Translations:Wikimedia Apps/Team/Android/Places/124/en

  • Design completed usability testing with the Places feature and provided recommendations for improvement based on the findings.
  • How did users do navigating the feature? In summary:
    • 5/10 had no issues finding the 'Places' feature under 'More'
    • 5/10 had no issues using the map and the feature (there isn't just one way of doing it)
    • 5/10 had no issues using the search
    • 4/10 knew how to update the app’s location permission settings on their device (1/10 did not follow the task’s instructions)
    • 4/10 found the timing of the survey appropriate (evaluated by observing or actively outspoken, 1/10 did not see the survey prompt, likely due to pre-opening the app)
    • 3/10 were confused by the 'Watch' option in the overflow menu
    • 2/10 had issues identifying what the green dots are (articles without images)
    • 2/10 suggested adding a map preview on the article page
  • Recommendations:
    • Investigate why some articles that have images don’t display a circular thumbnail on the map
    • Explore alternative placeholders for articles without a location. We are currently using the green dots, some participants had issues understanding them.
    • Don’t display the language tooltip in the 'Places' search screen