
Show the commits that are in your current branch, but not origin -- i.e., whether you're ahead of origin and by which commits.

git rev-list origin..HEAD

Show the commits that are in your origin, but not current branch-- i.e., whether you're behind of origin and by which commits.

git rev-list HEAD..origin

Show information about a specific commit

git show 36b314c

Reset to a previous commit.

git reset --hard hash/master

Rebase and merge:

git rebase master
git mergetool
git rebase --continue

Commit all changed files:

git commit -a

Amend the previous commit with all changed files:

git commit -a --amend

To commit push to gerrit review:

git push origin HEAD:refs/publish/master
git push origin HEAD:refs/drafts/master

Delete a git tag (and do it on remote)

git tag -d 12345
git push origin :refs/tags/12345