Wikia code/includes/Setup.php
< Wikia code | includes
This page is obsolete. It is being retained for archival purposes. It may document extensions or features that are obsolete and/or no longer supported. Do not rely on the information here being up-to-date. The information shown below refers to the now unmaintained 1.16 MediaWiki release. The current stable release number is 1.43.0. |
--- D:\Programming\SVN\mediawiki\branches\REL1_16\phase3\includes\Setup.php 2011-07-18 22:31:28.082031300 +0100
+++ D:\Programming\SVN\wikia\trunk\includes\Setup.php 2011-08-17 15:28:46.446289100 +0100
@@ -58,6 +59,8 @@
$wgFileStore['deleted']['directory'] = "{$wgUploadDirectory}/deleted";
+if( $wgExtensionsPath === false ) $wgExtensionsPath = "$wgScriptPath/extensions";
* Unconditional protection for NS_MEDIAWIKI since otherwise it's too easy for a
* sysadmin to set $wgNamespaceProtection incorrectly and leave the wiki insecure.
@@ -97,23 +100,17 @@
if ( $wgUseSharedUploads ) {
if ( $wgSharedUploadDBname ) {
$wgForeignFileRepos[] = array(
- 'class' => 'ForeignDBRepo',
+ 'class' => 'ForeignDBViaLBRepo',
'name' => 'shared',
'directory' => $wgSharedUploadDirectory,
'url' => $wgSharedUploadPath,
'hashLevels' => $wgHashedSharedUploadDirectory ? 2 : 0,
'thumbScriptUrl' => $wgSharedThumbnailScriptPath,
'transformVia404' => !$wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse,
- 'dbType' => $wgDBtype,
- 'dbServer' => $wgDBserver,
- 'dbUser' => $wgDBuser,
- 'dbPassword' => $wgDBpassword,
- 'dbName' => $wgSharedUploadDBname,
- 'dbFlags' => ($wgDebugDumpSql ? DBO_DEBUG : 0) | DBO_DEFAULT,
- 'tablePrefix' => $wgSharedUploadDBprefix,
'hasSharedCache' => $wgCacheSharedUploads,
'descBaseUrl' => $wgRepositoryBaseUrl,
'fetchDescription' => $wgFetchCommonsDescriptions,
+ 'wiki' => $wgSharedUploadDBname,
} else {
$wgForeignFileRepos[] = array(
@@ -137,7 +134,7 @@
'hashLevels' => 2,
'fetchDescription' => true,
'descriptionCacheExpiry' => 43200,
- 'apiThumbCacheExpiry' => 86400,
+ 'apiThumbCacheExpiry' => 0, // eloy, change back when fixed
@@ -305,8 +302,12 @@
$wgContLang = new StubContLang;
+if (defined('DONT_INTERPOLATE_TITLE')) {
+// rt#22195
+} else {
// Now that variant lists may be available...
$wgUser = new StubUser;
$wgLang = new StubUserLang;