themselves are stored in user_properties
table. However, directly counting the number of opted-in users every time that count is displayed would not have acceptable performance. Thus, MediaWiki stores those counts in the database in the betafeatures_user_counts
table, but they are also stored in memcached. It's important to immediately update the user's own preference and be able to display the updated preference on page reload, but it's not important to immediately report to the user the increase or decrease in the count, and this information doesn't get reported in Special:Statistics.
Therefore, BetaFeatures updates those user counts every half hour or so, and no more. Specifically, the extension creates a job that does a SELECT query. Running this query takes a long time - upwards of 5 minutes! So it's done once, and then on the next user request, the result gets cached in memcached for the page . (They won't get updated at all if no one tries to fetch them, but that is unlikely.) If a researcher needs a realtime count, they can directly query the database outside of MediaWiki application flow.
Code: UpdateBetaFeatureUserCountsJob.php and BetaFeaturesHooks.php.
Bad example: add one?
Multiple datacenters
editOnce CDN requests reach (non-proxy) origin servers, the responding service (such as Apache/MediaWiki, Thumbor, or HyperSwitch) must limit its own read operations from persistence layers to only involve the local datacenter. The same applies to write operations to caching layers, except for allowing asynchronous purging broadcasts or asynchronous replication of caches that are profoundly expensive to regenerate from scratch (e.g. parser cache in MySQL). Write operations to source data persistence layers (MySQL, Swift, Cassandra) are more complex, but generally should only happen on HTTP POST or PUT requests from end-users and should be synchronous in the local datacenter, with asynchronous replication to remote datacenters. Updates to search index persistence layers (Elastic, BlazeGraph) can use either this approach, the Job queue, or Change propagation. The enqueue operations to the job/propagation systems are themselves synchronous in the local datacenter (with asynchronous replication to the remote ones).
HTTP POST/PUT requests to MediaWiki will be routed to the master datacenter and the MediaWiki job queue workers only run there as well (e.g. where the logic of Job::run()
executes). An independent non-MediaWiki API service might be able to run write APIs correctly in multiple datacenters at once if it has very limited semantics and has no relational integrity dependencies on other source data persistence layers. For example, if the service simply takes end-user input and stores blobs keyed under new UUIDs, there is no way that writes can conflict. If updates or deletions are later added as a feature, then Last-Write-Wins might be considered a "correct" approach to handling write conflicts between datacenters (e.g. if only one user has permission to change any given blob then all conflicts are self-inflicted). If write conflicts are not manageable, then such API requests should be routed to the master datacenter.
Work involved during cache misses
editWikimedia uses and depends heavily on many different caching layers, so your code needs to work in that environment! (But it also must work if everything misses cache.)
Cache-on-save: Wikimedia sites use a preemptive cache-repopulation strategy: if your code will create or modify a large object when the user hits "save" or "submit", then along with saving the modified object in the database/filestore, populate the right cache with it (or schedule a job in the job queue to do so). This will give users faster results than if those large things were regenerated dynamically when someone hit the cache. Localization (i18n) messages, SpamBlacklist data, and parsed text (upon save) are all aggressively cached. (See "Caching layers" for more.)
At the moment, this strategy does not work well for memcached for Wikimedia's multi-datacenter use case. A workaround when using WANObjectCache is to use getWithSetCallback
as normal, but with "lockTSE" set and with a "check" key passed in. The key can be "bumped" via touchCheckKey
to perform invalidations instead of using delete
. This avoids cache stampedes on purge for hot keys, which is usually the main goal.
If something is VERY expensive to recompute, then use a cache that is somewhat closer to a store. For instance, you might use the backend (secondary) Varnishes, which are often called a cache, but are really closer to a store, because objects tend to persist longer there (on disk).
Cache misses are normal: Avoid writing code that, on cache miss, is ridiculously slow. (For instance, it's not okay to count *
and assume that a memcache between the database and the user will make it all right; cache misses and timeouts eat a lot of resources. Caches are not magic.) The cluster has a limit of 180 seconds per script (see the limit in Puppet); if your code is so slow that a function exceeds the max execution time, it will be killed.
Write your queries such that an uncached computation will take a reasonable amount of time. To figure out what is reasonable for your circumstance, ask the Site performance and architecture team.
If you can't make it fast, see if you can do it in the background. For example, see some of the statistics special pages that run expensive queries. These can then be run on a dedicated time on large installations. But again, this requires manual setup work -- only do this if you have to.
Watch out for cached HTML: HTML output may sit around for a long time and still needs to be supported by the CSS and JS. Problems where old JS/CSS hang around are in some ways more obvious, so it's easier to find them early in testing, but stale HTML can be insidious!
Good example: See the TwnMainPage extension. It offloads the recalculation of statistics (site stats and user stats) to the job queue, adding jobs to the queue before the cache expires. In case of cache miss, it does not show anything; see CachedStat.php. It also sets a limit of 1 second for calculating message group stats; see SpecialTwnMainPage.php.
