User:Deskana (WMF)/Apps/iOS/Testing20140909

  • Further point out saved pages icon in the saved pages menu
  • Change the ... of the more menu to a cog
  • Edit icon more coloured
  • Wikimedia icon... somewhere. "Made by Wikimedians around the world"
  • There should be a confirm dialogue if you press back during an edit
  • Why is there so much whitespace at the bottom of the article?

Infobox appears to have disappeared on North West England.

Clicking on an image gives no indication that the next page is loading. Clicking on links makes them go orange momentarily, but it's still quite subtle.

Swipe right pulls in the TOC after the gesture is complete, instead of in-sync with the gesture. Swipe left does nothing, but could go back (and show the last article sliding in as you pull).

Switching language requires srolling to the bottom of the page. Pain in the arse on long articles.

While making a change, scrolling down past show 'Preview' shows nothing while the preview is loading.

Edit page should take focus so you know it's editable?

Login briefly shows a tiny success message then takes me to the menu(?). There is on indication I am logged in (other than the missing 'Log in' item in the menu) or who I am logged in as. Log out is also hidden at the bottom of the settings page. When I logout I am taken back to the article, with no indication that my action was successful.

Big bugs

  • Visiting the main page via the side bar causes the content to shift down by 80% when you try to scroll, leaving a big blank space; can't scroll up or down
  • Search Crash (click on 5 blue links from different links, then search for a few articles. I used some random articles but was able to reproduce the crash twice. Testing Device: IPOD)
  • Search Crash (search for Event Horizon, app crashes. If you search again it works)

Minor bugs

  • "You can read this article in 1 other languages" should be "…1 other language" (respect plurals)
  • "Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0" loads in a browser page, not locally, but isn't marked as such
  • Not warned when abandoning an edit that's part made (type some chars)

Design queries / quibbles

  • The "pull-to-refresh" page motion uses . . . . animation which feels odd – "traditionally" apps use the standard version, or a circular animation
  • Navigation is on top when you edit but on bottom when you're reading
  • Moving the infobox means you're surprised when you click edit to find it's on top
  • Should external links have an "are you sure" confirm dialog?
  • References drawer is a bit heavy
  • Some animation from page to page so it's obvious you moved?
  • "Loading" / notification message is too subtle
  • Article history page doesn't give context until you close it
  • "You can read this article in 1 other languages" should ideally be "… one other language" (word not number for fewer than 11).
  • "Recent" is… recently edited? recently edited by me? recently read? Trending pages? Ah, it's "articles I've recently read"… maybe "Recent reads" or "My recent reads"?
  • I don't know what the icons in the left gutter of the list of "Recent" pages is
  • Maybe show a drawer preview of a link (Hovercard in the same drawer used for references) rather than load it immediately?
  • If the TOC fits on the page, maybe show the whole thing when you're scrolled down, not just the last time?
  • ... doesn't scream settings to me.
  • The menu doesn't feel attached to the content – maybe it should slide over from the left rather than appear?
  • The menu feels very "Windows Phone" – totally unlike what I'd expect from an iOS environment, solid black background with solid white text and no affordances… it took me a second to realise they were links, thought they were headings and was waiting for the content to snap in
  • X in the menu is a "go back", so should be "<"
  • In settings, "Search English Wikipedia" feels a bit odd that what it means is "reading English Wikipedia"
  • Raw number of articles feels odd as the sort order for languages to change to – Waray-Waray really isn't going to get read that much (mostly bot created); maybe surface widely-spoken languages
  • Raw number of articles sort order for languages to change to is out of date (Swedish went on a bot spree recently)
  • Every edit link is a section edit link – hard to merge two sections or delete three of them
  • Why does the "This page is protected" message warrant an OS notify modal, but other messages just come up in context?
  • Maybe hack the sound file to not take you to an ogg File: page on iOS as you can't do anything with it once there (or even go back)
  • "Share" button's "copy" is "copy link", not copy article which is what I assumed it would be…

  • Using Random article is slow compared to search
  • It's weird that on a tablet the viewport is not fixed given that we only have 5 elements. They only take up half of the screen
  • Ability to delete individual saved pages,also Recent Pages section does not have that.
  • App doesn't show install version name making it hard to know if you have store, testflight, or other

The touch precesion for Edit button is not consistent

  • Edit pencil touch sensitivity isn't consistent

when I dont find any matching language from language selector, if I cross the selector, it takes me to a blank page.And I cannot see any more article after that, Going to Random,Today also does not bring up any article except blank page.Screenshot is in the device

scrolling to the end of the article quickly, makes all the menu options disappear

Closing the language selector , after making the language search box blank, takes user back to the search page instead of the article he was reading .Clciking on Random afterwards also brings up a list of search results.I kept a screenshot of that in the device.The steps are given below:

  1. Go to the Serach section:Type in a search string.You can type a search string which has some matches or does not have any match
  2. Cancel to close the seach panel
  3. Now Open the language selector for any page
  4. Now type a language name which does not exist and click on "Done" on keyboard
  5. Again tapon the search box , delete the search term and click on "Done" on keyboard.
  6. Close the language selector

Observed Result:

  • If your search results on step 1 had some search results, it will take you to that search result page. But, if you had no match , it will take you back to blank page,instead of taking you back to the article.
  • After this point, tapping on any other article from any other section(Recent,Saved Pages,Random,Today) does not bring up any article.The only way to get out of this situation is to quit the app from the background and restart.

