Wikimedia Hackathon 2022/Schedule/May 22

Scheduling a session

To claim a time slot in a room, add to the schedule below by copying the following points:

* Title of Session (the more detailed, the better!): 
* Username for contact: 
* Session Duration (25 or 50 min): 
* Language of session (English, Arabic, etc.): 
* Prerequisites (some Python, etc.): 
* Good for newcomers? (Yes/No): 
* Any other details to share?:

To share more information, link to a Phabricator task. The Git and Gerrit session is a great example task for a session.

Not sure how to put together a session? We've written some tips on how to get started.

Start time (UTC) Community Building Room Infrastructure Tools Room Localization and Small Wikis Room MediaWiki Room Python Room Wikibase and Wikidata Room Cantina Social Room Start time (UTC)
Outreachy Internship Participation and Wikimedia ProjectContact: Alexandra Shagzhina

Session Duration: 50 min Language of session: English

Good for newcomers? Yes

How can we make future Hackathons better! Your feedback matters.

Good for newcomers? Yes

Hacking time!
Start time (UTC) Community Building Room Infrastructure Tools Room Localization and Small Wikis Room MediaWiki Room Python Room Wikibase and Wikidata Room Cantina Social Room Start time (UTC)
Project Showcase ( In the showcase room, top left of the map!)
Closing Ceremony

You can join in the game space or directly to YouTube. Meet us in the first 5 minutes for a group photo of avatars!