The original concept for the MWVersionInfo extension was to have a complex ContentHandler extension that had a page for each release, aggregating the data into a database table. It would power an upgrade API, which was my main goal. Here's my newer, simpler proposal:
Done A MediaWiki namespace JSON page to replace the data currently in Module:Version
- Bonus points for also moving the Lua code into an extension-provided Lua library
- An API that returns the latest supported MediaWiki versions. You should be able to provide your current version and it'll tell you if you're up to date or recommend a version to upgrade to (including tracking LTS or not).
- Initially should return the full version and a link to the tarball.
- We can add in more data like if it was a security release, etc. later
- We should also include the last release for obsolete versions since people will now need to step upgrade through versions since you can't one-shot upgrade to latest release anymore.
- If we have a PHP class that returns the list of supported branches, ExtensionDistributor can get its config from there instead of maintaining a separate list.
Mock API parameters:
- current=1.35.1
- return info on latest 1.35 release
- current=1.35
- return info latest 1.35 release
- current=lts
- return info on latest LTS release
- current=1.34
- return info on latest 1.35 release
- current=1.31.1
- return info on latest 1.31 release, maybe optionally suggest 1.35 as well?