User:KHarlan (WMF)/Growth team products graduation

A futuristic vision Wellcome V0041098

Someday in the future we would like for our products (Growth/Personalized first day/Newcomer homepage, Growth/Focus on help desk/Help panel, Growth/Personalized first day/Welcome survey) to be usable on any wiki.

Agenda / Questions:

  1. Desirability (5 minutes)
    1. Do we think other wikis are interested?
    2. Are we interested?
  2. Feasibility (30 minutes )
    1. Homepage
    2. Help panel
      1. on-wiki configuration of links
    3. Welcome survey
      1. have some way that the survey results are used to personalize the new user page and add categories for discoverability?
    4. Miscellaneous
      1. Should logging be on, etc?
  3. Next steps (10 minutes)
    1. Action items and timeline