User:Revansx/meza/Installing MEZA 34.x on a local Centos 7 VM from scratch

This procedure is meant to help new users get acquainted with Mediawiki via Meza 

Prerequisite Downloads

  1. Oracle VirtualBox 7.0 from:
    • (Windows users will click the "Windows Hosts" link)
  2. ISO image of the Centos7 x86 64 bit installation DVD from:
    • pick from any of the mirrors listed - they are all the same

Install Oracle VirtualBox

  1. Click the VirtualBox Software Installed you downloaded above
  2. Perform a default installation (agree to everything as is)

Define a new VM in VBox (CENTOS7NEW)

  1. Launch VM VirtualBox Manager
    1. Click the blue "New" Top Menu Icon
      1. "Create Virtual Machine" Dialogue Box
      2. Set Name as: "CENTOS7NEW"
      3. Select Type: "Linux"
      4. Select Version: "Red Hat (64-bit)"
      5. Click "Next"
      6. Configure Memory Size: "4096M"
      7. Click "Next"
      8. Click "Create Virtual Machine virtual disk now"
      9. Change disk size from 20GB to 40GB
      10. Click "Next"
      11. Click "Finish"

Prep for a fresh install of Centos7

  1. Launch VM VirtualBox Manager
    1. Click "CENTOS7NEW" machine on the left to select the "CENTOS7NEW" machine
    2. Click "SETTINGS" in the top menu (big yellow gear)
      1. Viewing the CENTOS7NEW - Settings dialog box
        1. Click "Storage" on the left
          1. Click the Empty Blue CD/DVD Disk Icon to select the optical drive
            1. On the far right, click the Blue Disk Icon with the little black pulldown arrow on the far right
            2. In the dialogue box the appears, browse for and select the CENTOS7 DVD ISO file (you downloaded it earlier)
            3. ensure that the "Live CD/DVD" checkbox is selected
      2. Click "OK"

Install Centos7

  1. Start the CENTOS7NEW VM by clicking the "Start" in the top menu (big green arrow)
  2. Short start-up diagnostics
  3. Centos 7 install screens
    1. Using your arrows, select "Install CentOS7" and press "Enter"
    2. watch various Linux loading messages
      1. Choose "English", Click "Continue"
      2. Click "SOFTWARE SELECTION", select "GNOME Desktop" (no other options), Click "DONE"
      3. Click "INSTALLTION DESTINATION", Click "DONE" (this selects the default option of automatic partitioning of the only available disk)
      4. Click "NETWORK & HOST NAME",
        1. make sure the network adapter is ENABLED and is showing as "CONNECTED", click DONE
      5. NOTE - Host name is "localhost.localdomain" - just note this for future ref
    4. Click "Begin Installation"
      1. Once you click "Begin Installation" VBox will being installing Centos7
      2. While it is installing components, take a minute to set-up the accounts as follows:
        1. Set the root password to "wiki" (remember, this is just a demo vm, not a production system),
        2. Click "Done" twice to accept the simple password
        3. Create a user as:
          • Full Name: userx
          • username: userx
          • password: wiki
          • Click the "Make this user administrator" box
        4. Click Done twice to accept the simple password
      3. ...Wait for ~1407 packages to be installed..
  4. REBOOT When instructed

Perform updates and other misc post install configurations

  1. Login to the CENTOS7NEW VM
  2. Short start-up diagnostics
  3. Centos Boot Options
    1. Using your arrows, select "CentOS7" and press "Enter"
    2. more loading messages
    1. Choose "LICENSE INFO", agree to whatever, click Done
    2. Ensure that Network & Host Name is listed as CONNECTED
  6. Login Screen
    • Click "Userx" to login
    • Choose English
  7. Skip when you can
    • Close-out the "Getting Started" window
    • NOTE you are at the GUI desktop - congratulations
    1. Applications --> System Tools --> Setting --> Power --> Power Saving --> "Blank Screen" --> NEVER
    2. Applications --> Firefox --> Verify internet connection by opening a browser and visiting, close the bowser
    3. Applications --> System Tools --> Terminal
        1. sudo yum update -y
  9. Reboot

Install Guest Additions and other worthwhile stuff

  1. Login to the CENTOS7NEW VM
  2. Short start-up diagnostics
  3. Applications --> System Tools --> Terminal
      1. sudo yum install “kernel-devel-uname-r == $(uname -r)” (needed for guest editions)
      2. sudo yum install -y gcc (needed for guest editions)
      3. sudo yum install -y perl
      4. sudo yum install -y kernel-headers
      5. sudo yum install -y kernel-devel
      6. sudo yum install -y htop
  4. virtually Insert the "GuestAdditions" disk to the VM virtual optical drive by hovering over "Devices" and selecting "Insert Guest Additions CD image..." then launch it by double-clicking on the desktop
    1. Click "Run Software"
    2. wait while it builds the guest additions from scratch.
  5. Powerdown



Why? .. so that you don't have to do all the steps above ever again

  1. Make a clone of "CENTOS7NEW" called "CENTOS7MEZA34X"

Install Meza


At this point.. you should have a fully installed and fully updated Centos7 Linux Workstation with all the VBox Guest Additions installed.

Now its time to install Meza 😎 ..

  1. Login to the MYSERVER1 VM
  2. From the MYSERVER1 Desktop --> Applications --> System Tools --> Terminal:
    1. sudo yum install -y git - watch the package manager install the Git package
    2. sudo git clone /opt/meza - watch git download the meza project from Github and install it in the /opt/meza folder
    3. cd /opt/meza
      • change to the /opt/meza directory
    4. sudo git checkout "34.x"
      • switch to the 34.x branch of meza
    5. Verify that you are on the "34.x" branch
      • git status
    6. Only proceed once you have confirmed that you are on the 34.x branch
    7. go back down to the /opt directory
      1. cd .. to return to the /opt directory
    8. sudo bash /opt/meza/src/scripts/
      • watch the shell script perform all the first-time only configurations and install the meza playbooks as ansible commands
    9. Verify that MEZA is fixed to use PHP 7.2 per: Update php ius version to php 7.2
    10. sudo meza deploy monolith
      • enter: as the target
      • enter: abc123 as the database password
      • watch meza install and configure the entire MediaWiki software stack and all dependencies and extensions
        • If Meza crashes
          • Verify that Mediawiki Composer issue is fixed per:
      • wait for Meza to finish and report all tasks completed with no errors
  3. From MYSERVER1 Desktop --> Applications --> Internet --> Firefox
    1. visit https://localhost
    2. Click on the Demo Wiki
    3. Login as Admin with password adminpass
  4. Gratz! .. You are done.
