Wikimedia Hackathon 2023/Projects
The Universal Code of Conduct, Code of Conduct for Wikimedia's Technical Spaces and Friendly Space Policy will be in effect throughout the event, on all platforms, discussion channels, and at satellite events.
Browse the projects proposed on Phabricator for the Hackathon.
Ideas for projects
editParticipants are completely free to choose their project(s) during the event. If you are looking to hack on a project but don't have an idea yet - you can explore the proposed ideas in the lists of projects below:
- Community Wishlist Survey 2023: The Community Wishlist Survey is an annual survey allowing Wikimedia project contributors to propose and vote for tools and platform improvements. These ideas reflect the challenges Wikimedia communities, projects, and organizations face. You can choose a proposal from the 2023 survey results (suggested "hackathonable" tasks have been marked in the table).
- Developer wishlist 2017: The Developer Wishlist Survey was conducted in 2017 to address the challenges faced by the MediaWiki developers and Wikimedia's technical community related but not limited to, the MediaWiki core software, APIs, developer environment, data dumps, server infrastructure, contribution processes, and documentation. There are still many technical wishes remaining from this list; you can choose one from this workboard on Phabricator (ordered by votes) or find all wishes in a single ordered list here.
- Wikidata project ideas: They are around building games, tools for editing, developing interactive tours and tutorials, and more. These projects are small-sized, easy to begin, and can be completed during the Hackathon. You can choose an idea from the 49 open tasks.
- Projects emerging from the Developer track of Wiki Workshop 2023, supported by Wikimedia Research community members (Hackathon-specific tasks will be updated soon).
- Browse the projects proposed on Phabricator for the Hackathon.
If you have an idea for a project or an existing project you'd like help with, please either create a new task in Phabricator, or add the Wikimedia-Hackathon-2023 project tag to an existing task! See the screenshots below for a step-by-step guide of how to do it:
- Adding a Phabricator task to the Wikimedia-Hackathon-2023 project board
Step 1: Select "Change Project Tags" from the "Add Action" dropdown menu.
Step 2: Type in the box to search existing tags, and select the "Wikimedia-Hackathon-2023" tag. Save the changes by pressing the Submit button.
Step 3: Open the the "Add Action" dropdown menu again and select "Move on Workboard".
Step 4: Change the selection within the "Wikimedia-Hackathon-2023" heading from "Backlog" to "Hacking projects". Save the changes again.