Wikimedia Hackathon 2018/Structured Commons

Welcome to the Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons satellite track at the Wikimedia Hackathon!

Roadmap for development on Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons in 2017-2019. Version of October 31, 2017.
Presentation about Structured Commons during WikidataCon, 29 October 2017. Slides

In 2018 and 2019, structured data will be deployed on Wikimedia Commons. This means many new opportunities to hack on existing and new tools, develop prototypes and experiments.

Several members of the Structured Data on Commons team will be present at the Barcelona hackathon (and next hackathons too!) to work together with anyone interested in the project.

  • Join our session with general introduction and Q&A (Friday, 16:00, Sala de projectes) / Etherpad
  • Join our session on Structured Commons and GLAM (Friday, 17:00, Sala de projectes) / Etherpad
  • Visit and co-work at the Structured Commons tables/corner in the hacking space
  • Let's brainstorm and work together!
    • Updating existing Commons tools
    • Opportunities for new tools, libraries, prototypes, technical experiments...
    • Newcomer-friendly projects to work on
    • How to organize volunteer developer tasks around Structured Commons on Phabricator
    • ...

Relevant projects


Participants (please add yourself!)