  • Wikipedia: Verifiability Page. The table a half scroll down on the right falls off of the screen.
  • Verifiability page- when clicking the deriviation link the page loads a little slow and then sizing is off initially and a second later it resizes in a subtle way but visible.
  • Not sure as to why the pop over on the Verifiability page "cantents' (blue and black) covers most of the screen is there given the same links are impedded in the main page. Also too much unused black space.
  • Sizing issues in general with text not cooalating properly and content falling off the pages.
  • Page: 'Template Messages/sources of articles' links turn from blue to red and do not lead to the page it's supposed to direct to. Shortcut box on same page doesn't function. If you tap it the loading spinner moves and then verifies the article was loaded but nothing new has been loaded.
  • Ayuda: Tutorial page en espanol has four tabs and the far right tab is falling off of the side of the page making the copy in the fourth to right box illegible for a beginier
  • The Tutorial on the Mirandese language page tutorial tabs do not work and most links do not work.
  • Verifiability page. I hit a link on that page and the loading article load spinned for a while with the loading article message going and then timed out and a time out message showed up.
  • Category content guidlines page has a side bar that comes up from the right side with a 1/4 small box and 3/4 black and if you hit the blue box `contents' the box goes away and stays on the same page.

this is mostly on policy pages like Red links on policy pages don't go anywhere

  • Three dots are not apparent. Use Settings text instead
  • Odd russian translation for Login. Says introduce yourself instead - that's the standard wording used by Russian MW localization:) prolly makes sense to leave it here, too
  • fr: Etats-Unis (United States) table scrolls off the screen
  • Portal pages look horrible


  • Manchester wiki page: toc froze as white blank half-screen, links didn't work, tapping toc button again did not work. app had to be killed. did not replicate issue
  • after making edit and tapping back button, no notification that an edit was made and did i want to abandon the edits or similar messaging
    • same for finishing edit
  • navigation buttons are on bottom of the page on wiki page, but on edit pages they are at the top... why?
  • heart icon vs star icon for 'favorite/saved' pages
  • "copy" copies the name of article and url of article together - was that the intention..?
  • scrolling down gets rid of the menu bar option. however, the menu bar stays there entire time while scrolling up. consistency needed? do people want the menu bar all the time? can we make it a generally collapsible thing?
  • navigationally difficult to go from scrolling through in-page charts and then trying to either scroll up or down the page to continue seeing more content. also difficult is sometimes the ToC will pop-up when you're just trying to scroll through the chart, and then when you WANT the ToC to come up, you only move the chart
  • can't see refreshing page unless i scroll up and keep it there
  • in test wiki, no indication that i went from app to page. functionalities slightly different, confusing mindset
  • i was asked to log in on to edit, vs i can edit anonymously on app
  • i happened to search 'chiune sugihara' and got a bunch of in-app results. after the list of search results (of which the enwiki result took me to that page i mentioned above) is a bunch of random looking code (fyi. doesn't look like it should appear after search results)


  • No confirmation in the menu that I'm logged in
  • Page rendering seems very strange
  • Icons are very heavy (line width)
  • TOC left swipe seems not as sensitive
  • refreshing article -- should have animation when page is refreshing
  • first-time save for offline message persisted after navigating to another article
  • incorrect log-in message still not very visible
  • "Don't have an account? Join Wikipedia" --> action is not clear (entire message is the same font and color)
  • Save message should be more visible -- I edited Barack Obama and the save action is taking a long time (which may just be the way it is), but the message is not very visible
  • No confirmation that I've completed the edit


  • When entering "other" -- doesn't give feedback of the edit summary that I just entered
  • Many things to do on search -- if the app is going to be used as a destination, then search is much more important on the app than on desktop web or mobile web (where google is basically *our search engine)
    • simple feature -- I really like what yelp recently did by pre-selecting the previous search term (see This saves a tap and makes the experience more enjoyable
    • More advanced search features: take a look at Zappos

Analytics: I notice in the history we capture how the user got to the page -- e.g., search vs. link. Can we get this data overall, or per user? Would be a good supplement to the app readership data the analytics team is working with the team on

Notes on Event

  • Confusion from testers about what’s expected - sheet of paper up on the wall explaining it, just about collecting feedback not responding to criticism
  • Not enough devices - get the devices ready the night before
  • Great turnout 8 - 1:4 ratio of staff to volunteer is probably good
  • No shared ether pad - set this up beforehand
  • lots of talk between testers -
  • Lila even joined it :-D
  • Introduce who is hosting and what their responsibilities are -
  • Rotate devices if your short
  • Have someone write down issues if person has no laptop - next time get etherpad projected in the area
  • were not here to respond to feedback - should point it out
  • Food!