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// API Query to get url of items in a category and display as links.

// Display prompt to take Category as user input.
var input = prompt( 'Please enter category name:', 'Chemistry' ),

	/* To get the url of the item pages in a category combine two API calls using generator.
  For this query, categorymembers and info have been combined.

	url = '*&generator=categorymembers&gcmlimit=20&prop=info&inprop=url';
url = url + '&gcmtitle=Category:' + input;

fetch( url )
	.then( function ( response ) { return response.json(); } )
	.then( function ( response ) {
		var text;
		// To check if category was found check whether query property exists in response returned.
		if ( response.hasOwnProperty( 'query' ) ) {
			var pages = response.query.pages,
				items = [], i;

			for ( var page in pages ) {
				items.push( { pageTitle: pages[ page ].title,
					pageUrl: pages[ page ].fullurl
				} );
			text = '<ul>';
			text += '<h1>The items in this category are:</h1>';
			for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
				text += "<li><a href='" + items[ i ].pageUrl + "'>" + items[ i ].pageTitle + '</a></li>';
			text += '</ul>';
		} else {
			text = '<h1>No category of the given name was found. Please try again.</h1>';
		document.getElementById( 'content' ).innerHTML = text;
	} )
	.catch( function ( error ) {
		console.log( error );
	} );