Tried to integrate WikiMedia OAuth Login with Pundit's OpenID login system, but failed to do so. Discussion regarding this can be found here.
Discussed some new approaches with mentors and finally came to a conclusion to provide a Push to Wikidata button in the interface, which will sync user's Pundit Notebook's annotation with Wikidata through a bot and will use OAuth to recognize the user.
After discussing much and researching on PyWikipediaBot, we came to a conclusion that we don't need a bot for our this process we need some kind of autolist much like that of Magnus's autolists
This week was too much productive, I started developing autolist based on magnus tool and using Magnus' tool WiDaR for Wikidata API query via OAuth
I am able to receive now annotations from Pundit server's public API and transform them to Wikidata format.
Now only job left is feed this data retrieved and formatted to Wikidata
I completed the autolist mainly in this week and made it fully functional.
Autolists contain the functionality to interact with Mediawiki through OAuth just like WiDaR except that it has more options
I completed most of fetching and pushing to Wikidata part in this week
Now I fixed up Bajo to fetch annotations from Pundit open server APi and show them in a pretty way and give user an option to select which annotations to be pushed
My primary means of communication with mentors is a dedicated mailing list which is open for anyone to join, here various people ponder over a single discussion to sort out the best way to do this.
I will mail Wikitech-l in case I need advice from more people
Usually I ask my small questions around IRC and I am available on most of the general channels related to Mediawiki.
Another means of frequent communications is Google Hangout, which is fast and reliable to get quick advice.