Wikibase/Using Wikibase/ja

This page is a translated version of the page Wikibase/Using Wikibase and the translation is 75% complete.

ウィキベースのランディングページへようこそ。 Here you'll find documentation and resources for the free software created by Wikimedia Deutschland that stores and organises collaboratively editable information and allows it to be easily consumed by computers, translated into multiple languages and shared with the rest of the world as part of the Linked Open Data web.

Wikibase Cloud Logo – symbol
Wikibase Cloud Logo – symbol
 はじめる ウィキベースの利用 参照 




Learn more about connecting to other Wikibase instances & federated querying.

A big part of managing Wikibase is actually managing MediaWiki. Here's how.

The notes and instructions from a spring 2022 workshop for the Wikibase Ecosystem community by Adam Shorland and Jakob Warkotsch.