User:X-Savitar/Sub-pages/Manual git rebase with file renames on Mac

It was indeed another problem which took me a while to resolve and thanks to @Reedy and @CFish-WMDE at the Technical Advice IRC meeting on the 24th April, 2019, see irc conversation logs.

The problem:

I had uploaded a change-set which got stuck, had merged conflicts that I had to manually rebase due to the below merged patches;

The reason:

The reason for this problem is because, HFS+ is the default file system for Mac and it's case insensitive. In addition, it's case preserving though the former. So when I tried pulling down the patch I uploaded to Gerrit to make a manual rebase for resolve the merge conflicts, I this error: We think it's because the filesystem of Mac doesn't see the renaming that was done. @Reedy also suggests that Linux is our best bet to handle such a problem or use gerrit download links and do a cherry pick on to master (not that a gerrit checkout link didn't work, still same problem).

The solutions:

We had to solve this by doing the following;

  • I pleaded with @Reedy to rebase the patch for me manually from his end as it seems he was using Linux while I was using a Mac. I was very sure that after the rebase, I will download the patch. He did the manual rebase, and baam, I could download the patch again and continue working smoothly.


  • Another solution Reedy produces was that we could use gerrit download links and then cherry-pick to master then fix the merge conflicts, but I tried one of the Gerrit download links (checkout to be precise), but it didn't work, I've not yet tried the others.

Thank you @Reedy.