User:Legoktm/PHP 5.5
Notes on actually implementing the PHP 5.5 version bump:
Done Create parameter-function wrapper - Gerrit change 268031
Done Create php55lint job - Gerrit change 268047
Done Create php-composer-package-test variant for php55
Done Make /usr/bin/php a wrapper that uses $PHP_BIN to figure out which PHP version to use (T126211)
Done Create php-composer-test variant for php55
Done Add php55 jobs for master & new release branches, but not old ones
Not done Announce to wikitech-l changes, and wait for wmf.13 branch cut
Done Drop php53 jobs from master & new release branches
Done Merge version bump in mediawiki/vendor - Gerrit change 266932
Done Merge version bump in mediawiki/core - Gerrit change 266931
- Update MW Codesniffer to require [arrays, like, this], and release it
- Set up separate branch for 5.3 compat?
- Why? Just have old repos still on 5.3 use the old coding conventions from 0.5.1 and not 0.6.x?
- Set up separate branch for 5.3 compat?
- Bump MW core codesniffer dependency, and do mass conversion to square bracket arrays
- For fun, we should see how many bytes this shrinks the codebase.
- Start converting extensions, etc.