User talk:Envlh/Flow

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Ipigott (talkcontribs)

Hi there, Envlh. I have just learnt from Seb that you are behind the Gender Gap in Wikidata presentation which has recently been updated. As one of the main contributors to the Women in Red WikiProject on the EN wiki, I found your page extremely pertinent to our work in trying to reduce the gender gap by creating more women's biographies. In particular, your graphics on the various sections make the results far more meaningful than in the previous version. Am I right in thinking the latest version is based on the dump fron Wikidata on 9 April 2018? Do you intend to upate these statistics periodically? If so, it would be useful to know how often as they obviously complement the data we currently monitor at WHGI. In any case, congratulations on the work so far. You're doing a great job.--~~~~

Envlh (talkcontribs)

Hello Ipigott!

You are right, the most recent statistics use the Wikidata dump of 9 April 2018. I will update the statistics, I hope with each weekly dump. You can already display metrics from older dumps by selecting the date of a previous dump in the field « Wikidata dump » in the form at the top of the page.

Thanks a lot for your message :)

Ipigott (talkcontribs)

Thanks for these details. It's good to know you will be updating this every Monday. Many of the members of Women in Red will certainly be interested in monitoring progress. Thanks once again for interpreting Wikidata stats so effectively.--~~~~

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