Translation suggestions: Topic-based & Community-defined lists/How to use the features

The following guide will help contributors and campaign organisers use the translation suggestion features in the Content translation tool.

How to access the Content Translation (CX) tool on mobile


The CX on mobile (also called the Section Translation) can be accessed through the following ways:

  • Option 1: The "Language" selector when you open a Wikipedia article like this one, type the language you want to translate to in the search box and click on the "Write a new translation" button to access the Content translation tool on mobile, as shown below.
  • Option 2: The "Translations" button, accessed from the "Contribute" icon found in the dropdown menu (this entry point is only available for accounts without contributions in the Wiki where the "Contribute" entry point is enabled).

Topic selection and Collections guide


1. How to navigate the filter types

The “For You” filter type gives suggestions based on editing history.

The “Popular” filter type provides suggestions where there’s no past edit history.

The “...More” filter allows one to navigate and view different topic labels.

2. How to navigate the topic labels

The single selection of a topic from the

"...More" filter, displays translation suggestions related to the selected topic. For example, the selection of Art displays translation suggestions related to Art, the same way, the single selection of Sport will show translation suggestions related to Sports.

Below is an illustration that shows how to change topics.


3. How to navigate the "Collections" and "All collections" labels

Selection of Vital Articles brings translation suggestions related to vital articles.

Selection of All Collections brings translation suggestions related to all available collections (Pages including a page collection).


4. How to add the collection marker to campaign/wiki project pages on Meta

Once a Meta page for a campaign/wikiproject is listed with articles needing translation, follow the steps below to add the page collection marker:
  • Click on Edit/ Edit Source on your Meta page.
  • Copy and Paste this html marker to the bottom of the Meta page.

<page-collection> </page-collection>

  • Please note that your list page must be in Meta for the tag to work.

Give the system a maximum of 1 hour for the list to appear on the CX mobile tool.