Wikia code/includes/AutoLoader.php
< Wikia code | includes
This page is obsolete. It is being retained for archival purposes. It may document extensions or features that are obsolete and/or no longer supported. Do not rely on the information here being up-to-date. The information shown below refers to the now unmaintained 1.16 MediaWiki release. The current stable release number is 1.43.0. |
--- D:\Programming\SVN\mediawiki\branches\REL1_16\phase3\includes\AutoLoader.php 2011-07-18 22:31:28.178711000 +0100
+++ D:\Programming\SVN\wikia\trunk\includes\AutoLoader.php 2011-08-17 15:28:46.539062500 +0100
@@ -278,6 +278,7 @@
'ApiFormatWddx' => 'includes/api/ApiFormatWddx.php',
'ApiFormatXml' => 'includes/api/ApiFormatXml.php',
'ApiFormatYaml' => 'includes/api/ApiFormatYaml.php',
+ 'ApiFormatPUSH' => 'includes/api/ApiFormatPUSH.php',
'ApiHelp' => 'includes/api/ApiHelp.php',
'ApiImport' => 'includes/api/ApiImport.php',
'ApiImportReporter' => 'includes/api/ApiImport.php',
@@ -595,8 +596,8 @@
'WithoutInterwikiPage' => 'includes/specials/SpecialWithoutinterwiki.php',
# includes/templates
- 'UsercreateTemplate' => 'includes/templates/Userlogin.php',
- 'UserloginTemplate' => 'includes/templates/Userlogin.php',
+ 'UsercreateTemplate' => 'includes/templates/wikia/Userlogin.php',
+ 'UserloginTemplate' => 'includes/templates/wikia/Userlogin.php',
# languages
'Language' => 'languages/Language.php',
@@ -610,8 +611,16 @@
'csvStatsOutput' => 'maintenance/language/StatOutputs.php',
'SevenZipStream' => 'maintenance/',
+ 'UserAjaxCreateTemplate' => 'includes/templates/wikia/UserAjaxCreate.php'
+// wikia change start, use FakeExternalStoreDB for active-active clusters
+global $wgUseFakeExternalStoreDB;
+if( $wgUseFakeExternalStoreDB === true ) {
+ $wgAutoloadClasses[ 'ExternalStoreDB' ] = 'includes/wikia/FakeExternalStoreDB.php';
+// wikia change end
class AutoLoader {
* autoload - take a class name and attempt to load it