Wikimedia Hackathon 2019/Participants

"Logo for Wikimedia Hackathon"

17–19 May, 2019 | Prague

Participants List


Add yourself to the Participants list!

How to connect with other participants

  • Using the contact information listed on the participants list (see above)
  • Using our event's telegram group (see below)
  • Using the self-organize etherpad (see program)
  • Join #wmhack on IRC (see below)

Mentoring Program


A lightweight mentoring program, buddy program, and a newcomer track will be included in this years program. Newcomers to Wikimedia and Wikimedia technology are very welcome at this event and we will update this page with more information on how to participate.

On the morning of the first day of the hackathon after the opening session we will have many different activities for newcomers and people who don't quite know what they want to do at the event.

  • We will have introductory sessions
  • We will have a mentor matching session where you can find someone to help you 1:1
  • We will have a project matching session where you can join existing projects

Mentoring program details / mentors can be found at Wikimedia Hackathon 2019/Mentoring Program.

Friendly Space Team


The hackathon is a harassment free and welcoming space.

All representatives of the Friendly Space Team and Emergency Team will be wearing red bands around the hackathon. Please find any of us at any time and talk about your concerns. You are also welcome to make reports by sending an email (which will stay confidential) to or anyone on this team directly.

Friendly Space and Code of Conduct resources


Three steps to prepare for the hackathon


Step 1: Inform yourself and share your plans


The main wiki page for the event is Wikimedia Hackathon 2019.

There are six sub pages in total that you should review and read through all the links:

  • Program: schedule of sessions and events, learn how to schedule sessions of your own. Review our mentoring program page, especially if you are interested in being connected with a mentor or project!
  • Venue & Prague: Photos and maps of the venue, descriptions of the rooms, details about the hotel and city.
  • Travel: General transportation and visa information
  • Participants: an editable list of all the participants and information about each participant, different ways to volunteer at the event, our organizing team, our sponsors.

We use Phabricator to organize all sessions and activities during the hackathon. Learn more about Phabricator and create your account if you do not have an account yet.

On the hackathon workboard in Phabricator you can view all possible hacking projects, sessions, skill shares and other hackathon activities. You can also propose and share here what you plan to do at the hackathon. All planned activities are shown as "tasks" (cards) in the columns on the workboard.

  • If you plan to work on existing task, add it to the hackathon workboard by going to that task, clicking the Add Action… dropdown, choosing Change Project Tags, entering the project tag "Wikimedia-Hackathon-2019", choosing it from the autocompletion offers, and clicking the Submit button. Feel also free to set yourself as the assignee of that task if you 'feel responsible': Click the Add Action… dropdown, choose Assign / Claim, enter your Phabricator user name, choose it from the autocompletion offers, and click the Submit button.
  • If you plan to work on something, run a session, or share skills, and there is no task yet, feel free to create your own task.

Step 2: Connect & Setup

  • Join IRC: This is the main communication channel that our developer community uses.
    • Install an IRC client or use IRC in your browser: Go to channel #wmhack connect on, add a Nickname (ex: "yourname"), click the check box to prove you're not a robot, click "Connect" and you are in our channel!
  • Join our Telegram Group Chat: To enhance the social experience among participants, we have created a Telegram Group Chat "Wikimedia Hackathon" @wmhack. Anyone can join via this link:

Step 3: Meet & Introduce

  • Add yourself to the Participant List. If you are already on it, please check again and edit accordingly. Add or edit:
    • your name / nickname
    • your contact details (website, github, twitter, etc.) and your experience with programming and your interests for the weekend! (E.g.: I have experience with Python, and am interested in working on a project about Wikidata for the weekend)  
    • If you are a newcomer who would like to to join the mentoring program, write "YES" in the according column
  • Introduce yourself on Telegram and IRC connect — just say hi!
  • Ask any remaining questions on Telegram and IRC, contact other participants directly or contact the team via hackathon
  • Subscribe to Hackathon related Phabricator tasks that you might be interested in or create your own task.
  • Check out our event focus areas. Read about them, contact the topic organizers and sign up!
  • Choose a task to work on at the hackathon from the list of projects in our New Developers guide.
  • And no worries! If you don't yet know what you want to work on we will help you find something fun on the first day of the hackathon.

Volunteer Groups


We organize and co-create this event together with the help of all of the participants. If you see something to improve or a way that you can help please let us know and we will work with you!

During registration all participants opted in or out to help organizers volunteer in many different capacities at the event. You are welcome to join in to help at any point and there is no issue with opting out if you feel like you have taken on too much.

More details about getting involved in official volunteering program will be added here soon! For now, here are the options.

  • Event photography: Take photos during the hackathon and uploading them to Wikimedia Commons.
  • Event blogging: Publishing your personal experiences and impression of the hackathon.
  • Event host: As a host, please approach other participants proactively, especially at social events and during mealtime - make sure that nobody feels left out just because he or she doesn’t know many other participants yet.
  • Technical help desk: take a physical shift at the technical help desk, which is a location where newcomers and those that need technical help can come and ask their questions.
  • Technical/design/translation help: Be on a list of people that participants of the hackathon can ask for help from. You will get to indicate which areas you know about and people with questions about topics in those areas will know to come and find you.
  • Documentation: Go around the event and help make sure people's work and projects are being recorded so that others can track what happened at the hackathon.
  • Showcase sign-ups: Help encourage other participants to sign up for the showcase where people present what they have worked on
  • General event organization help: be on a list of people that organizers can approach for help with something comes up that needs doing!
  • Newcomer friendly sessions: If you plan to run an informational session or small group training on a skill!
  • Newcomer buddy: some newcomers will request to have a "social buddy" to help introduce them around the event. Perfect for Wikimedians who have been to multiple past hackathons.
    • Organizers will connect participants in advance of the event. Contact Rachel.
  • Audio and Video (A/V) and/or IT: technical infrastructure help with audio visual equipment. Both setting it up and or trouble shooting issues.
    • Organizers will reach out to people who have volunteered in advance of the event as needed. Contact Petr.
  • Pre-event Wiki formatting: organizers will reach out as needed.
    • Organizers will reach out to people who have volunteered in advance of the event as needed
  • Fun: bring something fun to share with other participants