Bad example: a change "disabled varnish cache, where previously it was set to cache in varnish for 10 seconds. Given the amount of hits that page gets, even a 10 second cache is probably helpful."
- 浏览器缓存
- 原生浏览器缓存
- LocalStorage. 参见meta:Research:Module storage performance#Results,查看统计数据证明,将ResourceLoader存储在LocalStorage中可以加快页面加载时间,使用户浏览更多内容。
- 前端Varnish
- Varnish缓存缓存了整个HTTP响应,包括图片的缩略图、经常请求的页面、ResourceLoader模块以及类似的可以通过URL检索的项目。前端的Varnish将这些保存在内存中。一个加权随机负载平衡器(LVS)将网络请求分配给前端Varnish。
- 因为维基媒体在地理上分布它的前端Varnish(在阿姆斯特丹和旧金山的缓存中心以及德克萨斯和弗吉尼亚的数据中心)以减少用户的延迟,一些工程师把这些前端Varnish称为“边缘缓存”,有时也称为CDN(内容交付网络)。一些细节见wikitech:MediaWiki at WMF。
- 后端Varnish
- 如果前端Varnish没有缓存的响应,它通过基于哈希的负载平衡(URI的哈希值)将请求传递给后端Varnish。后端Varnish持有更多的响应,将它们存储在磁盘上。每个URL最多只在一个后端Varnish上。
- 对象缓存(在WMF生产中用memcached实现,但其他实现方式包括Redis、APC等)
- 对象缓存是一个通用的服务,用于许多事情,例如,用户对象缓存。它是一个通用的服务,很多服务都可以把东西放在里面。你也可以将该服务作为一个更大的缓存策略中的一层,这就是维基媒体设置中的解析器缓存的作用。解析器缓存的一层存在于对象缓存中。
- 一般来说,不要禁用解析器缓存。参见:如何使用解析器缓存。
- 数据库的缓冲池和查询缓存(不能直接控制)。
Good example: (from the mw.cookie change) of not poisoning the cache with request-specific data (when cache is not split on that variable). Background: mw.cookie
will use MediaWiki's cookie settings, so client-side developers don't think about this. These are passed via the ResourceLoader startup module. Issue: However, it doesn't use Manual:$wgCookieSecure (instead, this is documented not to be supported), since the default value ('detect
') varies by the request protocol, and the startup module does not vary by protocol. Thus, the first hit could poison the module with data that will be inapplicable for other requests.
Bad examples:
- GettingStarted error: Don't use Token in your cookie name. In this case, the cookie name hit a regular expression that Varnish uses to know what to cache and not cache. See the code, an initial revert, another early fix, another revert commit, the Varnish layer workaround, the followup fix, the GettingStarted fix part 1 and part 2, and the regex fix.
- WikidataClient was fetching a large object from memcached just to decide which project group it was on, when it would have been more efficient to simply recompute it by putting the very few values needed into a global variable. (See the changeset that fixed the bug.)
- Template parse on every page view is a bad thing, as it obviates the advantage of the parser cache (the cache that caches parsed wikitext).
Multiple data centers
editWMF运行多个数据中心(“eqiad”、“codfw”等)。该计划是转移到主/从数据中心配置(请参阅RFC),其中用户从最近的数据中心的缓存中读取页面,而所有更新活动都流向主数据中心。大多数MediaWiki代码不需要直接知道这一点,但它确实对开发人员编写代码的方式有影响; 请参见 RFC的设计影响 。
- TODO: bring guidelines from RFC to here and other pages.
See also
editTechnical documents
edit- WMF usage of Graphite
- MediaWiki & Wikimedia use cases for Redis
- API:Etiquette
- Job class reference
- Manual:Job queue (and Manual:Job queue/For developers)
- Manual:How to debug
- Manual:Profiling
- Performance profiling for Wikimedia code
edit- "Why your extension will not be enabled on Wikimedia wikis in its current state and what you can do about it", Roan Kattouw, Wikimania, July 2010
- Notes from Tim Starling's security and performance talk, WMF training session, July 2011
- MediaWiki MySQL optimization tutorial (slides), Roan Kattouw, Berlin Hackathon, June 2012
- "MediaWiki Performance Profiling" (video) (slides), Asher Feldman, WMF Tech Days, September 2012
- "MediaWiki Performance Techniques", Tim Starling, Amsterdam Hackathon, May 2013
- "Let's talk about web performance" (video), Peter Hedenskog, WMF tech talk, August 2015
Posts and discussions
edit- "Measuring Site Performance at the Wikimedia Foundation", Asher Feldman, March 2012
- "How the Technical Operations team stops problems in their tracks", Sumana Harihareswara, February 2013
- Requests for comment/Performance standards for new features, December 2013
- Notes from performance discussion, Architecture Summit 2014, January 2014
General web performance
edit- "Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems" (book chapter), Kate Matsudaira, May 2012
- "80% of end-user response time is spent on the frontend", Marcus Ljungblad, April 2014