User:CKoerner (WMF)/Graph frame update

Screenshot of a graph showing the frame and caption features

Graphs now behave like other embedded media elements in wiki pages. They now have options to appear within a frame, alignment within the page, and text attributes such as captions, alternative text, and titles.

By default graphs have a frame around their content. If a frame is unwanted, you can provide the frameless attribute to your graphs.

Graphs can also be set to left, center, and right alignment. align=center

Lastly, graphs can have text attributes.

Add a caption to describe what is being displayed. caption="This is a caption."

alt="Alternate text" provides alternative information for a graph. This is useful if the reader can not view the graph. If the alt attribute is not specified but caption is, the alternative text will be created automatically from caption.

Lastly, for the graphs marked with mode=interactive, the title attribute specifies extra information about a graph. This is displayed on hover when the graph is still static. If title is not specified but caption is, the title text will be created automatically from caption.

Learn more about Graphs and please leave feedback or suggestions. Thank you for your time ~ ~ ~ ~