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A                  { color:#0033cc; }
A.stubcls          { color:#722D7A; }              { color:#cc0000; }
A.redirect         { color:#00DD00; }
A.self-redirect    { background-color:#88ff88; }
A.disambiguation   { background-color:#FFFF00; }
A.intentional-disambiguation   { background-color:#FFFF00; }
A.soft-redirect-cats { background-color:#FFFF00; }
A.deletion         { outline:2px solid #FF00FF; }
A.broken-redirect  { color:#cc0000; background-color:#00DD00; }
#bodyContent a.external:visited, #bodyContent a.extiw:visited { color:#0033cc; } 
A:visited          { color:#0033cc; }
A.stubcls:visited  { color:#722D7A; }      { color:#cc0000; }
A.redirect:visited { color:#00DD00; }
A.deletion:visited { outline:2px solid #FF00FF; }
A.broken-redirect:visited { color:#cc0000; background-color:#00DD00; }
#bodyContent a.external, #bodyContent a.extiw { color:#0033cc; }  
A.unprintworthy:not(.unprintworthy-shortcut)    { outline:1px dotted #FA0100; }  
A.image.redirect         > IMG { outline:2px solid #00DD00; } /* Doesn't work, because the generated link goes to the redirect target */
A.image.nonfree-media    > IMG { outline:3px double #FA0100; }
A.image.deletion         > IMG { outline:2px solid #FF00FF; }
A.image.deletion:visited > IMG { outline-color:#FF00FF; }

/* New messages */
.usermessage {
    background-color: #CCCCFF;
    border: 3px solid #0000FF;
    color: #000000;
    font-weight: bold;