
MediaWiki Installation

1. Install Apache, SQL, and PHP or You can install xampp from Apache Friends.

2. After Installation, To test it go in your browser and open http://localhost

3. (For Stable Version) Download the latest version of MediaWiki from Download. And Extract files from mediawiki.tar.gz and put it into htdocs(xammp)


3. (For Core version) Clone the MediaWiki-Core from into htdocs.

4. Goto on http://localhost and click on set up a wiki and Select the language and then Continue.


5. Now MediaWiki will check your environment, After that You can click on Continue.


6. Now It will ask for Database Information to connect the wiki with Database. After filling the form click on Continue.


7. Select the Database Setting. and click on Continue.


8. Now MediaWiki will ask about your Wiki information and one Default User account. After filling the form click on Continue.


9. Now MediaWiki will ask about your Wiki Configuration. After filling the form click on Continue.


10. Now MediaWiki will ask to confirm your action. Click on Continue.


11. Now MediaWiki will create the Database Tables fow your wiki. After that click on Continue.


12. Now Installation on Wiki has complete, Now you need to Download your LocalSettings.php file and paste it on MediaWiki root folder.


13. Click on enter your wiki.