Wikia code/includes/CategoryPage.php
< Wikia code | includes
This page is obsolete. It is being retained for archival purposes. It may document extensions or features that are obsolete and/or no longer supported. Do not rely on the information here being up-to-date. The information shown below refers to the now unmaintained 1.16 MediaWiki release. The current stable release number is 1.43.0. |
--- D:\Programming\SVN\mediawiki\branches\REL1_16\phase3\includes\CategoryPage.php 2011-07-18 22:31:27.982421900 +0100
+++ D:\Programming\SVN\wikia\trunk\includes\CategoryPage.php 2011-08-17 15:28:46.344726600 +0100
@@ -96,7 +96,8 @@
$r = $this->getSubcategorySection() .
$this->getPagesSection() .
- $this->getImageSection();
+ $this->getImageSection() .
+ $this->getOtherSection();
if ( $r == '' ) {
// If there is no category content to display, only
@@ -203,6 +204,11 @@
function addPage( $title, $sortkey, $pageLength, $isRedirect = false ) {
global $wgContLang;
+ /*Wikia changes start*/
+ wfRunHooks('CategoryPage::AddPage', array(&$this, &$title, &$titletext, &$sortkey));
+ /*Wikia changes end*/
$this->articles[] = $isRedirect
? '<span class="redirect-in-category">' .
@@ -238,11 +244,17 @@
$this->flip = false;
+ $userCon = '1 = 1';
+ /* Wikia change begin - @author: TomekO */
+ /* Category Galleries hook */
+ wfRunHooks('CategoryPage::beforeCategoryData',array(&$userCon));
+ /* Wikia change end */
$res = $dbr->select(
array( 'page', 'categorylinks', 'category' ),
array( 'page_title', 'page_namespace', 'page_len', 'page_is_redirect', 'cl_sortkey',
'cat_id', 'cat_title', 'cat_subcats', 'cat_pages', 'cat_files' ),
- array( $pageCondition, 'cl_to' => $this->title->getDBkey() ),
+ array( $userCon, $pageCondition, 'cl_to' => $this->title->getDBkey() ),
array( 'ORDER BY' => $this->flip ? 'cl_sortkey DESC' : 'cl_sortkey',
'USE INDEX' => array( 'categorylinks' => 'cl_sortkey' ),
@@ -270,13 +282,26 @@
} elseif ( $this->showGallery && $title->getNamespace() == NS_FILE ) {
$this->addImage( $title, $x->cl_sortkey, $x->page_len, $x->page_is_redirect );
} else {
+ if( wfRunHooks( "CategoryViewer::addPage", array( &$this, &$title, &$x ) ) ) {
$this->addPage( $title, $x->cl_sortkey, $x->page_len, $x->page_is_redirect );
+ }
function getCategoryTop() {
- $r = $this->getCategoryBottom();
+ $r = '';
+ /* Wikia change begin - @author: wladek */
+ /* Category Galleries hook */
+ wfRunHooks('CategoryPage::getCategoryTop',array($this,&$r));
+ /* Wikia change end */
+ if( $this->until != '' ) {
+ $r .= $this->pagingLinks( $this->title, $this->nextPage, $this->until, $this->limit );
+ } elseif( $this->nextPage != '' || $this->from != '' ) {
+ $r .= $this->pagingLinks( $this->title, $this->from, $this->nextPage, $this->limit );
+ }
return $r === ''
? $r
: "<br style=\"clear:both;\"/>\n" . $r;
@@ -338,6 +363,12 @@
+ function getOtherSection() {
+ $r = "";
+ wfRunHooks( "CategoryViewer::getOtherSection", array( &$this, &$r ) );
+ return $r;
+ }
function getCategoryBottom() {
if ( $this->until != '' ) {
return $this->pagingLinks( $this->title, $this->nextPage, $this->until, $this->limit );
@@ -491,7 +522,7 @@
- return "($prevLink) ($nextLink)";
+ return "<div class=\"pagingLinks\"><span class=\"prevLink\">($prevLink)</span> <span class=\"nextLink\">($nextLink)</span></div>";
@@ -547,4 +578,17 @@
$wgLang->formatNum( $totalcnt )
+ /**
+ * getter for private $cat variable, used in Hooks
+ *
+ * @author Krzysztof Krzy┼╝aniak <>
+ * @public
+ *
+ * @return Category $cat
+ */
+ public function getCat() {
+ return $this->cat;
+ }