
 A Liang Chen's Extension for MediaWiki
 Add Article to Category
 Release Date: 2007/01/19
 Update Date: 2007/03/09 to 0.1.9, fix a bug in zip file which may cause problem in style.

 * Extended by Cynthia Mattingly @ Marketing Factory Consulting
 * Add Category under Category added
 * Localisation file created and built in

if( !defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )

$wgExtensionCredits['other'][] = array(
    'name' => 'Add Article to Category',
    'description' => 'Your MediaWiki will get an inputbox on each Category page, and you can create a new article directly to that category',
    'author' => 'Liang Chen The BiGreat',
     'url' => ''
$wgHooks['EditFormPreloadText'][] = 'addcategory';
$wgHooks['CategoryPageView'][] = 'categorychange';

$dir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
$wgExtensionMessagesFiles['AddArticleToCategory'] = $dir . 'AddArticleToCategory.i18n.php';

function addcategory(&$text)
	wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'AddArticleToCategory' );
	if ( array_key_exists('category', $_GET) && array_key_exists('new', $_GET)) {
		$cname = $_GET['category'];
		$wnew = $_GET['new'];

		if ($wnew==1)
			$text = "\n\n [[category:".$cname."]]";

	return true;

function categorychange($catpage)
	global $wgContLang;
	wfLoadExtensionMessages( 'AddArticleToCategory' );

	$boxtext  = wfMsg( 'createarticleundercategory_text' );
	$btext = wfMsg( 'createarticleundercategory_button' );;
	$boxtext2  = wfMsg( 'createcategoryundercategory_text' );
	$btext2 = wfMsg( 'createcategoryundercategory_button' );;
	global $wgOut;
	global $wgScript;
	$Action = htmlspecialchars( $wgScript );

	$cattitle = $wgContLang->getNsText( NS_CATEGORY );

<!-- Add Article Extension Start - P by BiGreat-->
<script type="text/javascript">
function clearText(thefield){
if (thefield.defaultValue==thefield.value)
thefield.value = ""
function addText(thefield){
	if (thefield.value=="")
	thefield.value = thefield.defaultValue 

function addTextTitle(thefield){
	if (thefield.value=="") {
		thefield.value = thefield.defaultValue;
	} else {
		thefield.value = '{$cattitle}:'+thefield.value;
<table border="0" align="right" width="423" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="100%" align="right" bgcolor="">
<form name="createbox" action="{$Action}" onsubmit="addTitle('createboxInput')" method="get" class="createbox">
	<input type='hidden' name="action" value="edit">
	<input type='hidden' name="new" value="1">
	<input type='hidden' name="category" value="{$catpage->mTitle->getText()}">

	<input class="createboxInput" name="title" type="text" value="{$boxtext}" size="38" style="color:#666;" onfocus="clearText(this);" onblur="addText(this);"/>	
	<input type='submit' name="create" class="createboxButton" value="{$btext}"/>	
<form name="createbox" action="{$Action}" method="get" class="createbox">
	<input type='hidden' name="action" value="edit">
	<input type='hidden' name="new" value="1">
	<input type='hidden' name="category" value="{$catpage->mTitle->getText()}">

	<input class="createboxInput" name="title" type="text" value="{$boxtext2}" size="38" style="color:#666;" onfocus="clearText(this);" onblur="addTextTitle(this);"/>	
	<input type='submit' name="create" class="createboxButton" value="{$btext2}"/>	
<!-- Add Article Extension End - P by BiGreat-->
	return true;