Wikimedia Developer Summit/2018/Facilitation



Tentatively, facilitators will be responsible for the following functions during each session. Training and additional instruction will be provided to facilitators.

  1. Coordinate requests to speak so that everyone can participate.
  2. At certain points in schedule, recapitulate a summary of progress toward the objective.
  3. With assistance from a designated time-keeper, announce remaining time at specified intervals.
  4. At a designated time, read "closing instructions" to help sessions end in an orderly fashion.


Event Location Timeslot Facilitator
Knowledge as a Service TBD Monday 10:10 am to 12:30 pm w/break Deb
Supporting Third-Party use of MediaWiki TBD Monday 10:10 am to 12:30 pm w/break Santhosh
Evolving the MediaWiki Architecture TBD Monday 2:10 pm to 4:45 pm w/breaks Erika
Next Steps for Languages and Cross Project Collaboration TBD Monday 2:10 pm to 4:45 pm w/breaks Birgit
Session follow-up TBD Monday 5:20 pm to 5:30 pm Joel
Advancing the Contributor Experience TBD Tuesday 9:40 am to 12:50 pm w/break Matanya
Growing the MediaWiki Technical Community TBD Tuesday 9:40 am to 12:50 pm w/break Nick
Embracing Open Source Software TBD Tuesday 2 pm to 4 pm w/break Deb
Research, Analytics, and Machine Learning TBD Tuesday 2 pm to 4 pm w/break Joel
Session follow-up TBD Tuesday 5 pm to 5:15 pm Joel