
This project has been discontinued, however there is an official Wikimedia Commons app for iOS and Android. See Wikimedia Apps/Commons for more information.

WikiSnaps is an iPhone application that allows you to directly upload your photographs to Wikimedia Commons. The tool was originally developed during the Dutch 2011 Hack-a-ton

Manual on MediaWiki Tools
Release status: experimental
Author(s) User:TheDJ
Latest version 1.0.0 alpha
License multi-licensed BSD and MIT
Download SVN repository

Images taken with this tool are collected in a category.

To do

  • Use keychain to store password
  • Use xml parser for the API responses
  • Error reporting
  • Error retry
  • Destination name availability checking.
  • GUI workflow improvement
  • License selection in settings
  • Attribution settings.
  • Remember previous title and description
  • Auto select last used photopicker
  • User configurable category
  • splash screen
  • i18n
  • geobased tagging
  • geobased info (categories)
  • About window, with license and author information.
  • Progress bar updating
  • Android version (freakolowsky is working on this)